Committee:      EXECUTIVE                                                                        Purpose: For Decision


Date:                26 MARCH 2002


Title:                AWARD OF THE 2002-2008 BEACH CLEANING CONTRACT







The Beach cleaning service comprises of the cleansing of 64 miles of coast including the 13 main seaside award tourist beaches. The Tidy Britain Group’s Resort Survey, has graded the cleanliness of Island beaches at 100% since 1996.The existing contract has expired and Members are being asked to award a new 6 year Beach Cleaning Contract which commences on 1 May 2002.


Members are reminded that the Isle of Wight has successfully gained 13 Seaside Awards for 2002. This achievement is partly due to the standard of cleaning currently provided on the Island. In order for the Isle of Wight to maintain the awards it is important that cleaning commences on 1 May 2002. For information Encams can inspect the Island at any time throughout the season and should they find that the beaches are below standard they will withdraw any award.


Upon award of this contract a lead in period of five weeks is required so that new machinery and vehicles can be purchased.  This date will not give the contractor sufficient time before the commencement of the services.  Members are therefore being requested to invoke Select Committee Procedure Rule 15 (i) in order to implement the decision before the end of the call in period.




The recent Beach Esplanade Best Value Review indicated that the beach cleaning services  are well thought of and Members are reminded that the current specification is in accordance with the EPA Act and the criteria  for the seaside awards. The increases in the cost of the services are due to changing legislation, inflation, minimum wage increase and a request for the pricing of additional litter bin emptying which was recommended in the Best Value Improvement Plan.


The present Beach Cleaning Contract has expired and the tender for this service was advertised in November 2001. From eight interested contractors, four were asked to submit a tender. However, only three of those four chose to do so.


The prices submitted by  A and B were very close but were both above the current budget provision. They were then asked to revisit the contract and make suggestions for a financial reduction to bring the contract within the allocated budget.


Recommendations for savings are detailed below:


CONTRACTOR A has given two options for savings:




Option 1


Remove slipway/step cleaning from the contract and reduce the emptying of wire baskets to one per day throughout the season. This will be achieved by reducing the number of pick up trucks, labour and chemicals employed.


Savings made by this are £9800.00. This does not resolve the problem. The Council would still need to employ another contractor to undertake the slipway cleaning.


The original tender for this contractor was £133,248.42. The amended price would be £123,448.42.


The budget for these services is £119,670.00. Should we choose this option we would need to remove the slipway element, which would reduce the cleaning by £12,000 giving a new budget of £107,670.


Option 2


To reduce the machine clean frequency at Sandown, Shanklin and Ryde to every three days. Therefore, each location on average would only be machine cleaned twice a week. Each site would be litter picked instead. To reach this saving a tractor, beach raker and driver would be removed and the saving would be £20,781.00.


The original tender for this contractor was £133,248.42. The amended price would be £112467.42.


Members are advised that this option may be detrimental to the main resort beaches and have an affect on the Seaside Awards. The Tidy Britain Group annual resort survey’s grading for beach cleanliness at Sandown and Shanklin has been 100% since 1996 and 100% at Ryde since 1998. Should cleaning be reduced in this way, it could affect these results. Recent Best Value consultation with the public clearly indicated the importance of beach cleanliness.  Consideration also needs to be given to problems that may occur due to machine break downs. In the past a problem with the Machinery at Sandown/Shanklin has been resolved by utilising the Ryde machine. With only one machine in operation this would not be possible.


CONTRACTOR B Has given one option only:


To take one day  cleaning a week out of the following sites:


Site                              Saving

Yaverland                    £1892.25

Ventnor                        £1100.02

St Helens                     £987.63

Totland                        £639.30

Colwell                         £486.19

Freshwater                  £486.19


To reduce the number of slipway cleans to 15 instead of 20, saving  £777.29


To reduce the emptying of wire baskets to once per day throughout the season. Giving a saving of £2803.35.


Reduction in the contractual requirements by £1500.


The original tender price was £133,123.73. The amended price is £121,832.


The reduction on beach cleaning is for the less high profile beaches and would not be too detrimental. For information one of the issues highlighted in the Best Valuation consultation was an increase to the wire basket emptying which is why a decision was made to increase the service in the new contract.  Both contractors chose this option as part of their savings. Reduction in slipway cleaning is not good but can be overcome.


From the details both contractors have submitted I think it is important that we chose the service which would give us the highest standard and quality of cleaning.





Compliance Score

Submitted Price

Budget Difference

Contractor A




Contractor B




Contractor C




Contractor A

Reduced Specification



(1)   £123,448.42

(2)   £112,467.40



Contractor B

Reduced Specification







1.         To award the contract as specified to Contractor A and provide the additional funding


2.         To award the contract as specified to Contractor B and provide the additional funding required


3                    To award a reduced specification contract to Contractor A within current budgets


4                    To award a reduced specification contract to Contractor B within current budgets





Option 2 – to award the contract as specified to contractor B and provide the additional funding required and under Select Committee procedure rule (I) this decision to be exempt from the call-in procedure with the agreement of the Chairman of the Council.



Background Papers:


Tender  Bids and Documents

Contact Point: Tricia Stillman  F 823368



Head of Paid Service


Portfolio Holder – Tourism and Leisure