Additional Comments                   Council’s Response


Question 1 re the five activity zones


Concerns expressed about Flood Risks

The risk of flooding will need to be taken into account with any development proposals. The recommended ground level and flood protection level recommended by the Environment Agency is 3.1 metres above Ordnance Datum or 3.5 metres above OD where a site is exposed to wave action.

Potential environmental impact of proposals.

These will be assessed when more detailed proposals are prepared. The need to understand the in combination effects of all proposals on the designated areas is recognised.

Concerned that the beauty of the Medina Valley will be  diminished by ribbon development from Cowes to Newport. Enhancement should be concentrated in Cowes and East Cowes.

The strategy is seeking not only enhancement of the economy and physical fabric of settlements but also enhancement of the features or areas important for nature conservation.

Question 2 re Zone 1


Will the Gateway be supported by improved roads. A number of respondents have illustrated the need for a new road link from Well Road to serve the relocated ferry terminal and marshalling areas.

The adequate road access to and within developments will need to be detailed as proposals are worked up. Key traffic generators such as the ferry may require new road construction along the lines suggested.

The area from East Cowes Green to Castle Point appears to be undeveloped. This area provides excellent views of yacht racing which should be capitalised on.

The open undeveloped sea front is recognised as providing good public views. The public open space north of the Schrape is seen as a valuable asset. If additional viewing areas can be provided these will be additional assets for the town.

Town centre needs to have sufficient variety of shops to attract locals to them and provide all year revenue.

The regeneration of the town centre areas will need suitable shops and other facilities to attract both locals and visitors.

Concerns about the relocation of Red Funnel Terminal and impact on town.

The area around the existing terminal could be used to improve marshalling.

The current problems of access and parking are the prime reason for seeking to relocate the terminal so that these can be resolved. The vacated current marshalling areas then provide the opportunity for the creation of a new centre for the town. Utilising adjoining parts of the GKN site for marshalling creates further use of public highway for embarking vehicles due to geometry of linkspan.

“Controlled public access” by what whom and when.

Some users of waterfront land may involve occasional operations which would prevent public access on health and safety grounds but such areas could be usable by the public for much of the time. The Yacht Haven is an example of this in practice.

Island should have a dedicated Freight Terminal away from residential areas. Freight traffic should be embarked and disembarked in Zone 3, not through the town.

The provision of separate freight and car ferries is a matter for  ferry operators. Previous proposals for freight only ferries operation from Zone 3 have not materialised.

Fear that Old Road will be used as a route from the ferry terminal.

It is unlikely that the road network to serve a relocated ferry terminal would use Old Road due to its width and construction shortcomings.

That the Sylvan Avenue/Oak Tree Way area should be improved for public enjoyment.

This area is allocated in the UDP with adjoining land for residential development

Too much emphasis on boating and tourism in East Cowes, marina and ferry terminal proposals create dead car and boat parking areas where E Cowes has the most potential. Could become indistinguishable to many other waterfront areas.

Use of parts of harbour to accommodate growing need can ensure that East Cowes shares in the economic benefits brought by yachting and re-enforce linkages with Cowes.

Marina concept welcomed but need to ensure noise levels are monitored. Noise of occupants of concern.

Boat rigging does have the potential to be noisy if not properly secured. Occupants potentially more difficult to control.

Marina exposure to westerly winds

The detailed design of the marine will need to take account of westerly exposure.

Marina should include public landing stages.

The marina is likely to incorporate public landing facilities replacing those enclosed and also visitor berths and landing facilities.

Convert the Barracks into luxury apartments to preserve the Victorian history of East Cowes. Victorian theme street furniture

It will be important to retain some existing buildings within the regeneration development to provide continuity and historic linkages. There may be a number of appropriate uses for such buildings which will ensure their retention.

New breakwater should be closer to East Cowes. Where does it link to the shore?

The illustration of a possible offshore breakwater is diagrammatic and much work and analysis will need to be undertaken before the most appropriate location is identified. It will not link back to the shore.

Comments on recent planning approval at Shepards Wharf and suggestion that it should be reconsidered in conjunction with Thetis Wharf. Seeking 20tonne boat lift on site.

It is open for other proposals to be brought forward for consideration.

GKN Columbine hanger could be used for Marine and Aviation Centre and Classic Boat Museum, including employment.

Not aware of how such a proposal would be funded in such a large building. Detailed consideration of future use for employment making use of waterfront location could include display space.

Support the provision of a pier from the Parade in Cowes and making the Parade parking free.

The importance of the Parade as a public area for seeing the Harbour activities is acknowledged. Proposals for a summer pontoon pier are being worked up by the Harbour Commissioners. Parking is already restricted and other uses accommodated in peak weeks and for major events.

Question 3 re Zone 2


Need for deep water access sites in the zone to remain in marine industry use. Clarification of precise nature of specialist facilities sought. What is the future of the crane.

Marine related business is the basis for the framework in this zone. The nature of facilities will depend on the occupies attracted to the site and their needs. The crane is currently operational, Long term future not known.

Seek clarification on future use of deepest natural water asset which is highly marketable and a core essential requirement.

The zoning of the deepest water quays for marine business uses is intended to ensure that these are available for employment generating uses which require access to deep water.

Objection to site 15 Osborne Works being included in Zone 2 as it is not marine related. Objection to park and ride suggestion as site is suitable for new employment uses.

The Osborne Works site is not indicated in the SDF for marine employment in Zone 2 but is recognised as being available for new employment development. It is allocated for employment use in the UDP.

Are these existing firms or is there a waiting list of hopeful new comers.

A probable mix of existing firms needing to expand or upgrade and incoming or new companies. The need is to ensure that there is space available for both.

Question 4 re Zone 3




Concern about environmental sensitivity of the area on the east bank south of the power station.

This area relates to the UDP marine related employment proposal and enabling housing development which was subject of examination at the UDP Public Inquiry which concluded that the area could be developed.

The Zone could benefit form a freight terminal

Previous proposals for a freight only ferry service from this zone failed to materialise as a commercial proposition.

Concern that site 14 should not be developed for housing, Unnecessary extension to East Cowes. Question compatibility with aggregates operations and access to shops for future residents.

Site 14 comprises two related development proposals considered at the UDP public inquiry. To the east of Kingston Copse is proposed new residential development as an extension to the East Cowes settlement and to enable access from Whippingham Road and to the estuary for land to the west of Kingston Copse to be developed for marine related employment uses.

The Kingston housing allocation should not be seen as just enabling development for the waterfront industry but as an essential development in its own right to meet the Island’s housing needs.

Whilst the Kingston allocation does fulfil part of the UDP housing needs, the area allocated was increased and justified during the preparation of the UDP by the additional costs of providing access to and the environmental issues relating to the employment allocation. The UDP policy expects the access to be provided with the housing development.

The Kingston development should include a heavy duty road link from the Kingston Wharf oil depot and aggregate wharf  to link to Whippingham Road to take commercial traffic away from Minerva Road and Victoria Grove. Disagree that part could be served from the North. How was the Artic Road Cowes built.

This is envisaged in the UDP proposals for this area. The road should pick up on the  alignment of the road base which was constructed to serve the non marine employment area behind the power station to provide the linkage to the south. The Artic Road link in Cowes was built as a requirement for the release of land for housing development, the same principle as for the Kingston proposals.

The joint funding and overall assessment of essential environmental analysis is supported so that costs are fairly shared.

It is important that the ‘in combination’ impacts of the various proposed changes to the estuary are understood and appropriate mitigation provided for any adverse impacts.

UDP Policy protecting waterfront industry could be seen as being in conflict with some of the broader aims of the SDF.  where an alternative land use may be considered more appropriate. How then can the SPG be adopted without making changes to the UDP?

The principle thrust of the SDF is for the regeneration of employment opportunities and in particular marine related employment. This is reflected in the zones and provision for marine related employment on waterfront sites. It is considered that the SPG is consistent with the UDP and  directs development opportunities to locations of greatest overall benefit. In some instances it is a matter of balancing and weighing different policies and material considerations ensuring that the best solution is chosen. An example would be the balancing of either retaining employment land or seeing improvements to ferry terminal facilities and releasing land for town centre improvements.

Comment about the ‘dilution’ of marine industry relating to proposals for facilities at Kingston. Need a lift out facility in Zone 2 on the Cowes side. Moving boats from Cowes to Kingston to access 30 tonne boat lift will create traffic congestion

This relates to specific proposals to relocate boat storage and lift out facilities from Zone 1. The facilities are not being lost from the Harbour.  Boats using the storage area in Kingston will probably arrive by water rather than road. It is likely that a lift out facility will form part of the marine business park area in Cowes in Zone 2

Would like details of proposed marine industries at PD Wharf.

The northern part of PDs site does not at present have direct waterfront access. It could be developed in a similar way to the Victory Yard to the north with shared slipway and pontoon facilities.

Not sure that residential development at Kingston sit well with aggregate wharfs. Marinas attractive but not addressing local housing need  and will be empty for most of year.

Allocation for housing is separated from the waterfront and aggregate wharfs. It should be for normal market housing use and will include proportion of affordable units as required by IDP policy

Users of this zone will not have easy access to the shops in Zone 1 particularly for East Cowes.

Zone 1 will be the closest town shopping area. Users of the area may also help support existing small local shops.

Question 5 re Zone 4




Suggestion that the SARO site is not suitable for marine or other heavy industry due to shallow water and poor road access and should be used for high quality residential development or 4 star lodge style hotel/spa.

Established  land use of site is industry and  employment use although currently unused. The site is in the countryside so use for residential development would be contrary to principles and policies of UDP.

Underused/Dormant sites proposed for marine employment which should be moved to zone 3 or zone 5 and the sites turned onto parks and walks.

The sites at Stag lane and SARO at the  Folly have extant employment uses which could be beneficially re-activated. Some suggested alternative uses may be contrary to UDP policy. It is anticipated that Stag Lane site will continue to be used or redeveloped. At SARO a reversion to natural features is a possibility either by default if it is not used or if funding to acquire and clear the sites can be found.

Don’t enhance natural and unspoilt areas with eyesore construction and themed nature trails etc.

Enhancements envisage may include interpretation material but aim should be to improve and enhance the areas  habitats and natural environment.

Question 6 re Zone 5




Suggestion that too much activity in the area would be detrimental to the environment.

Zone 5 relates to the built extent of  Newport Harbour.

The pub and hotel should be the limit of development; not extend into Seaclose.

The brief does not envisage development of Newport Harbour further north than the Medina Quay Pub

Question 7 re Proposal appraisal questions




Suggestion that the guidance should provide specific landuse designations for sites.

The Strategic Development Framework Vision for the area should be agreed before the more detailed site specific work is undertaken.

Concerns that question x and xi relating to developer contributions should sit within planning law.

Question (x) relates to the exception (on some sites) to the UDP policy of reserving employment land for employment purposes if it can be proven that enabling development is required to deliver the main employment development.

Question (xi) relates to the need to ensure that appropriate infrastructure is provided to serve all development proposals including off site infrastructure requirements. Any contributions sought towards services or infrastructure will clearly need to relate to the requirements generated by the development proposed in accordance with Government policy.

If questions represent only questions to assess planning applications then the are far too broad brush.

The questions suggested for the SPG are in addition to the wide range of issues already looked at when the Council determine planning applications.

The questions would be appropriate if the SDF provided a practical and properly researched basis for regenerating Cowes and the Medina Valley. Vision not sufficiently focussed or established and zones not properly substantiated. Refer to letter.

Letter seeks alternative mixed and enabling development of current and proposed commercial wharf area at Medina Wharf. This site lies outside the development envelope of Cowes. The introduction of enabling, presumably, residential development  would be contrary to UDP policy.

Suggested further questions


Will the development affect existing natural habitats, including regenerating woodland on brownfield sites, and if so will steps be taken to minimise this impact, which also relates to tourism and Agenda 21?

The impact of any development on existing landscape feature and natural habitats is one of the material consideration when considering any planning application. Decisions are made on the basis of the UDP and cannot be guaranteed protect all features.

Does the proposal consider local concerns as to any building/s that may be required on the site, if so could they be in the correct area to minimise aesthetic problems from all positions?

The policies in section G and D of the UDP provide the basis for considering if the location and design of buildings are appropriate.

Does the proposal significantly impact upon the traffic density on the River Medina and if so can the Medina absorb that extra traffic without other improvements.

The volume and tonnage of traffic on the River Medina is less now than when commercial shipping played a greater role in bringing goods to the Island. The harbour authorities for Cowes and Newport monitory the safety of navigation within the estuary. A detailed study is being undertaken to look at the environmental carrying capacity of the estuary to ensure that development is sustainable.

Will this improve and enhance Cowes’ maritime heritage


Will the development be beneficial to the residents in the immediate area.

Consideration of proposals for any development will take account of the potential impact on existing neighbouring property and occupants.

Have local people really had an opportunity to understand what is intended, how it will benefit them as council tax payers and will the project bring more problems to E Cowes than advantages?


Will the proposal enhance the nature conservation features of the European site and of its immediate hinterland?

This relates closely to question (vii) which looks at potential impact on nature conservation features. All development which has a potential significant impact (whether positive of negative) on features of European site importance has to be subject of an appropriate assessment before it is granted planning approval.

Do the plans allow for development of retail, entertainment, accommodation and leisure in East Cowes.

Question (vi) would be relevant to the mixed use and town centre uses areas in East Cowes.

Need to include additional community facilities within proposals eg pre school/play centre; theatre; arts/craft centre; community centre in St Andrews Street; doctors surgeries; ensure sufficient affordable housing; local housing needed not second homes;

These are issues which should be considered as the briefs for various areas are formulated.

A number of respondents refer to the problems of a lack of car parking facilities in both Cowes and East Cowes.

The provision of an appropriate level of parking facilities is an issue to be addressed in relation to the regeneration of East Cowes town centre. There are fewer opportunities for additional parking facilities in Cowes town centre. Any applications for development will be appraised in accordance with the UDP parking guidelines.

Some respondents commented that they wished the proposals were in greater detail for then to understand.

It is the nature of the strategic development framework that it attempting to reach agreement about the principles of regenerating the area before progressing to more detailed proposals and development briefs for sites, areas and locations over the coming years.

The Medina Estuary south of Island Harbour should be locked to create an attractive high water level for berths in Newport and a dinghy sailing area.

This part of the tidal Estuary is designated SPA and cSAC for European Nature Conservation importance so the proposal to enlock the area would not be acceptable.

Additional Comments.


The plan is too woolly to allay fears

It is the intention that the broad overall approach be established as the context for preparing more detailed briefs and plans.

Original questionnaire to establish priorities of local people for Medina valley. A proper scientific survey should have been carried out to validate the basis for the Project

The questionnaire and responses were analysed by consultants to inform the emerging strategy and vision for the area.

All development should be assessed on its environmental impact; minimise rainwater run off, recycle water, maximise insulation and energy efficiency, use local and recycled material

It is Council policy to encourage sustainable development anywhere it occurs in the Island. Some issues such as insulation standards are not regulated through planning control

Lack of Capacity  for additional road traffic

Traffic implication for any development will need to be addressed

Few measurements of existing or required economic activity, are these measured when planning?

The strategy is intended to ensure that land will be available for economic activity and business uses attracted to the area.

Public meeting advertised in East Cowes did not have people present to answer detailed questions.

The advert poster for a public meeting did not come from Project Cowes. The exhibition had extended opening hours into the evening on that day to enable the widest proportion of the population to view it.

Exhibition door locked when visited

Person opening exhibition delayed on that morning, Person viewed the following day.

Why are there duplicate areas of mixed use/marine support and town centre extension

It is envisaged that a number of sites will contribute to establishing continuity of activity between Cowes and East Cowes

Could the antiquated floating bridge be replaced by a modern cantilevered bridge allowing shipping at certain times.

The river traffic has navigational priority over the floating bridge. The level of river traffic is substantially higher than say at Yarmouth where a timed opening system operates. The ability to provide some form of fixed structure to replace the floating bridge was re-examined by consultants during the Project Cowes study and concluded that alternatives were impractical or unaffordable. An updated floating bridge is a possibility and the establishment of a river bus operation is suggested.

How will the increased congestion arising from increased improved Red Funnel car accessibility be dealt with. They won’t use busses once they arrive.

The proposal by ferry companies to expand the capacity of their ferries to meet growing demand is the reason why the relocation and provision of an adequate terminal and marshalling facilities is seen as key to the regeneration of East Cowes

Any enabling development should not impinge on current marine industry but serve to improve and offer increased marketability.

Care is needed if seeking to introduce sensitive development into a potentially bad neighbour use location so that employment uses are not compromised.

Shared facilities such as modern boat building sheds, composites ovens paintshops fabrication, storage, boat lift and crane access would be an asset to Cowes

This could form the basis of the marine business zoning in zone 2.

Falmouth Marine Heritage Centre attraction could be emulated in Cowes.

The opportunity to provide a first class tourist attraction as part of the regeneration of zone 1 is possible. There is already the Classic Boat Museum in zone 6.

Good to know more about timescales for it all to happen

Full range of potential development will not happen quickly but perhaps over the next five to ten years.

This questionnaire can only help planners in relation to the general public reaction to the zoning principles, presumably far more fundamental research will be undertaken to provide detailed proposals with regard to the overall vision for Cowes.

The SPG is seeking to provide exactly that  strategic guidance for more detailed work to follow.