Purpose : For decision


Committee :     EXECUTIVE


Date :               30 JULY 2002


Title :               PROVISIONAL ACCOUNTS FOR 2001-02







This report sets out the Council’s revenue and capital financial results for the financial year to 31st March 2002. Members are asked to agree the figures as presented, subject to any late minor adjustments, so that the statutory Statement of Accounts can be drawn up for consideration at a September meeting, after which the external audit will commence.



At revised estimate stage the planned withdrawal from the General Fund was £535,700, leaving an expected balance of £1,825,200 as at 31st March 2002. The revised budget included a provision of £1,554,000 against projected overspends on Social Services and Waste Management, and Directors were instructed to take steps to minimize calls on this contingency sum.


The final revenue results for the year are set out in appendix A. These show a net underspend against revised estimate of £647,000, and it is suggested that in the light of uncertainties highlighted in other reports on the agenda that this sum should be left in the Fund for the time being, leaving the balance at 31st March 2002 at £2,472,300.



Capital spending details are shown at appendix B. Of the budgeted programme of £25.0 millions, £18.6 millions had been spent by the end of the year. This will not in itself cause problems, as it has been possible on this occasion to carry forward sufficient resources to finance the resulting £6.4 millions of slippage. This may not always be the case, as borrowing approvals have an expiry date, and for highways in particular these are now single year basic credit approvals instead of the two year supplementary credit approvals issued in recent years.



v      Appendix A shows ‘controlled’ expenditure for each service, in order to demonstrate how spending has been controlled against cash limits

v      The ‘actual spend’ column of appendix A includes carry forwards by directorates which have kept within their original cash limits to finance committed and future projects:

o        Education (£165k)

o        Community Development, incl. sports grants in advance (£240k)

o        Policy & Communications, incl. Community Budgets (£276k)

o        Planning (£30k)

o        Engineering (Storm damage commitments) (£481k)

o        Consumer Protection (£88k)

o        Tourism (£4k)

o        Fire & Rescue (£125k)

o        Building Maintenance (£48k)

o        Corporate Budgets (£15k)

v      Main areas of variance are:

o        Lower than expected Engineering overspend (-£400k)

o        Treasury management operations (-£604k)

o        Housing Benefits (+£271k)

o        Highways Overspend (+£373k)

o        Rate refunds (-£81k)

o        Fire & Rescue unused contingency (-£50k)

o        Bad debts provision (-£46k)

v      Only Engineering Services is significantly over budget, with small overspends in two other service areas. Normal practice would be to reduce the current year budgets by an equal amount. In the context of significant corporate savings members may feel that on this occasion the relatively small sums involved for two of the services can be written off. The services and amounts involved are:

o        Ryde CCTV (£14k)

o        Social Service & Housing (£1.4k)

In the case of Engineering, the overspend is £392k, of which £373k relates to highways. Members may feel that the high priority of this service, coupled with the Council’s current efforts to produce a step improvement in this area, mean that this sum should also be written off.





v      Education and Community Development slippage is principally due to devolved budgets held on behalf of schools. These can be spent over a three year period.

v      Housing slippage relates to the delay in the programmed scheme at Oakfield.

v      Roads & Transport underspending includes the delayed £2 million Military Road scheme, and the unused element of a two-year Supplementary Credit Approval (SCA) (£2.3 million).

v      The major component of underspend Environmental Services relates to expenditure yet to be incurred at Lynnbottom.

v      Resources have been carried forward to meet all slippage requirements.




1. To agree the revenue accounts and capital accounts as presented, subject to any late adjustments, as a basis for the formal Statement of Accounts


2. To write off the Engineering overspend for 2001-02


2. To propose some other course of action.




Options 1 & 2



Council publications Budget ‘2001-02’ and ‘Budget 2002-03’

Contact Point : Paul Wilkinson, F 823650



Strategic Director Finance and Information and County Treasurer


Portfolio Holder for Resources


Appendix A



Revenue spending 2001-02


Appendix B


Capital spending 2001-02