Purpose : for Decision


                        REPORT TO THE EXECUTIVE


Date :              28 JANUARY 2004











1.                  To receive the report by Tony Hall, Paul Wilkinson and John Lawson into the externalisation of Wight Leisure and to adopt a response, in the form of an action plan.


2.                  To determine to halt the planned externalisation of Wight Leisure.




3.                  At its meeting on 4 June 2003 the Executive resolved to endorse the proposal by the Monitoring Officer and Chief Financial Officer to undertake a short investigation designed to establish:-


·                    the amount and legitimacy of spending on the project to date;

·                    whether any recommendations can be made to the Council in relation to either the corporate or service specific management of the externalisation process.


4.                  Due to the number and complexity of the issues, and due to the number of individuals involved in assisting in delivering this task, the report detailing the investigation and the recommendations which arise was published, later than anticipated, on 12 January 2004.  The report has been circulated to all Elected Members, to the press and other interested parties.  The report is available on the Council’s website.


5.                  The external auditor, in his annual management letter (elsewhere on this agenda), having had the benefit of a pre-publication draft of the report commented:-


“There are many important messages arising from this inquiry that the Council must have a regard to in relation to any procurement project that it undertakes in the future.  For our own part we are satisfied that the Council has undertaken a full and searching enquiry into the circumstances of the externalisation and has supplemented its own enquiries where appropriate with independent legal advice.


The Council now must:-


·                    decide on the future of leisure services and whether the externalisation model originally proposed is a viable one;

·                    in doing so, consider all the relevant facts and ensure that a decision is based on a clear business case linked to corporate priorities and the community plan;

·                    ensure that where a vehicle needs to [be] established for the purpose of externalisation it is properly constituted;

·                    avoid conflict of interest at all times in relation to Members, officers and all related parties;

·                    maintain total transparency and openness in decision making;

·                    adopt a robust approach to project management.”


This report is a key step in delivering all these recommendations by the external auditor.




6.                  One of the aspirations of the community strategy, under the theme of Improving Access to Services and Facilities is to “encourage physically and/or mentally stimulating activities as a route to staying healthy and a foundation for a full and active life”.


7.                  The Council’s own key objective of improving health, housing and the quality of life for all identifies the promotion of healthy living as being of particular importance and refers to encouraging the uptake of physically and mentally stimulating activities; as referred to above, as a key priority.


8.                  Working with the tourism industry to promote the Island as an all-year holiday destination, particularly seeking to develop sustainable tourism initiatives and improving standards of customer care in the industry is a particular priority for the Council within the context of its objective to encourage job creation and economic prosperity.


9.                  Services provided by the Council through the Wight Leisure, and the areas for improvement identified in the best value improvement plan in particular, can be seen to clearly link with these strategic themes, objectives and aspirations.




10.              Given the inward looking nature of the report into the externalisation process, consultation beyond Members and officers of the Council and with the external auditor has not been undertaken. External challenge to the investigative process was invited from Grainne O’Rourke, Monitoring Officer for New Forest District Council.




11.              The recommendations set out in the report, of themselves, carry no identifiable financial consequences. Whatever development plans for leisure services are agreed will involve procurement decisions informed by detailed financial advice. The net effect of staffing costs (including any job evaluation exercises), investment and changes in income will be entirely dependent on the aggregate effect of those future decisions.




12.              Most of the services grouped under the Wight Leisure are discretionary.  There is, nevertheless, a need to procure their delivery in such a way as to deliver best value services as defined in the 1999 Local Government Act.  The advent of the Local Government Act 2000 and the prudential borrowing code will assist in the lawful, innovative development of the service.


13.              Counsel has advised that the legitimacy of the spending to date be confirmed in order to avoid any doubt as to the legality of that expenditure.






14.              In accordance with Counsel’s advice (reproduced in full as an appendix to the substantive report) it is recommended that the Executive, for the avoidance of doubt confirms that the expenditure set out in Appendix 2 was incurred as, in effect, a grant to Wight Leisure Limited (WLL) in reliance on section 2 of the Local Government Act 2000.


15.              In considering this recommendation, the Executive needs to:


i.                    have regard to the Community Strategy, and


ii.                  be satisfied that, at the time of this decision (rather than on the date of any previous decisions) to affirm the expenditure is in the economic, social or environmental well being of the Island or of some or all of it’s inhabitants.


16.              Authorisation of the expenditure, even after the event can be said to be consistent with the Community Strategy, as set out under the Strategic Context side heading above.


17.              Authorisation at the time of the decisions in question, in reliance on section 2 of the Local Government Act 2000 would have been easy to justify as pursuing the economic and social advantages which were expected to accrue from the externalisation process.


18.              The contribution to the well being of the Island at the date of this decision is more can legitimately be argued to be:


·        the avoidance of damage to the Council’s trading reputation of not reneging on the contracts under which liability for payments arose;

·        the avoidance of legal disputes and/or complaints to the ombudsman by aggrieved commercial partners, and

·        diminishing the risk of adverse comment by external auditors


This will all be achieved by the affirmation of the funding as recommended and that each of these will contribute to the well being of the Island and it’s local tax payers, for the purposes of section 2.


19.              It should be noted that, as the costs in question have already been incurred, this recommendation might be seen as being of limited practical effect. Certainly the decision will have no financial consequences as there are no grounds for recovering any of the monies. It is nevertheless a significant step in ensuring that there are no further legal, financial or audit issues outstanding from the externalisation project.




20.              The report into the externalisation process sets out a large number of recommendations.  These are presented, with proposed responses, accountability and timescale are set out in the action plan at Appendix 1.  It is entirely a matter for the Executive, taking into account the information set out both in this covering report and in the substantive report to determine whether or not to adopt the action plan proposed.


21.              Although rejecting the substantive report and/or the action plan is, theoretically, an option it is not one which the Executive can be advised to adopt, given the comments of the external auditor.  Therefore the only viable options are to adopt the action plan as drafted or to make improvements to it in order to strengthen the response of the Council to the recommendations.


22.              The clear recommendation of this covering report is that the Action Plan is adopted as drafted.




23.              The substantive report is drafted on the basis that an externalisation process will continue.  The external auditor, as quoted above, is clear that deciding the future of leisure services, in the light of all the relevant facts on the basis of a clear business case, is a priority.  This long-term decision cannot be taken immediately.  However, it is important for all concerned, and particularly users of Wight Leisure services and the staff involved, that the immediate and medium term future of that service delivery arm is determined.


24.              There are a number of reasons why an externalisation is not viable in the current climate:-


·                    the adoption of a community strategy and corporate plan, as well as the passage of time and introduction of new legislation, the best value review conducted in 2001 carries decreasing weight and needs to be revisited;


·                    new rules to prevent the establishment of a two tier workforce challenge one of the financial assumptions which underpin the best value review and its recommendation to externalise;


·                    the ’Every Child Matters’ Green Paper, and the Council’s initial response to it, make a fundamental realignment of the existing Directorate of Education and Community Development, within which Wight Leisure sits, inevitable.  This is not a cosmetic change but a fundamental reassessment of the priorities for delivering service to children and the manner in which those services will be delivered.  The future of an important contributor to that agenda, such as Wight Leisure, cannot be determined in advance of or in isolation from those structural changes;


·                    the introduction of the potential code of borrowing, creating the opportunity for local authorities to borrow for capital investment purposes where a sound business case exists further undermines a core assumption of the externalization proposal;


·                    it is far from certain that previous prospective commercial partners continue to be in a position to engage with the Isle of Wight Council in developing this service on an externalized model;


·                    the appointment of a Head of Tourism will create opportunities to develop delivery of tourism and leisure services in a more joined up manner.


·                    As the CPA and Peer Review processes illustrate, the Council must clearly prioritise what it wishes to achieve with it’s available resources. The capacity of the Executive, strategic management team and project managers are all finite and also need to be prioritised. The recommendation from the Directors Group is that, although important in terms of service delivery and in contributing to corporate objectives, an externalization project should not take high priority at this time.


25.              Therefore, in seeking to secure the short to medium-term future of the delivery of leisure services, the two key priorities become, firstly, securing the quality of service over a six to twelve month period and, secondly, responding to the challenge to eradicate any sense of isolation or dislocation of Wight Leisure from the mainstream of Council operation (described elsewhere as a ‘them and us’ culture).


26.              It is, therefore, proposed that no further steps be taken to externalize Wight Leisure and that those responsible for developing that service develop proposals to deliver that range of services in ways which are complimentary to the developing agenda for children’s services, adult social and health services, tourism and economic development.


27.              A powerful project group, comprising the relevant portfolio holders and nominees from the Chief Financial Officer, the Head of Legal and Democratic Services and leisure service managers will be a useful vehicle to drive and deliver improvements in the delivery of leisure services. In order to ensure that there is an open development of the service, a member from each of the opposition groups will be invited to sit on the group.




28.              It is recommended that the Executive:-


(i)                  receive the report into the Wight Leisure externalisation process;


(ii)                For the avoidance of doubt resolves to confirm that expenditure to date was undertaken in reliance on Part 1 Local Government Act 2000 and amounted, in effect, to a grant to WLL.


(iii)               endorse the Action Plan at Appendix 1;


(iv)              determines not to proceed with the externalisation of Wight Leisure;


(v)                to develop and deliver, through a project group, within 12 month period, long-term service development proposals for leisure services, on the application of normal best value and procurement principles.


(vi)              The project group be established with immediate effect, to include:

·                     Such members of the Executive as have a particular interest in the development of leisure services

·                     Member(s) of the opposition group(s)

·                     Representative of the Chief Financial Officer and Head of Legal and democratic Services

·                     Leisure Services Managers


(vii)             That the Economic Development Select Committee be asked to consider adding to their work programme the following terms of reference:


That the Economic Development Select Committee be asked to consider adding to their work programme the following terms of reference:


·      As an exercise in policy development, to receive information about the work of the project group and make recommendations to the Executive to assist the work of that group in the development and delivery of leisure services


·     As an exercise in scrutiny, to receive information from those responsible for implementing the action plan at appendix 1 to this report and make recommendations as to whether sufficient steps have been taken to achieve the objectives of that plan





29.              Report by Tony Hall dated 23 May 2003.

30.              Report by Tony Hall, Paul Wilkinson and John Lawson dated December 2003.

31.              Wight Leisure Best Value Review dated May 2002.

32.              Audit Commission Inspection Report dated October 2002.



Contact Point :  John Lawson, ( 823216, e-mail: [email protected]




Chief Executive Officer


Leader Of The Council











The Externalization Project

8.2.1 - 8.2.11

Recommendations concerning the externalisation project if proceeded with.

Recommendation to Executive to cease externalisation.

Leader of the Council/Mike Fisher.

28 January 2004

Directorate of Education and Community Development

Integrate WL staff into management of community development service.

MD of Wight Leisure to attend management team meetings.

John Metcalfe/Annie Horne.


Formalise methods of communication within directorate/department and roll out electronic communications systems.

Adopting corporate team brief system of face to face and the electronic distribution.

David Pettitt/ John Metcalfe.

March 2004

Review Directorate and departmental development activity to ensure full participation.

Debate at directorate and departmental management teams.

David Pettitt/ John Metcalfe.

February/March 2004

Reduction in direct reports to Head of Community Development.

·     Appointment of Libraries, Museums and Archives Manager

·     Develop Green Paper proposals.

·    John Metcalfe



·    Executive/Directors Group.


·       Achieved



·       September 2004

Cement status of Wight Leisure as mainstream department of the Council.

·     Consider re-titling service.

·     Consider re-titling senior posts within the service.

·     Consider branding issues.

·     Work within the service to inform and remind staff.

Portfolio Holder for Tourism and Leisure/ John Metcalfe/ Annie Horne.

April 2004

·         Ensure no contractual benefits accrue to WLL.
·         Contractual arrangements entered into in the name of IWC.


·     Not relevant if externalisation not proceeded with.

·     Review of arrangements by WL senior staff.

·    N/A.



·    Annie Horne.


·    N/A.



·    Achieved.


Corporate Governance

Develop corporate register of procurement decisions/contract.

Delivery of procurement strategy.

Paul Wilkinson.



Mandatory evaluation of risk of procurement exercises.

Delivery of procurement strategy.

Paul Wilkinson.

April 2004

Development of procurement protocols.

Delivery of procurement strategy.

Paul Wilkinson.

July 2004

Identifying, extending and sharing expertise and project management.

Delivery of planned programme with Audit Commission assistance.

Mike Fisher.

Commences 22 January 2004

Further develop understanding of Constitution.

Continued development and delivery of decision-making training.

John Lawson.

April 2004 and monthly thereafter

Executive Decision-Making

Ensure Directors Group consider all Executive reports.

Integrate Executive forward plan into Directors Group work programme.

Mike Fisher/ John Lawson.


Single responsibility for Executive forward plan, Executive agenda and Directors Group agenda.

Reallocation of responsibility.

John Lawson.


Trial officer/agenda setting/briefing meeting prior to dispatch of Executive agendas.

Trial from March 2004.

John Lawson.

Review in May 2004 -

·     New improved further reports from Portfolio Holders to Executive.

·     Identify statutory power/duty being exercised.

·     Include explicit and sufficient reasons for recommendations.

·     Identify links to corporate, strategic/ department objectives and operational risk management.

·    Identify where finance is provided from.

·    Revise Executive report proforma and guidance.

·    Launch new proforma/ guidance at senior Management Team.

·    Deliver training through directorate/ departmental management teams.

·    Continue decision-making training course.


John Lawson

April 2004

Review Executive Forward Plan.

Develop a new format and guidance, incorporating the view of Select Committee.

John Lawson.


Review minuting of Executive decision making.

Develop report proforma and minuting proforma to emphasise the reasons for decisions.

John Lawson.

March 2004

Re-visit existing guidance.

Develop report proforma and minuting proforma to emphasise the reasons for decisions.

John Lawson.

April 2004

Select Committees

Consider the need for further training.

Develop and fund bespoke training programme for Select Committee Members and Chairs.

Alistair Drain.


Develop practice of scoping enquiries and adopting specific terms of reference.

Development of new protocol.

Select Committee Chairs/Alistair Drain.

May 2004

Improve requests from Executive for Select Committee policy development activity.

Include in guidance to report authors/training on guidance.

John Lawson.

April 2004

Recommendations by Select Committees to be directed to individuals/decision-making bodies and be supported by reasons etc.

Develop new protocol.

Select Committee Chairs/Alistair Drain.

May 2004

Consolidated record of Select Committee recommendations.

Develop and publish record; adopt performance management system.

Alistair Drain.


Ensure legal and financial advice available to Select Committee report authors and on preparation of Agenda.

Expand Chairs’ briefings to include report authors, committee administrators and legal/financial advisers.

Select Committee Chair/ Alistair Drain.

April 2004

Default arrangements where briefings disproportionate/ impractical.

Legal/financial advice to Select Committee report authors.

Alistair Drain/Report authors/Paul Wilkinson/ John Lawson.

April 2004

Revise Constitution to reflect above recommendations/responses.

Add new protocols/rules to Constitution.

Full Council/ John Lawson

May 2004

Expenditure to Date


Formalisation of legality of expenditure.

Resolution by Executive.

Executive/John Lawson.

28 January 2004


WLL future intentions to be ascertained.

Only necessary if externalization to proceed.




Review of Westridge Development decision and future plans.

Provision of written advice to Portfolio Holders.

John Metcalfe/ Tony Flower.

April 2004

Individual Conduct and Capability


Individual conduct and capability are not Executive functions.  Issues to be dealt with under normal management processes.





Actual Expenditure and Commitments 2001 to date.

4.4.1             The following is based on an extraction from the Council’s Creditors System:


Name of Creditor




Leisure Partners Limited

Supporting process of creation of Wight Leisure Limited


McCabe Ford Williams

Charitable status and taxation implications for Wight Leisure Limited



Insurance Advice for Wight Leisure Limited





Co-operative UK



Lorraine Bevan Associates

HR Consultancy for Wight Leisure Limited


Roach Pittis

Legal services for Wight Leisure Limited

Invoice to come


Total Wight Leisure Limited
