The following decisions were taken on WEDNESDAY, 3 NOVEMBER 2004 by the EXECUTIVE


These decisions do not take effect until MONDAY, 15 NOVEMBER 2004


Members of the Executive who were present :


Mrs S A Smart (Chairman), Mr R R Barry, Mr J F Fleming, Mr E Fox, Mr P G Harris, Mr G S Kendall, Mr H Rees, Mr J L Wareham


Confirmed as a true record of decisions taken : ……………………………………...


                                                                                    Leader of the Council



Agenda item

Public Question Time


Decision reference



Written questions

Mrs A Hewitt regarding the proposed Conservation Area in Whippingham (PQ36/04).




Agenda item

Scheme of Delegations


Decision reference



Decision taken

THAT the Scheme of Delegations attached to the report be approved subject to the following amendments :


(a) The inclusion of the following Housing delegations which had been omitted from the report :

Statutory Housing Powers relating to the Compulsory Purchase of property will be the responsibility of the Executive Committee.


1. Determining the amount of loans/grants/assistance in accordance with the Council’s Housing Renewal Strategy and Housing, Construction and Regeneration Act 1996.


2. Responsibility for fulfilling the Council’s responsibilities for housing and private sector drainage fitness, including powers of entry, in accordance with the following acts :


·      Public Health Act 1936.

·      Public Health Act 1961.

·      Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976.

·      Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1982.

·      Building Act 1984.

·      Environmental Protection Act 1990.

·      Water Industry Act 1991.


3. Responsibility for fulfilling the Council’s responsibilities for tenants under the Protection from Eviction Act 1977.


(b) The relocation of 7.47 to be listed under Highways and Transportation and not planning.



An effective scheme of delegations is essential to secure the objective of open effective and efficient decision making, set out by the Local Government Act 2000 and associated guidance and regulations.


Additional reasons



Options considered and rejected

There was a requirement to adopt a scheme of delegation. The substance of that scheme was entirely within the discretion of the Executive.



None declared.


Additional advice received




Agenda item

Seaview Ropewalk Toilets, Sale and Alternative Provision


Decision reference



Decision taken

THAT the Seaview toilets site be declared surplus to requirements and to dispose of leasehold interest in the existing Seaview toilets site, subject to planning permission being granted, in consideration of :


(a) £30,000.


(b) A covenant to provide quality public toilets in perpetuity.


(c) A tenants obligation to provide public toilets in perpetuity.



To secure alternative, higher quality provision of public toilets for the long term future.


Additional reasons



Options considered and rejected

(a)     To declare the site of the existing WC’s as surplus to requirements.


(b)  To accept offer F.


(c)      To accept the offer of bidder H.


(d)     To close these toilets and market the freehold disposal.


(e)     To keep the existing toilet provision.



Mr R R Barry declared a Personal Interest as he occasionally frequented the premises.


Additional advice received

Following a question, the nature of the interest declared by Mr R R Barry was clarified.



Agenda item

Proposed Conservation Area at Whippingham Church


Decision reference



Decision taken

(a) THAT the area shown on plan 1, be designated as a conservation area and the character statement in accordance with Policy B5 of the Isle of Wight UDP be approved.


(b) THAT as part of the overall review of the Island conservation area designations, a future report considering the suitability of some or all of the Osbourne Estate for designation as a conservation area.



To conserve the character of the area and bring forward a timetable of future conservation work on the Island. 


Additional reasons



Options considered and rejected

(a) To designate the area shown on Plan 1 as a conservation area.


(b) To receive as part of an overall review of the Island conservation area designations, a future report considering the suitability of some or all of the Osbourne Estate for designation as a conservation area.


(c) To choose a different boundary and provide the necessary character assessment and reasoning to support it.


(d) To resolve not to designate and provide their reasons in the light of section 69.



None declared.


Additional advice received




Agenda item

Procurement of the Isle of Wight Supporting People Team Supporting People Information (SPIT) System


Decision reference



Decision taken

(a) THAT Contract Standing Orders be waived.


(b) THAT the Head of Housing and Community Services be authorised to negotiate the purchase of a Supporting People IT system from SPOCC.


Recommendation number 3, as contained in the report, was amended to read as follows :


(c) THAT a review be commissioned from Best Value or Internal Audit on the procurement of the Supporting People IT OLM system and any future similar procurement.



To comply with the ODPM methods of reporting and performance management through the use of an electronic system to ensure the continuation of the government administration grant.


Addition reasons



Options considered and rejected

(a) Continuation with the current ad hoc arrangements


(b) Delaying implementation of the system until a full procurement exercise has taken place.



None declared.


Additional advice received




Agenda item

Waiver of Contract Standing Orders to Allow Aggregation of Spot Purchase Contracts within Adult Residential Care Services


Decision reference



Decision taken

THAT Contract Standing Orders be waived in order to allow an aggregation of existing spot purchases into block contracts where practical and efficient to do so.



To achieve both the short term and long term benefits of block purchases whilst the tendering process was undertaken.


Additional reasons



Options considered and rejected

(a)    To continue with the multiple purchases.


(b) Aggregate existing spot purchases wherever possible, waiving standing orders.


(c)   Accelerate the procurement process.



Mrs S A Smart declared a Personal Interest as a family member was a resident of a care home.


Additional advice received




Agenda item

Update on European Issues – To Consider Objectives


Decision reference



Decision taken

(a) THAT the information as set out in the report be noted.


(b) THAT the Portfolio Holder and Strategic Director of Environment Services be authorised to take all opportunities to influence the UK Government and the European Institutions in seeking to maximise the benefits available to the Isle of Wight.


(c) THAT the draft Brussels Office Business Plan for 2005/06 be subject to a future report early in 2005.


(d) THAT a further report be brought to the Executive once the European budget and regulations are confirmed.



To take every available opportunity to influence developments both in the UK and in Brussels to maximise benefits for the Isle of Wight.


Additional reasons



Options considered and rejected

To vary or reject the options as listed above.


None declared.


Additional advice received




Agenda item

Consideration of the Current Forward Plan


Decision reference



Decision taken

To note the Forward Plan.




Agenda item

Questions on Delegated Decisions


Decision reference



Decision taken

No questions were asked.




Agenda item

Members Question Time


Decision reference



Written questions

Mr P D Joyce asked an oral question regarding Prestwood Farm. The Portfolio Holder for Resources would provide a written response.