SOCIAL SERVICES & HOUSING SELECT COMMITTEE       APPENDIX B                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            
CAPITAL BIDS FOR 2002/2003 (with effect in future years)      
Scheme 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 Beyond  
  £000s £000s £000s £000s £000s  
Housing Investment Programme    
Housing Investment Programme Allocation 1686.0 - - - - This represents the Governments Annual Capital Guidelines  
Disabled Facilities Programme 337.0 - - - - Requires £135,000 of matching resources  
Purchase of Additional Properties for Homeless 350.0 - - - - This bid represents a continuation of the additional funding that has been agreed  
    in recent years. This bid is in addition to resources which are contained in the ACG  
Adaptions to Homes for Physically Disabled 100.0 - - - -  
Sub Total 2473.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0  
On-Going Projects    
    These bids maintain the current programme expenditure levels in respect of these  
Fire, Health and Safety 10.0 - - - - services, and have been in recent years contained within the Annual Capital  
    Guidelines (ACG) and associated borrowing approval for Social Services.  
CSDP Act 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0  
Sub Total 90.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0  
Other Services    
5 Digital Cameras (Visiting Officers) 2.0 - - - -  
Accommodation Needs (OR for ICT) 30.0 - - - -  
HQ Switchboard 13.0 - - - -  
Equipment for Autistic Clients 8.0 - - - -  
Medina Centre Car Park 10.0 10.0 10.0 - -  
Care Standards Act 2000 - Alterations (L&P)    
     - The Gouldings 16.7 - - - -  
     - Adelaide Club 26.7 - - - -  
     - Westminster House 9.3 - - - -  
Childrens Service Centre - Redecoration 20.0 - - - -  
Sub Total 135.7 10.0 10.0 0.0 0.0  
Social Services & Housing Select Committee 2698.7 90.0 90.0 80.0 80.0