Purpose : for decision

                        REPORT TO THE EXECUTIVE


Date :              26 FEBRUARY 2003










1.         To consider and approve the Service Level Agreement (SLA) between the Council and the Isle of Wight Economic Partnership (IWEP) for the delivery of economic development and regeneration services.




2.         In 1999 the Council determined to deliver its economic development services through the Isle of Wight Partnership, a Company limited by guarantee, which brought together a number of agencies, including the Council, into a single organisation.  An Agreement was drawn up between the Council and the Partnership for a two year period from 1 April 1999 laying down the terms and conditions of this arrangement, which included the Council providing finance and seconding staff to the Company.


3.         Over the past 18 months there have been substantial changes to both the staffing and function of the Company, which has been renamed the Isle of Wight Economic Partnership (IWEP).  The new service delivery arrangements for the economic development service resulting from these changes were reported to the Economic Development, Planning, Tourism and Leisure Services Select Committee on 27 May 2002.


4.         The attached draft Agreement (Appendix 1) lays out the terms and conditions of continued Council support to IWEP reflecting these changes.  In particular, it outlines the following :


·      The respective roles of the IWEP and the Council (see clause 3)

·      Details of Council payments and contributions to the IWEP (see clause 4)

·      Performance monitoring arrangements and details of the Council’s nomination rights to the IWEP Board (see clause 5)

·      Default and contract termination arrangements (see clauses 8 and 9)

·      Arrangements for reviewing and making variations to the SLA (see clauses 10     and 11)

·      Standards of conduct for IWEP Board directors





5.         The Council’s Corporate Plan has 6 key objectives one of which relates to “Encouraging job creation and economic prosperity.” The Council was instrumental in establishing the IWEP as the primary vehicle for delivery of this objective. In particular, the IWEP’s responsibilities relate to the attraction of new investment and the delivery of regeneration programmes.




6.         Development of the Service Level Agreement has been the subject of consultation with the following :


·                     The Isle of Wight Economic Partnership

·                     Director of Finance

·                     Director of Corporate & Environmental Services


7.         In addition, on 27 January 2003, the Economic Development, Planning, Tourism and Leisure Services Select Committee considered the draft SLA. The Select Committee recommended to the Executive that the SLA be approved subject to the following :


(i)                      That the £14,000 set aside from last years budget for the Ambassadors Scheme be deducted from the budget paid to the IWEP for 2003/04


(ii)                    That reports on the economic development and regeneration programmes delivered by the IWEP also be made to the Select Committee on a quarterly basis


(iii)                  That clause 5.1.1. be amended to make specific reference to the IWEP also providing a quarterly financial report to the Select Committee


(iv)                  That clause 3.3.2. be removed from the agreement.


(v)                    That the Chairman and Vice Chairman have an input on behalf of the Committee into the final negotiations regarding clause 10.2.


8.         The advice of officers regarding these comments is as follows :


(i)                 That point (i) above be considered by the Executive. Since the meeting of the Select Committee the IWEP have provided a briefing note on the Ambassadors Scheme describing activities delivered to date and proposals for its future development.  This is attached as Appendix 2 and will assist the Executive in reaching a decision on this matter.


(ii)               That points (ii), (iii) and (v) be accepted. The attached SLA has been amended accordingly.


(iii)             With regard to point (iv) above, Executive are advised to amend para 3.3.2.


to refer to “Advising the Executive and such other committees as may be appropriate on all aspects of the service.” The concern expressed by the Select Committee related to the need to clarify the meaning of this paragraph. The proposed wording addresses this issue.




9.                      Details of the Council’s financial support for the IWEP are detailed in clause 4 of the draft Service Level Agreement. Provision for the proposed level of support has been made within  existing budgetary provision.




10.      The Service Level Agreement will form a legally binding agreement between the Council and the Isle of Wight Economic Partnership. The power to fund the Partnership is created by Part 1 Local Government Act 2000.




11.             The options available to the Executive are as follows :


Option 1 : Approve the SLA as drafted, subject to the comments of the Select Committee as reported in paragraph 8 above and any additional comments that Executive would wish to incorporate.


            Option 2 : Reject the SLA and ask officers to reconsider the matter.




12.             The advice of officers as regards the comments of Select Committee is set out in paragraph 8 above.


13.       The draft Service Level Agreement aims to provide appropriate safeguards to minimise the financial and operational risks to the Council. In particular, through regular monitoring and liaison meetings, members will be kept regularly informed as to the activities and achievements of the IWEP. The Council also has 3 members of the Executive who sit as directors on the IWEP Board to ensure close liaison.




In accordance with Option 1 that :


1.                  The Service Level Agreement be approved subject to any amendments which the Executive would  wish to incorporate.


2.                  That the Executive consider the recommendation of the Select Committee regarding deduction of the sum of £14,000 paid to the IWEP from the contribution to be made to the IWEP in 2003/4 relating to delivery of the Ambassadors Scheme.




14.       The following background papers are relevant :


·        Report to Economic Development, Planning, Tourism and Leisure Services Select Committee on 27 May 2002  on “Future Delivery of Economic Development Services.”


·        Report to Economic Development, Planning, Tourism and Leisure Services Select Committee on 27January 2003 on “Service Level Agreement between the Council and the Isle of Wight Economic Partnership.”





15.             The following appendices are attached to this report :


            Appendix 1 : Proposed Service Level Agreement between the Isle of Wight Council and the Isle of Wight Economic Partnership


      Appendix 2 : Ambassadors Scheme : Update from Mike King, Enterprise & Investment Director / IWEP



Contact Point : , F  John Bentley

                                    Head of Corporate Policy and Communications

                                    Ext 3346 ([email protected])




Head of Paid Service


Portfolio Holder for Economic Development, UK and EU Regional Issues















This Agreement is made on the                   day of                                      2003




(1)        The Isle of Wight Council of County Hall, Newport, Isle of Wight, PO30 1UD (‘Council’)


(2)        The Isle of Wight Economic Partnership Limited, Innovation Centre, St Cross Business Park, Monks Brook, Newport, Isle of Wight, PO30 5WB (‘IWEP’)



A.         The parties are both committed (‘Joint Commitment’) to the economic development and regeneration of the Isle of Wight including addressing issues of social exclusion

B.         The Council supports the principle of a partnership approach to economic development and regeneration

C.         The IWEP recognises the obligations and role of the Council in undertaking economic development and regeneration activities for the benefit of the Isle of Wight

D.         The parties have agreed to carry out the activities in this Agreement on the following terms and conditions in order to meet the ‘Joint Commitment’ and both agree that the tenets of social, economic and environmental sustainability must permeate all aspects of these activities.


1.         DEFINITIONS

1,1        For all purposes of this Agreement the terms defined in this clause have the meanings specified below.

            ‘Agreed PSA Targets’ means the economic development and regeneration performance targets agreed under the Public Service Agreement between the Isle of Wight Council and the UK Government, which IWEP will be delivering on behalf of the Council

‘Ambassadors Scheme’ means a scheme promoted by the Isle of Wight Council to appoint leading members of the community to act as ‘Champions’ for the Isle of Wight

‘Regeneration Director’ is the member of IWEP staff who is responsible for the team delivering a range of economic and social regeneration programmes on the Isle of Wight or such successor as may be appointed from time to time

‘Enterprise and Investment Director’ is the member of IWEP staff who is responsible for the team delivering a range of inward investment and marketing services

‘Council’ includes any authorised representative of the Council or such successor as may be appointed from time to time

‘Council Client Officer’ is John Bentley, Head of Corporate Policy and Communications for the Council or such successor as may be appointed from time to time,

            Head of Finance and Business Services’ is Paul Wilkinson, the Council officer responsible for management of Council financial affairs or such successor as may be appointed from time to time

‘Island Regeneration Strategy’ is the document which describes the Economic Development Strategy for the Isle of Wight

‘Innovation Centre’ means the managed workspace facility based at St Cross Business Park, Newport, Isle of Wight, providing incubator space for hi-tech, hi-growth start-up companies

‘IWEP’ includes any authorised representative of the IWEP including any agent or volunteer acting on behalf of IWEP

‘Monitoring Group’ shall include representatives of the Council and IWEP as agreed between the parties

‘Persons’ shall include any employee, volunteer or agent of IWEP engaged in the execution of the Agreement on behalf of IWEP

‘Service’ means the promotion of economic development and social regeneration as set out in clause 3 below.



2.1        This Agreement shall be for a term (‘Term’) of three (3) years commencing on 1st April 2002 (‘Commencement Date’) terminating on 31 March 2005 (‘Termination Date’).



3.1        Key Corporate Objectives

Promoting economic development and regeneration is a key corporate objective of the Council.  The delivery of this Service will be shared between the Council and IWEP as follows:

3.1.1          IWEP acting primarily as the delivery agent for the service; and

3.1.2          the Council acting primarily as a strategic advisory agent for the service


3.2        Responsibilities of IWEP

3.2.1     Inward Investment and Marketing:

The IWEP is responsible for activities aimed at attracting and generating new jobs and investment to the Isle of Wight.  In particular the IWEP will:

(a)                 provide a ‘one stop’ investor handling service for new and existing businesses;

(b)                 strategically market the Isle of Wight as an investment opportunity;

(c)                 facilitate the provision of sites and premises for new and existing businesses in liaison with appropriate Council service departments.

(d)                 manage the Innovation Centre;

(e)                 deliver the Ambassadors Scheme; and

(f)                   deliver agreed PSA Targets on behalf of the Council.


3.2.2   Regeneration

The IWEP is responsible for the delivery of the following regeneration programmes for the Isle of Wight:

(a)                 Single Regeneration Budget (SRB) programmes approved under rounds 2,4,5 and 6 of the National SRB initiative;

(b)                 Rural Development Programme;

(c)                 Market Towns Initiative;

(d)                 Leader+;

(e)                 such other initiatives as may from time to time be developed;

(f)                   support for development of sustainable local regeneration partnerships;

(g)                 deliver agreed PSA Targets on behalf of the Council.


3.2.3          Managing Financial Affairs

The Regeneration Director and Enterprise and Investment Director are jointly responsible for executive management of the IWEP budget with the Regeneration Director being responsible for management of the day-to-day financial affairs of the IWEP.


3.3        Responsibilities of the Council:

The specific responsibilities of the Council shall be:

3.3.1          advising the IWEP and partner agencies on strategic policy issues concerning economic development and regeneration issues and activities affecting the Isle of Wight;

3.3.2          advising the Executive and other appropriate Council committees on all aspects of the Service;

3.3.3          working with the IWEP in the co-ordination and review of the Island Regeneration Strategy;

3.3.4          co-ordinating and advising the IWEP on European policy concerning economic development and regeneration issues and activities affecting the Isle of Wight;

3.3.5          co-ordinating and advising on bid development activities in order to maximise levels of external funding attracted to the Isle of Wight;

3.3.6          provision of a research and information service concerning economic development and regeneration issues and activities affecting the Isle of Wight; and

3.3.7          promoting the tenets of social, economic and environmental sustainability in all economic development and regeneration activities.



4.1        The Council will make the following payments and contributions for the services specified:

4.2       Staff

Subject to clause 4.2.3 below, the Council will employ six (6) members of staff (‘Staff’) and second them to the IWEP to work in accordance with the requirements of IWEP to enable it to meet its obligations under this Agreement. These six (6) staff shall be as follows :


4.2.1     The following two (2) staff members who will be fully funded by the Council for the Term:

(a)                 Marketing Officer (Employed on a full time basis); and

(b)                 Economic Development Assistant (Employed on a part-time basis – 27 hours per week).

4.2.2     The following four (4) members of staff who are either partially or fully funded from sources other than the Council (‘External Sources of Funding’) as indicated below. 

(a)        Rural Development Officer employed on a full time basis and jointly funded on an equal basis, including all on-costs, by the Council and the IWEP

(c)                 Economic Projects Officer employed on a full time fixed term contract and jointly funded on an equal basis, including all on-costs, by the Council and the IWEP

(d)                 Rural Development Support Officer employed on a full time basis and fully funded by the IWEP

(e)                 Monitoring Manager employed on a full time fixed term basis and fully funded by the IWEP.


4.2.3     In the event of an External Source of Funding ceasing, the continued employment by the Council and the secondment to the IWEP of any affected Staff member listed in clause 4.2.2 will be conditional upon the IWEP securing a replacement source of funding not less than sixty (60) days prior to the date on which the External Source of Funding ceases.


4.3        Budget            

4.3.1     In consideration for the IWEP providing the Services specified in clause 3 and complying with the terms and conditions of this Agreement, the Council will pay to the IWEP an annual sum of One Hundred and Four Thousand Pounds (£104,000) (‘Annual Budget Monies’) to be received by the IWEP by April 1st for the ensuing financial year.  Consideration of any variation in this amount, including provision for inflation, will be considered as part of the annual review of the Council’s support.

4.3.2     The IWEP must provide the Council with a written acknowledgement of receipt of the Budget Monies within seven (7) days of their receipt.

4.3.3     The amount of the Annual Budget Monies will be subject to:

(a)     the results of an annual review of the performance of the terms of this Agreement by the parties by no later than 31 March of each and every year of the Term in accordance with the Council’s budgetary cycle and each party hereby agrees to work in good faith to complete the annual review by the times required; and

(b)     the allocation of adequate funding in the Council’s annual budget.


4.4       Banking Services

4.4.1     The Council will undertake the banking role of the IWEP for the following regeneration programmes which are delivered by IWEP:

(a)                 Single Regeneration Budget Programmes 2,4,5,6;

(b)                 Rural Development Programme;

(c)                 Market Towns Initiatives;

(d)                 Leader+ Programme; and

(e)                 such other regeneration programmes as may from time to time be agreed.

4.4.2     The banking role described in clause 4.4.1 above includes keeping appropriate financial records and making authorised payments relating to these programmes.


4.5        Accountable Body

The Council will act as accountable body, as appropriate, for the following regeneration programmes which are delivered by IWEP:

(a)                 Single Regeneration Budget Programmes 2,4,5,6;

(b)                 Rural Development Programme; and

(c)                 such other regeneration programmes as may from time to time be agreed.


4.6        Overdraft Facility

The Council will provide an overdraft facility of up to £150,000 for IWEP to assist with short-term cash flow.  A charge will be made to the IWEP for this facility to cover all interest costs borne by the Council.


4.7        Contingent Liability

The Council has also agreed to underwrite the contingent rental liabilities on the two (2) properties known as Enterprise House and the Innovation Centre both situated at St Cross Business Park, Monks Brook, Newport, Isle of Wight. The liabilities on both properties are the subject of separate legal agreements.


5.         GENERAL

5.1        Monitoring Arrangements

To enable both parties to monitor activities and maximise the potential for partnership working the following arrangements will apply:

5.1.1          Every three (3) months the IWEP will provide a written report to the Council’s Executive, the Economic Development, Planning, Tourism and Leisure Services Select Committee and such other committee/s as may be required from time to time on:

(a)     the IWEP’s activities;

(b)     progress towards the achievement by the IWEP of the annual performance targets described in clause 5.1.4 ; and

(c)     the financial standing of the IWEP.

5.1.2          Meetings between the IWEP’s Regeneration Director, Enterprise and Investment Director and the Council’s Client Officer (or such other senior officer as shall from time to time be nominated or appointed), will be held at regular intervals to be agreed from time to time, but not to be less than once every three (3) months.

5.1.3          Meetings between the IWEP’s Regeneration Director, Enterprise and Investment Director and the Council’s Head of Business and Finance Services (or such other person as may be nominated from time to time) will be held at regular intervals to be agreed from time to time, but not to be less than once every three (3) months.

5.1.4          At the commencement of each and every year of the Term the parties will agree in writing to defined annual performance targets set in accordance with the Island Regeneration Strategy, Public Service Agreement, Social Inclusion Strategy and other initiatives, strategies or documents which may apply from time to time.

5.1.5          These targets may be subject to revision during the year with the written consent of both parties.


5.2        Representation

            The Council shall be entitled to nominate three (3) persons to serve as directors of the IWEP for the Term of this Agreement.  Unless otherwise agreed to between the parties, these shall be the Leader of the Council, the Deputy Leader of the Council and the Economic Development Portfolio Holder for the Council.


5.3        Attendance at IWEP Board Meetings

            At the discretion of the Chairman, all IWEP directors shall be entitled to request the attendance of other individuals at Board meetings for specific issues. Such individuals shall attend meetings in an advisory capacity only. Those directors on the Board who are nominated by the Council shall also be entitled to seek officer advice on Board papers, correspondence and all other IWEP matters. These provisions shall be subject to all parties being bound by the IWEP rules of confidentiality.



6.1        The IWEP agrees to maintain throughout the period of the Agreement a fully paid insurance policy for:

6.1.1.        Employer’s liability (for any staff it may employ directly);

6.1.2.        Public liability; and

6.1.3.        Professional indemnity insurance


6.2        The above mentioned policies shall contain a Principal’s Clause which fully indemnifies the Council in respect of all claims which may arise in connection with the IWEP carrying out works under this Agreement. The Council’s Insurance Declaration Form (Annex I to this Agreement) must be completed by the IWEP’s Insurance Company or Broker on request.




7.1.       The IWEP shall operate in accordance with all Acts of Parliament and all statutory regulations made thereunder which affect the provision of the Service specified under this Agreement and ensure that all employees, agents, volunteers and management employed or engaged by IWEP comply with Equal Opportunities Legislation, the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act, 1974, the Data Protection Act 1984 and the Freedom of Information Act 2000 including any re-enactments or amendments to the above.




8.1        Where a Party (in this clause called ‘the Party in Default’): 

8.1.1     suspends for any reason its performance of all or any part of the obligations under this Agreement; or 

8.1.2          fails to proceed regularly and diligently to perform its obligations under this Agreement; or 

8.1.3          fails to pay any sum properly due under this Agreement;

then the non defaulting Party (in this clause called ‘the Party Giving Notice’) may, but is not obliged to, give a notice to the Party in Default specifying the default and requiring the Party in Default to rectify the default within seven (7) days of receipt of the notice.

8.2        If the Party in Default continues the default for seven (7) days or at any time repeats the default then the Party Giving Notice may issue the Party in Default with a written request for a default meeting (‘Default Meeting’) specifying:

8.2.1          the alleged default;

8.2.2          the required remedy; and

8.2.3          the place and time of the proposed Default Meeting which must be conducted no less than two (2) days and no more than seven (7) days from the date of this written request. Both parties may agree in writing to an alternative time and venue.

8.3        If neither party can reach agreement from the issues raised in the Default Meeting then the matter will be referred to a single arbitrator to be agreed upon by the parties, or in default of agreement on such appointment by the Chairman of the Independent Board of Arbitrators on the application of either party and subject to and in accordance with the Arbitration Act 1996 or any statutory modification or re-enactment thereof.



9          TERMINATION

9.1        This Agreement may be terminated without penalty at any time by either party giving not less than six (6) months prior written notice provided that the terminating party has not breached any term of this Agreement.

9.2        This Agreement may be immediately terminated by either party without penalty if the parties cannot agree by 31 March each year to the annual funding and Business Plan arrangements for any subsequent year of the Term in accordance with clause 4.3.3.

9.3        This Agreement may be terminated without prejudice to any other rights by the Council if the IWEP goes into liquidation, appoints a receiver or ceases operation.

9.4        If a party fails to abide by a decision made in accordance with clause 8.3 then without prejudice to any other rights the other party may by notice forthwith terminate this Agreement. 

9.5        Upon termination of this Agreement by whatever mechanism, any part of the Budget Monies or any other monies paid in advance to the IWEP by the Council and not spent or committed must be refunded within twenty-eight (28) days.


10.       VARIATION


10.1            This Agreement may be varied at any point in time during a given year of the term subject to all such variations being agreed in writing by both parties.



11.1      By no later than 31 March of each and every year of the Term the parties will review the specification of the Services and, following each review, it may be necessary for the Council to amend Services as required. Prior to any such decision by the Council, there shall first be reasonable discussions between the parties hereto concerning the potential effects of any such amendments.



12.1.     Any agreement by the parties to renew this Agreement must be completed not more than nine (9) months and not less than three (3) months prior to the Termination Date.



13.1      All directors of the IWEP shall act in accordance with the extract from the IWEP’s standards of conduct as set out in the IWEP’s Code of Conduct as attached at Annex 2 to this Agreement and in accordance with the Companies Act 1985.

13.2      When Council staff or members are acting in their capacity as company directors of IWEP they shall act in the best interest of IWEP and IWEP only, as required by the Companies Act 1985.   Where this may conflict with their duties under the Council Code of Conduct, such conflict shall be declared and the director shall withdraw from discussions and decisions on the matter in question.



14.1      If any part or provision of this Agreement is held to be invalid, amendments to this Agreement may be made by the addition or deletion of wording, as appropriate, to remove the invalid part or provision, but otherwise retain the provision and the other provisions of this Agreement to the maximum extent permissible under the law.




EXECUTED on the date hereinbefore written





Authorised Signatory













Authorised Signatory












DESCRIPTION OF WORKS:     Provision of economic development and regeneration services Agreement between the Isle of Wight Economic Partnership Limited and the Isle of Wight Council.


To:       John Bentley, Head of Corporate Policy and Communications, Isle of Wight Council, County Hall, Newport, Isle of Wight, PO30 1UD.


I/We hereby certify as the Insurance Company/Insurance Brokers for the Isle of Wight Economic Partnership as follows:-


  1. That the under mentioned insurance policies are held by:

(Name of Insured Agreement)…………………………………..of…………………….………………


(A)        Employers Liability Policy                   Policy No…………………………………………….

            Name of Insurance Company………………………………………………….………………….


            The policy premium has been paid and the policy is in force until……………………………


The indemnity provided by the Policy is not less that £10,000,000 (Ten Million Pounds).     


(B)        Public Liability Policy              Policy No……………………………………………………...

            Name of Insurance Company …………………………………………………………………….


            The policy premium has been paid and the policy is in force until……………………………


The indemnity provided by the policy is not less that £5,000,000 (Five Million Pounds) for any one accident or any one claim.


(C)        Professional Indemnity Policy             Policy No…………………………………………….

            Name of Insurance Company……………………………………………………………………..


The policy premium has been paid and the policy is in force until……………………………


The indemnity provided by the policy is not less that £2,000,000 (Two Million Pounds) for any one accident or any one claim

2.       That the above mentioned policies contain a Principal’s Clause which fully indemnify the Council in respect of all claims which may arise in connection with the insured carrying out works under the above Agreement with the Council.





Authorised signatory:……………………………………………………………
























1                    The purpose of this Code of Conduct is to set out the operating rules to:


1.1              regulate the proceedings of the IWEP, its Board and advisory Committees;

1.2              specify the functions delegated to Committees; and,

1.3              impose minimum requirements in respect of certain financial, miscellaneous, and general matters.


2                    These rules have been drawn up to reflect the IWEP's adoption of 'The Seven Principals of Public Life' as identified by Lord Nolan in the Reports of the Committee on Standards in Public Life reproduced at the back of this document.  They have been prepared to take account of external Government guidance.






33        (1)        Directors


All Directors must prepare a written declaration of interest (copy of the required form is attached at Annex 2) to cover all appointments, paid employment and directorships, equity interests over ten per cent and any other interests, including those of their close family, which may be relevant to the business of IWEP.  The register of declared direct and material interests will be available to the relevant Secretaries of State and may be made available to the public.


Changes to a Director's interests are expected to be submitted promptly.


Directors have a duty to notify any changes to their interests, and annually the Company Secretary will formally seek all Directors to reconfirm their written declaration at the Annual General Meeting.


The register of Director’s Interest will be held in the offices of IWEP and made available, if requested, to members of the public (subject to conditions).


As Directors of IWEP individuals and their organisations should not be disadvantaged, and as such they will remain eligible to seek to participate in IWEP funded programmes. However any such application should also include a formal letter to the IWEP’s Company Secretary stating their intentions to apply. Upon receipt, and acknowledgement of such a letter, the standard selection criteria shall apply to any application from a Director of their company.


(2)        Employees


An employee interests register will be maintained by the Company Secretary of the IWEP or the parent organisations of seconded staff in accordance with regulations laid down in the respective staff hand books. The purpose of the register is to ensure that contracts are awarded by IWEP to external suppliers on merit and that no special favour is shown to businesses that employees have a financial or commercial interest in.


(3)        Disclosure


Where contracts are awarded to Directors or employees or to businesses in which they have a financial or non-financial interest, these will be recorded in a publicly available register and referenced in the Annual Report.  Access to the register will be during normal IWEP office hours and will be by prior appointment only.









(1)        If a member of the Board has any pecuniary interest, direct or indirect, in any contract, proposed contract or other matter, and is present at a meeting of the Board or of a Committee at which the contract or other matter is the subject of consideration, he shall at the meeting and as soon as practicable after its commencement disclose the fact and shall not take part in the consideration or discussion of the contract or other matter or vote on any questions with respect to it.


(2)        Neither the receipt of an allowance to meet the expenses of office or his right to receive or the possibility of his receiving such an allowance, nor the receipt by a member of the Board of an attendance allowance, financial loss allowance, travailing or subsistence allowance or allowance for attending conferences or meetings or his right to receive, or the possibility of his receiving any such payment, shall be treated as a pecuniary interest.


(3)        For the purpose of this Operating Rule a person shall be treated as having indirectly a pecuniary interest in a contract, proposed contract, or other matter if:


(a)        he or any nominee of his is a member of a company or other body with which the contract was made or is proposed to be made or which has a direct pecuniary interest in the other matter under consideration; or


(b)        he is a partner, or is in the employment, of a person with whom the contract was made or is proposed to be made or who has a direct pecuniary interest in the other matter under consideration.


Provided further that this paragraph shall not apply to membership of, or employment under any public body, and a member of a company or other body shall not by reason only of his membership be treated as having an interest in any contract, proposed contract or other matter if he has no beneficial interest in any securities of that company or other body.


A "public body" includes any body established for the purpose of carrying on under national ownership any industry or part of an industry or undertaking, the governing body of any university, university college or college, school or hall of a university.


(4)        For the purposes of this Operating Rule a member shall not be treated as having a pecuniary interest in any contract, proposed contract or other matter by reason only of an interest of his or of any company, body or person with which he is connected which is so remote or insignificant that it cannot reasonably be regarded as likely to influence a' member in the consideration or discussion of, or in voting on, any question with respect to that contract or matter.


(5)        Where a member of the Board has an indirect pecuniary interest in a contract, proposed contract or other matter by reason only of a beneficial interest in securities of a company or other body, and the total nominal value of those securities does not exceed £1,000 or one hundredth of the total nominal value of the issued share capital of the company or body whichever is the less, and if the share capital is of more than one class, the total nominal value of shares on any one class in which he has a beneficial interest does not exceed one hundredth of the total issued share capital of that class, this Operating Rule shall not prohibit him from taking part in the consideration of discussion of the contract or other matter or from voting on any question with respect to it, without prejudice, however, to his duty to disclose his interest.


(6)        In the case of couples living together, whether married or not, the interest of one partner shall, if known to the other, be deemed for the purposes of this paragraph to be also an interest in the other partner.


(7)        A general notice given in writing to the Company Secretary by a member of the Board to the effect that he or his partner is a member or in the employment of a specified company or other body, or that he or his partner is a business partner or in the employment of a specified person, or that he or his partner is the tenant of any premises owned by the specific company unless and until the notice.


(8)        The Company Secretary shall keep a record of any notice of any disclosures made and of any notice given under this Standing Order received shall be held for inspection with the Register of Directors' interests which shall available from the Company Secretary at all reasonable hours for the inspection of any member of the Board.


(9)        If any person fails to comply with the provisions referred to in paragraph (I) of this Operating Rule, he shall be removed from the Board unless he proves that he did not know that the contract, proposed contract, or other matter to which he had a pecuniary interest was the subject of consideration at that meeting.




Directors must declare any private or personal non-pecuniary interests in any matters arising at a Board meeting, sub-group or committee, unless it is insignificant, or shared with other members of the general public generally as a ratepayer or inhabitant of the area. (For example discussion, or vote, on a particular asset which is in someone else's ownership, but which the decision on may affect the Director's own asset or interests.) Directors must decide whether such an interest is clear and substantial. If it is not, then Director's may continue to take part in the discussion of the matter and may vote on it If however the non-pecuniary interest is substantial the Director must abstain from any vote on the matter in the same way as for a pecuniary interest.






Where the Board on the recommendations of a Committee or otherwise, passes a resolution which is in the nature of a standing instruction or order, the Company Secretary shall report the same to the next meeting of the Board a proposal for an Operations Rule giving effect thereto.






(Form of General Notice)




I, .................................................................... (name), a director of THE ISLE OF WIGHT






I have no direct or indirect pecuniary interests which are required to be declared under the requirements laid down in the Code of Conduct and the Memorandum and Articles of Association of the Isle of Wight Economic Partnership Limited




I have set out below under the appropriate headings my interests which I am required to declare under the requirements laid down by the Code of Conduct and the Memorandum and Articles of Association of the Isle of Wight Economic Partnership Limited, and I have put "none" where I have no such interests under any heading.


(The notes to this Form give general guidance but are not necessarily comprehensive.)


Employment, office, trade, profession or vocation:















1          You should show every employment, office, trade, profession or vocation that you have to declare for income tax purposes.

2          Give short description of the activity concerned: for example "company director" or "magistrate ".

3          Employees should give the name of their employer.  If employed by a company, give the name of the company paying your wages or salary, not that of the ultimate holding company.

4          Where you hold office, give the name of the person or body which appointed you In the case of a public office, this will be the authority which pays you.

















5          You should declare the name of any person or body who has made payments to you in the last year towards your expenses or activities as a director of the Isle of Wight Economic Partnership Limited. You do not need to declare the amounts of any payment: only the name of the person or body making them.


Contracts with the Isle of Wight Economic Partnership Limited
















6          You should describe all contracts, of which you are aware, which are no fully discharged and which are:


(a)        contracts for the supply of goods, services or works to the Isle of Wight Economic Partnership Limited or on the Partnership's behalf, and

(b)        between the Isle of Wight Economic Partnership Limited of which you are a director, and either yourself or a company in which you have a beneficial interest or which you are a director.


7          You need not say what the financial arrangements are, but should say for how long the contract is.


Land in the area of the Local Authority




8.         You should include any land in the area of the Isle of Wight Council area in which you have a beneficial interest (that is, in which you have some proprietary interest for your own benefit).  You should give the address or a brief description to identify it.  If you live in the authority’s area you should include your home under this heading.


9.         You should also include any property from which you receive rent, or of which you are the mortgagee.


10.       Land includes any buildings or parts of buildings.


Licences to occupy land




11.       You should include land in the area of the Local Authority which you have the right to occupy, but neither own nor have a tenancy of.  You should give the address or a brief description to identify it.


12.       Land includes any buildings or parts of buildings.


Corporate tenancies




13.       You should list any tenancies of property of which you are aware where the landlord is the Isle of Wight Economic Partnership Limited of which you are a member, and the tenant is a company in which you have a beneficial interest, or which you are a director.


Interests in companies and securities




14.       You should list the names of any compares, industrial and provident societies, co-operative societies, or other bodies that (to your knowledge) are active in the Partnership's area and in which you have a substantial interest.  You do not need to show the extent of your interest.


15.       You have a substantial interest if you own shares or other securities in the company with a nominal value of more than £25,000 or more than 1/100th of the issued shares or securities.  If there are several classes of shares and securities, the fraction of 1/100th applies to any of those classes.  These limits also apply to deposits with industrial and provident societies, and co-operative societies.


16.       A company or body corporate is active in the Isle of Wight Economic Partnership Limited's area if it has land or a place of business in the IW local authority area.



17.       The requirements also covers shares and securities held in the name of other people in which you have a beneficial interest as detailed in the Code of Conduct being a husband or wife, any whole or half blood, step or adopted relative and any person with whom the Director is in partnership, or the husband or wife of any person with whom he is in partnership.


I recognise that it can be a criminal offence to :


(1)        omit the information that ought to be given in this notice;

(2)        provide information that is materially false or misleading;

(3)        fail to give further notices in order to bring up to date information given in this notice;

(4)        fail to declare an interest that I acquire after the date of this notice and have to declare.



Name: …………………………………………….


Signature: .........................................................


Date: .................................................................




Name: …………………………………………….


Signature: .........................................................


    (Company Secretary of the Isle of Wight Economic Partnership Limited)


Date: .................................................................







I understand there is a bit of a debate regarding the Ambassadors scheme. As

you are aware when the IWEP was asked to take on this role we discussed the

fact that it shouldn't be about holding meetings and dinners, but should be

a little lower profile and achieve direct results. I can therefore

understand that people may not have seen too much on the Ambassador front,

however, hopefully they will have seen some of the results. I trust the

details below; will quell any concerns over the delivery and funding of the

scheme. Please let me know your thoughts. As you are aware any further

reduction in funding will seriously hamper our abilities to deliver.


The most successful ambassadorial role to date, has been the initial

conversation between Paul Rudling and the then Managing Director of

Aerolaminates, now NEG Micon.


Due to the criticism of the previous scheme, the type of scheme we agreed to

run was one where we would provide information to key people to assist us in

promoting the IoW and attracting new investment to the Island and not to

hold a large number of networking dinners. It is therefore by necessity a

lower profile scheme, which may be why a number of Councillors are not aware

of what has happened. I can assure you it has not been inactive, far from



What has happened so far?

Due to resource issues, we chose to take an informal route regarding the

Ambassador Scheme. That is to say we do not have a formal list of who is or

should be an Ambassador. In the spirit that 'we are all ambassadors' we have

requested help from key people on specific projects. (This is something we

will address this year as I believe there is some benefit in also having a

recognised list of people). The most visible success in the last year has

been the attraction of Seaward Marine from Guernsey, who now employ approx

30 people and the attraction of INEX a Dutch remediation company who have

their base in the Innovation Centre. Our Inward Investment Officer, Matt

Hill has been instrumental in achieving these successes. Indeed the owner of

Seaward now wishes to help us attract more business from Guernsey, a classic

ambassadorial role.


These and many other companies have assisted us in attracting investment to

the Island as well as giving us some significant PR opportunities and quotes

as to how successful they are due to being on the Island. PR is an important

facet of our strategy as we have been able to harness the marketing budgets

of some of our larger companies to assist in the promotion of the IoW. This

has been by the setting up of a network of PR/Marketing contacts by our PR

Manager Pippa Phillips.


One of the people we regularly feed information to is our MP Andrew Turner.

We have supported and promoted his efforts on behalf of the IoW. This has

resulted in visits by Brian Wilson the Minister for Energy, who now has

extremely close links with NEG Micon, and Alan Johnson who visited the

Island as a joint guest of the IWC and the MP. We have also used our links

through SEEDA to get Lord Sainsbury to open the Enterprise Hub. This is

especially significant as his support has had a major affect on SEEDAs

response to Project Cowes. Lord Sainsbury was heard to say that "the Island

must not lose its composites cluster, SEEDA should assist in any way it

can".  This, as you are aware has resulted in a significant commitment from

SEEDA in both resource and cash terms to the IoW.


Project Cowes has provided a real opportunity to promote the Island. The IoW

is often not on the horizon of the investment community. This has now

changed as NATWEST, Royal Bank of Scotland has announced a £50 million

investment fund for the IoW, the first time in our experience that this has

happened. We are also  working with Councillor Mundy, who is using his

contacts to boost the potential investors in Cowes. Project Cowes will bring

many millions of pounds worth of investment to the Island and create several

hundred jobs.


Another aspect has been the work we have done with GBR Challenge. We have

had an open invitation and marketing space to promote the IoW. All of their

marketing material and their events have mentioned the IoW. This has

included several media events, at which they have allowed us to speak,

several features on the BBC, 3 networking events where they have allowed us

to network with senior people from the marine and yachting sectors and

highlight the benefits of the IoW and of course the naming of the boats

after the IoW. This is against a perceived climate of non support from the

UK. The IWEP were successful in keeping things running as smoothly as

possible without the financial muscle to support the campaign. It is

estimated that the coverage provided by the GBR challenge has amounted to

some £7miilion worth of marketing spend.


Just prior to Christmas we commissioned a number of websites with specific

areas for the Ambassadors scheme. This will provide Ambassadors with key

facts and information about the IoW, its businesses and in some cases

individuals. These sites will be backed up by some promotional material,

however we want to spend more on the delivery of the scheme, rather than

just providing leaflets. Ambassadors will be allowed access to these areas

and will be contacted on a regular basis with updates and key information.


Due to the lack of financial resource we have not been able to spend as much

as we would have liked on marketing, hence the delay in commissioning the



This is an area where the Island needs to spend a considerable amount of

resource. With a budget of only £15,000 for marketing the IoW as a business

destination and with so many other agencies providing mixed messages about

the island, the IoW does not achieve as much as it could. A common branding

and marketing strategy now needs to be adopted. Many of the key companies

including the 2 ferry operators agree that a coordinated approach should now

be adopted. 


Next Steps in development of the Ambassadors Scheme


-          formalise ambassadorial list

-          finish marketing material including web-site

-          establish a regular communications bulletin

 -         Establish common branding/marketing plan.