Purpose : For Decision


                        REPORT TO THE EXECUTIVE


Date :              3 DECEMBER 2002











1.                  To seek approval from the Executive for application to DEFRA for coast protection grant aid in support of a range of coast protection schemes and studies.  The report also updates Executive on existing progress with schemes.




2.                  The Isle of Wight Council is Coast Protection Operating Authority for the Isle of Wight.  The framework for coast protection policy is set out in the Isle of Wight Coast Shoreline Management Plan (SMP) which was approved by the Council in 1997.  The Plan is due to be updated during 2003 / 04.  More detailed coastal defence policy is established following the completion of Coastal Defence Strategy Studies, which are also grant-aided by DEFRA. The current position with respect to the Shoreline Management Plan and Strategy Studies is as follows:


a.                  Isle of Wight Coast Shoreline Management Plan – Approved March 1997; the next five yearly plan to be commenced in Autumn 2003.


b.                  Isle of Wight North-East Coastal Defence Strategy Study – Approved by the Council 2002.  The strategy is currently awaiting formal approval from DEFRA.  This is expected to be received in the next two to three months.


c.                  Sandown Bay Coastal Defence Strategy Study – This study is being led by the Isle of Wight Centre for the Coastal Environment in partnership with consultants Posford Haskoning.  The study is reaching its mid-point and will be completed in the late spring 2003.


d.                  West Wight Coastal Defence Strategy Study – The West Wight Study extends from East Cowes along the north-west coast to the Needles and along the south-west coast to Chale.  The study is in its preliminary stages and will take a year to complete. 


3.                  Within the framework provided by the SMP and Strategy Studies the following schemes are being developed :

a.                  Ventnor Eastern Esplanade Phase II (Ventnor Haven Project) – Site works commenced 8 November 2002.  Expected completion date July 2003.


b.                  Seaview Duver coast protection scheme – Formal scheme approval for the Seaview Duver scheme is expected within the next few days.  Site works will commence in January 2003 with a scheme duration of ten to twelve months. 


c.                  Castlehaven, Niton, coast protection and slope stabilisation scheme – It is anticipated that all existing issues relating to the Castlehaven scheme will be resolved by early December.  The various conditions attached to scheme approval by DEFRA will have been met and an offer of coast protection grant aid can then be expected with the aim of starting on site in Spring 2003.  The construction period for the scheme is estimated at one year. 


4.                  Following the completion of a number of studies and investigations it is recommended that the following additional projects are submitted to DEFRA for coast protection grant aid and SCA :


a.                  The Isle of Wight Shoreline Management Plan Review – All Coast Protection Operating Authorities are advised by DEFRA to prepare Shoreline Management Plans, which must be reviewed at five yearly intervals.  The Isle of Wight Plan is due for review and a new application must be submitted to DEFRA in order to attract grant aid and SCA on future schemes.  Our DEFRA Regional Engineer has advised that it would be appropriate to submit the application within the next two months.  The estimated cost of the review is approximately £90,000.


b.                  Islandwide Environmental Mitigation Study – Most coast protection schemes are now required to provide environmental mitigation where civil engineering works may have an impact particularly on sites designated as being of ‘European Importance’.  Rather than selecting mitigation sites on an ‘ad-hoc’ basis it is more sensible to have an overall strategic plan to fulfil this purpose.  The Isle of Wight Centre for the Coastal Environment has put the case to DEFRA that the Isle of Wight is an ideal location to undertake a study and prepare a mitigation plan in order that important civil engineering and infrastructure projects are not held up through the need to resolve the issue of finding appropriate mitigation. 


            DEFRA has accepted the case for such a study which is estimated to cost £55,000 and which can be completed in approximately six months.  It is intended that the study should be led by the IWCCE in partnership with Atkins consultants who are currently undertaking the West Wight coastal defence strategy study.  Atkins are also the term consultants for the Environment Agency as well as being the contractor currently undertaking DEFRA’s Policy Theme for research. 


c.                  Sandown Bay Strategy Study : Work is currently in progress on the Strategy Study for Sandown Bay.  The only remaining Isle of Wight coastal process unit frontage not currently benefiting from work on a Strategy Study is the Undercliff.  DEFRA wishes to see the whole of the Isle of Wight coast covered by Strategy Studies and this will also be beneficial in terms of future applications for coast protection grant aid in the area.  DEFRA is willing to grant aid a variation order on the Sandown Bay strategy in order to allow the Undercliff frontage to be assessed in the same way.  The estimated cost of this work is £60,000. 


d.                  Steephill Cove coast protection phase II – In 1992 the former South Wight Borough Council undertook a first phase of coast protection works at the eastern end of Steephill Cove as part of the Ventnor Western Cliffs coast protection scheme.  It was always envisaged that a second phase of the work at Steephill Cove should be undertaken as the condition of the seawall and apron was deteriorating.  The structure has now reached the end of its life and the wall is becoming undermined to the extent that reconstruction is required. 


A preliminary assessment and technical report has been prepared for a possible civil engineering solution at Steephill Cove comprising a new reinforced concrete toe for the existing wall below beach level together with a natural stone faced wall which will blend in with the character of this location.  There is strong economic justification for the work in cost benefit terms and the estimated costs are approximately £350,000. 


e.                  Ventnor Eastern Esplanade to Wheeler’s Bay Preliminary Study – Since 1987 a series of schemes have been undertaken along the developed Undercliff frontage between Monk’s Bay at Bonchurch and Steephill Cove as part of a co-ordinated strategy to reduce the impact of landsliding which is encouraged by marine toe erosion.  The only remaining unimproved section along this coastal frontage is the seawall between the Ventnor Eastern Esplanade and Wheeler’s Bay.


This section of wall is in poor condition and the deck is showing signs of distress as a result of ground movements.  More detailed proposals for the frontage will be developed as part of the Ventnor Undercliff Strategy Study.  Approval is sought for the commencement of preliminary investigations along this frontage in order that a scheme may be worked up to complete the coast protection strategy for this part of the Undercliff. This preliminary scoping study will also assess the related environmental issues in the littoral zone abutting the frontage taking account of the fact that the site is a Special Area of Conservation under the European Habitats Directive.  The estimated costs of developing preliminary proposals is £30,000.  If the scheme is subsequently approved the whole project will be eligible for coast protection grant aid. 


f.                    Seagrove Bay to Seaview Village frontage – Within the framework of the North-East Coastal Defence Strategy Study there is a need to undertake an approved programme of capital works together with appraising possible future needs for coast protection, as well as monitoring coastal change.  It has been noted that there has been a trend over the last ten years for beach lowering along the north-western part of the beach at Seagrove Bay towards Seaview Village.  This issue relates to an understanding of the coastal processes taking place between Bembridge Point and Ryde.  As part of the North-East Coast Strategy Study a proposal for a more detailed appraisal of options within Bembridge Harbour was approved.  It is also proposed to carry out an examination of wider processes between Bembridge Point and Seaview Village in order to assess whether or not there is a need for further coast protection works or other measures along the frontage.  The estimated cost of this study is £10,000 and will attract coast protection grant aid as a variation order on the North-East Coastal Defence Strategy. 


g.                  Strategic coastal monitoring programme – One of the problems in managing coastal defence and preparing for the impacts of climate change is to ensure that a uniform standard of coastal monitoring is undertaken over longer stretches of coastline in order that a common baseline can be established against which coastal changes can be accurately measured.  The Regional Coastal Group, SCOPAC, which represents the central south coast of England and which has been supported by the Isle of Wight Council since its formation in 1985, has taken a leading role in the development of a strategic monitoring programme for the whole of the south-east of England from Portland Bill to the Isle of Grain. 


            The Chairman of SCOPAC’s Research Sub-Group, Professor Andrew Bradbury from New Forest District Council, together with the Coastal Manager, have encouraged all SCOPAC authorities to participate in a joint bid to DEFRA for strategic monitoring funding for the next five years. The adjacent Coastal Groups in the south-east have also participated in this project. 


We are very pleased that DEFRA has agreed a total grant for the five years of £8.1 million for which the Isle of Wight will benefit to the value of approximately £158,000 annually (total approximately £850,000).  This funding will ensure that a range of new and more reliable coastal information can be provided including measurement of beach profiles, tide and wave measurements and aerial photography.  Much of the work will be let as part of a major contract for the whole of the south-east of England but the Isle of Wight Centre for the Coastal Environment will also be undertaking practical survey work on the ground. The whole of the cost will be met by coast protection grant aid and SCA. 




5.                  The Council’s Community, Corporate and Service Plans all highlight the importance of protecting the quality of life, wellbeing and economy of the Isle of Wight.  Over two thirds of the Isle of Wight population live within 2km of the coast and the sustainability of coastal residents and businesses is a vital asset to maintain and if possible enhance.


            The Isle of Wight has a comprehensive coastal management policy which provides informal support to the Isle of Wight Unitary Development Plan.  The coastal defence strategy studies provide a detailed justification for implementing these policies and set out the most effective approach taking account of all coastal defence options including ‘do nothing’.  Coastal defence policy which contributes to the Council’s strategic aims and objectives is being developed through consensus involving all the key agencies and stakeholders through a well-established participation and consultation programme. 


            Consultative arrangements for coast protection schemes are set out by DEFRA in their national guidance.  All coast protection scheme proposals must be advertised under the Coast Protection Act 1949 both in the local newspaper and in the London Gazette.  Through its Coastal Visitors’ Centre and website the Isle of Wight Centre for the Coastal Environment provides comprehensive information as well as consulting closely direct with frontagers on individual schemes.  Coastal defence strategy studies include at least two exhibitions at the mid-point and at the draft report publication stage.  The Isle of Wight Shoreline Management Plan also involves extensive public participation incorporating comments and dialogue from over a hundred coastal-related organisations.




6.                  All the projects and studies referred to above are eligible for grant aid and supplementary credit approval under the Coast Protection Act.  It is necessary for an Executive decision approving the individual schemes and projects to accompany the application for grant aid to DEFRA.  The financial implications are as follows : 


            Project Title                                                                                        Estimated Cost

            Isle of Wight Shoreline Management Plan Review                             £90,000

            Islandwide Environmental Mitigation Study                                         £55,000

            Steephill Cove Phase II coast protection                                           £350,000

            North-east coast strategy study variation (Seaview frontage)           £10,000

            Sandown Bay Study VO1 (Monk’s Bay to Blackgang)                      £60,000

            Ventnor Eastern Esplanade – Wheeler’s Bay Preliminary Study     £30,000




7.                  The Isle of Wight Council is a Coast Protection Authority and has powers to carry out coast protection works under the Coast Protection Act 1949.  This legislation provides the basis for the commissioning of coast protection schemes and studies and submission of applications to DEFRA for coast protection grant aid.




8.                  During the course of development of coast protection schemes DEFRA require Operating Authorities to investigate all possible scheme options including ‘do nothing’.  The preferred scheme option is set out as a case to DEFRA in an ‘Engineers Appraisal Report’. 


            The proposals identified in this report accord with the recommendations contained in the Isle of Wight Coast SMP and in the emerging Strategy Studies.  If the coast protection works are not undertaken this could result in risks to life and property and a lack of preparedness for the impacts of coastal change in the short to medium term. 




9.                  The commissioning of coastal defence plans, strategy studies and schemes by the Council follows national guidance provided by DEFRA.  The stated policy aim of the DEFRA Flood Management Division is “to reduce the risks to people, property and the natural environment through the development of technically sound, economically justifiable and environmentally sustainable coastal protection schemes”.  This is the objective which underpins the Isle of Wight Council’s coastal defence policy.  In essence the aim is to reduce coastal risks where there is economic justification by providing the most technically sound and environmentally sensitive solution. 




10.             To note progress with the coast protection capital programme.


11.             To approve the submission of applications for coast protection grant aid and for the following projects and studies :


1.      Isle of Wight shoreline management plan review

2.      Islandwide environmental mitigation study

3.       Steephill Cove coast protection scheme – Phase II

4.      Ventnor Eastern Esplanade – Phase III (Eastern Esplanade to Wheeler’s Bay) preliminary studies


12.             To note variations to the Sandown Bay strategy study to include the Ventnor Undercliff frontage and the inclusion of a processes study for part of the Seaview frontage within the remit of the North-East Coastal Defence Strategy Study.


13.             To note the award of coast protection grant aid for a five year strategic monitoring programme for the sum of £850,000 in total.




14.             ‘Isle of Wight coast shoreline management plan’; Halcrow / Isle of Wight Centre for the Coastal Environment, March 1997.


15.             ‘A strategy for flood and coastal defence in England and Wales’; MAFF, 1993.


16.             ‘Shoreline management plans – a guide for Operating Authorities’; DEFRA, 2001.


17.             ‘Steephill Cove preliminary study report’; Posford Haskoning, October 2002.


18.             ‘Isle of Wight North-East Coastal Defence Strategy Study’; Isle of Wight Centre for the Coastal Environment / Posford Haskoning, 2002.


19.             ‘Sandown Bay Coastal Defence Strategy Study – Scoping Report’; Isle of Wight Centre for the Coastal Environment, 2002.


20.             ‘West Wight Coastal Defence Strategy Study Scoping Report’; Isle of Wight Centre for the Coastal Environment / Atkins, 2002.


21.             ‘Preparing for the Impacts of Climate Change’; Halcrow / SCOPAC, 2001.


22.             ‘High level targets for flood and coastal defence Operating Authorities’; DEFRA, 2000.



Contact Point :           Robin McInnes; e-mail : [email protected]; tel : 01983 857220.





Strategic Director

Corporate and Environment Services


Portfolio Holder for Agenda 21 and Countryside Matters