Purpose : For Decision


Committee :     EXECUTIVE


Date :               27 AUGUST 2002










This report updates Members on the progress made in externalising the Council=s leisure services to a Not for Profit Distributing Body (NPDO), and seeks agreement for a delay in the previously suggested target date for the transfer.




On 21 May 2002 the Executive agreed to seek to externalise the leisure services provided through Wight Leisure to a Not for Profit Distributing Organisation (NPDO) by 1 October 2002.


At the time of  preparing that report it was felt that Awith the goodwill and best endeavours of all parties@, then a 1 October transfer may be possible.  The Executive agreed to receive a report at today=s meeting on the final details of the agreements reached with the NPDO for its agreement.


Unfortunately it would seem that the timetable set out for Members on 21 May was optimistic and this report is intended only as an update, rather than a summary of the agreements reached.


A business plan proposal has been received from an embryonic NPDO B Wight Leisure Limited (WLL), and this has been worked through by officers and consultants acting on behalf of the Council.  It has thrown up a great many questions and issues for answer and negotiation in order to ensure that the final agreement, when reached, gives the Council sufficient protection and ensures that all of the service improvements set out in the Best Value Review are capable of being achieved.


The Economic Development, Planning, Tourism and Leisure Select Committee has met informally on 3 occasions to consider aspects of the business plan proposal.  It is scheduled to meet on a regular fortnightly basis until such time as a final agreement, suitable for recommendation to the Executive has been reached.  Work is also progressing on the preparation of the draft transfer agreements, funding agreement and necessary leases and licences and these are expected to be completed by Friday 23 August.


Advice taken from the Council=s consultants, in this matter, is that a transfer date of mid November could be achieved, depending on the successful conclusion of negotiations with WLL.


There has been much work done, but there is still much to do on what is a complex externalisation arrangement.

What is more important is that the final arrangements, that are agreed with the NPDO, are the right ones rather than the haste with which they may be put together.  It should be noted that any significant delay in the process may have an unsettling effect on the staff of Wight Leisure and in this sense it may be appropriate for the Executive to restate its commitment to the process, subject to the satisfactory conclusion of negotiations with WLL.




The financial implications for the Council of the business plan received from WLL are currently being evaluated and discussed with it as part of the negotiation process.




There are no legal implications in not achieving externalisation by 1 October 2002.




1.         To accept that the transfer will not take place on 1 October 2002.


2.         To agree a new deadline for the transfer.


3.         To seek the transfer as quickly as is reasonably possible as dictated by the outcome of negotiations with WLL.




THAT Options 1 and 3 be adopted and a further report be bought back to the Executive by the end of October 2002.





Executive, 21 May 2002, >Externalisation of Leisure Services=.




The Council=s consultants on the externalisation are PMP Consulting, supported by KPM Leonie Cowen Associates.


Contact Point : John Metcalfe ? 823825



A KAYE                                                            M A JARMAN

   Strategic Director                                                      Portfolio Holder

Education and Community Development                            Tourism and Leisure