For Decision


Committee:     EXECUTIVE


Date:               26 FEBRUARY 2002



                       AND REVIEW OF PROGRAMME 2001/2002

                       PORTFOLIO HOLDER - TRANSPORT




To approve the Highway Capital Programme for 2002/2003.


The Local Transport Plan (LTP) highway capital settlement for 2002/2003 was confirmed as £6,782,000 in a letter from Government Office for the South East dated 13th December 2001.

Unlike previous years’ settlements which have been in the form of 2 year Supplementary Credit approval, funding has been included as part of the Council’s Annual Capital Guideline in the Single Capital pot. The main implication of this change is that in order to take full advantage of the settlement, the amount will have to be spent by 31st March 2003. This will exacerbate the problem of designing, implementing and supervising highway schemes. It is therefore essential that a spending strategy be agreed that will allow the full settlement to be spent whilst still bearing in mind value for money considerations. The recommended programme outlined below is considered to be attainable in the 12 month period.


                                                                                                                     £ ,000


           a)        A3054 Ryde to Newport                                                        900

           b)        A3020 Newport to Cowes                                                     675

           c)        A3054 Newport to Yarmouth                                                 723



            IMPROVEMENTS                                                                            975


3.        NEWPORT PEDESTRIANISATION                                                 1,100


4.        PEDESTRIAN IMPROVEMENTS                                                     250


5.        ADVANCE HIGHWAY DESIGN FOR 2003/4/5                                300


6.        VENTNOR GROUND INVESTIGATION                                          300


7.        A3055 UNDERCLIFF DRIVE DIVERSION WORKS                        950


8.        HIGHWAY MAINTENANCE CAPITALISATION                               609

                                                                                              TOTAL            6,782


           WIGHTBUS FLEET REPLACEMENT                                              250

(To be implemented if slippage occurs)


1.        Strategic Corridor Improvements


Since a large proportion of journeys are made on the strategic principal road network and in particular between Ryde, Newport and Cowes, it is essential that these roads are maintained to a good standard. It is, therefore, proposed that upgrading the A3054 from Ryde to Newport, the A3020 between Newport and Cowes, along with improvements to the A3054 “ferry route” from Newport to Yarmouth should be treated as a priority.


In line with the objectives of the Local Transport Plan, as well as improving the carriageway ride quality by resurfacing, footways, kerbs, road markings, signing, street furniture and bus shelters along these routes would also be upgraded.


To ensure that the £2.3 million of works can be completed within the 12 months timescale, it is proposed to use a new method of design and procurement. Preliminary approaches have been made to suitable Island and mainland contractors who are already on the Council’s Select List. They have been asked to inspect and report what improvements are necessary to the 3 strategic corridors and then to prepare a costing of these works. Their recommendations and estimates can be compared and then a contract be entered into in the usual way. Although not a strict partnering arrangement, this type of procurement is the first step towards the use of such partnering arrangements in the future. Partnering is now becoming an accepted method for obtaining quality services and continuous improvements both by the private and public sector. It is suggested that during the coming year the Council moves towards implementing this type of procurement where appropriate subject to an appropriate competitive selection process having taken place and being able to demonstrate value for money and continuous improvement. A full report on the implementation of partnering arrangements, with specific references to highway projects, will be brought to Members by the Head of Service later in the year and before any such arrangement is entered into.


Since the roads to be upgraded are the most highly trafficked on the Island, it is essential to minimise disruption to the travelling public. It is, therefore, proposed that the majority of works be undertaken at night and on Sundays.


2.        Islandwide Public Transport Infrastructure Improvements


In line with the LTP aspirations, to encourage bus usage, it is suggested that the riding quality of carriageways on the bus routes should be improved, since the public complain that bumpy roads are felt more by bus passengers. It is also proposed that users facilities, such as shelters, hardstandings and ease of bus access should be improved.


A Bus Strategy Report is at present being produced and we are awaiting the results of recently undertaken structural surveys of Island carriageways. When these results are available, a decision can be taken as to prioritising, which it is suggested should be delegated to the Head of Service and the Executive Transport Portfolio Holder for implementation.


3.        Newport Pedestrianisation


Public consultation is at present being undertaken regarding 4 options to provide pedestrianisation of Newport High Street. This would be in line with the LTP and therefore should be rated a priority for the coming year.


4.        Pedestrian Improvements


With the importance of sustainable transport it is essential that the Council continues to improve pedestrian areas. It is suggested that £¼ million be set aside for this purpose and that first priority be given to where existing pedestrian usage is high, such as town centres. These priorities should be delegated to the Head of Service and Executive Transport Portfolio Holder for implementation.


5.        Advance Highway Design for 2003/4/5


The suggested Highway Capital Programme for 2002/2003 has been compiled with the need to spend the complete allocated budget by March 2003. For this reason, certain traffic and safety schemes have not been included because of the long “lead in” time, due in part to the need for consultation. These schemes are, however, important and it is suggested that £300,000 be used to design schemes for the following two financial years.


6.        Ventnor Ground Investigation


Please refer to Appendix 1, a report provided by the Coastal Manager.


7.        A3055 Undercliff Drive Diversion


Members should be aware that an additional £950,000 capital allocation was granted in the 2002/2003 settlement for a temporary carriageway diversion of the Undercliff Drive at Beauchamp Corner, Niton. Further investigatory and design works are proceeding and it is envisaged that a planning application for the diversion will be submitted by the end of March 2002. If approval is granted, without any delays, it may be possible to undertake the works during this summer.


8.        Highway Maintenance Capitalisation


The Council’s Revenue Budget Strategy for 2002/2003 allows for £609,000 of eligible highway maintenance expenditure to be capitalised and this will have to be allocated from within the Highways Capital Budget.

Review of Programme 2001/2002

A number of amendments to the original programme for 2001/2002 have been made by the Head of Service in order to reflect changing circumstances encountered during the year, value for money considerations and ongoing works arising from the extended period of bad weather last winter. The most significant adjustments have been made to budgets for the planing and resurfacing contracts and North Walk, Ryde, where SRB funding has augmented the original scheme. These adjustments have been contained within the overall total by virement from other projects delayed or deferred pending further investigation. In addition, a number of other schemes have slipped in the existing programme. In order to expedite the first of the strategic corridor improvements as early as possible, it is suggested that flexibility is given to the Head of Service and the Executive Transport Portfolio Holder to manage the entire programme within the financial total available to optimise the use of available resources in delivering the highways capital programme.


The Highway Capital Settlement for 2002/2003 is £6,782,000 and the Executive are empowered to decide how this should be spent.



1.        To approve the Highway Capital Programme for 2002/2003 as outlined in this report.


2.        To authorise the Head of Service and Executive Transport Portfolio Holder to decide priorities for Islandwide Public Transport Infrastructure Improvements and Pedestrian Improvements and to approve the detail of expenditure within each of the strategic corridors.


3.        To delegate responsibility for delivery of the programme, both the projects remaining from 2001/2002 and the 2002/2003 programme put forward, to the Head of Service and the Executive Transport Portfolio Holder, within the total amount available.


4.        Not to approve the Highway Capital Programme for 2002/2003.


Options 1,2 and 3.


LTP settlement letter from GOSE.


Contact Point:            Stephen Matthews, Head of Highways and Transportation





Strategic Director of

Corporate and Environment Services


Portfolio Holder for Transport