Purpose : For Decision


Committee :     EXECUTIVE


Date :               27 AUGUST 2002                   










This report seeks the agreement of the Executive Committee to procure a new information system to support the new Supporting People programme, which will be introduced from the 1 April 2003.




The Government is introducing major changes to the funding arrangements for the support of vulnerable adults in the community from the 1 April 2003.  From that date, Local Authorities will be responsible for deciding what the needs of the populations are for such support and for arranging it.  Examples of services this covers include the employment of wardens in sheltered housing and the provision of welfare rights advice.  It will not be available for community care services such as personal home care and residential care.  The Government will merge 3 sources of funds into one grant, which will be made to councils to finance this work.


The Government has issued guidance setting out how these changes are to be brought in.  The work is overseen by a core group of agencies with Social Services, Housing, Probation and the Primary Care Trust being responsible for its successful implementation.  Progress is closely monitored by the Government officials.  Agencies which are struggling to meet the targets are reported to ministers.  After some initial problems the Isle of Wight has reached most of its key targets on time to date. 




There is an urgent requirement to procure a new IT system to support the Supporting People programme.  The needs of the programme have been identified and a project group under the chair of the Strategic Director of Social Services & Housing has been established.  The Head of Central IT is part of the project team.


The team has identified a system supplier and is satisfied it will meet the requirements of the programme.  To meet the Government target for the new system to be in place by October 2002, an order needs to be placed with the software company as quickly as possible.  A formal tendering exercise has been done as required by Financial Standing Orders and OLM have been selected as the most suitable of the contractors who competed.


The Government has given Local Authorities a grant to bring in the new IT system.  The grant is spread over 2 years and is worth ,140,000.  The provider chosen by the core group to provide the system will, however, require payment of ,135,000 in 2002/03.  The grant from the Government is only ,70,000 in 2002/03, with a further ,70,000 only being available in 2003/04.  The new system can be purchased for ,140,000. 

Once purchased the system may need to be modified to meet further government requirements as yet unspecified.  At this stage it is impossible to be able to quantify the likelihood of these requirements.  The project manager advises that these requirements could add as much as ,80,000 to the costs by March 2007. 




After discussion with the Strategic Director of Finance and the Head of Central IT, it is recommended that the Council place an order for the new software system from the supplier OLM. 


The Strategic Director of Finance reports that the capital overspend in purchasing the system in 2002/03 can be contained within the overall capital programme subject to the assumptions being forthcoming on the capital receipts being received. 


The Strategic Director of Social Services & Housing advises that if further modifications are required and no further help is forthcoming from the Government, the extra costs will have to be met from the Supporting People Programme Grant.




This proposal has no implications for the revenue budget of the Supporting People Team in 2002/03.  The capital costs in 2002/03 can be met subject to the capital receipts assumed in the capital programme being achieved.








The Executive  is recommended to agree the purchase of the new software system from OLM for the Supporting People Programme in accordance with the advice from the Project Team and the Head of Central IT.



Contact Point : Charles Waddicor, F 520600, 2225



C WADDICOR                                                              R MAZILLIUS

          Strategic Director                                                                      Portfolio Holder

   Social Services & Housing                                                 Social Services and Housing