Isle of Wight Council


The Healthy Workforce Strategy




The Healthy Workforce Strategy

IW Council Standards


A whole Council approach...


The IW Council is actively working towards the achievement of these standards.


1          Leadership, Management and Managing Change


1.1       Health issues are seen as contributing to Council-wide achievement and this understanding informs policy and practice in other areas of the Council=s work.


1.2       The Healthy Council initiatives are identified in Service and Training Plans and delivered through a range of initiatives.


1.3       Directors, Managers and elected members ensure full implementation of the Healthy Workforce policies and strategy.


1.4       All managers cascade this strategy to all their team members in a way that encourages commitment to success.


1.5       Clear procedures are in place to accurately monitor, control and cost the extent of absence. Trends are noted and acted upon by all managers.


1.6       Partnerships with other businesses, agencies and organisations which assist the development of a healthy workforce are actively developed.


2          Policy Development


2.1       The Council develops, implements, monitors and evaluates its Healthy Workforce Strategy;


2.2       The roles and responsibilities of all parties to the policies and strategy are clearly defined and achievable;


2.3       Personnel Services reports annually to the resources Select Committee / Executive on the implementation, evaluation and outcomes of the strategy.


3          Learning & Development


3.1       All managers attend the Corporate training programme designed to equip them with the understanding and skills necessary to implement the strategy.


3.2       The importance of a safe and healthy work environment is emphasised in all training activity.


3.3       Managers are encouraged throughout all training activities to identify risks within their own area of responsibility and to take action to reduce these.


3.4       All managers hold up-to-date managerial qualifications in line with their role demands and expectations.


3.5       All staff are involved in planning their own development needs and are offered a range of development activities designed to meet these needs.


3.6       Staff are given the opportunity to share ideas, learning and experience with others and to think of creative solutions to problems. Mentoring schemes are encouraged.


3.7       Whilst time for development activities is normally made available during the working day there will be times, with agreement, when it is appropriate for individuals to learn or study in their own time.


4          Organisational Culture & Environment


4.1       The Council aims to comply with all Health and Safety Legislation.


4.2       The Healthy Workforce Strategy is sent out with the staff handbook for all successful candidates for Council posts and is an integral part of the induction process.


4.3       All job descriptions are routinely reviewed at the point of the Personal Performance Review for relevance and accuracy. All job descriptions reflect the physical and psychological health demands of the job.


4.4       Directors, Managers and Elected Members take active steps to promote morale and motivation amongst all staff, recognising the importance of communication at all levels within the organisation.


4.5       All staff are encouraged to play an active part in promoting a culture of attendance.


4.6       All staff play an active part in maintaining a healthy and safe working environment.


4.7       The Council encourages and celebrates the success of individuals and teams.


4.8       Mechanisms are established for involving staff and recognised trade unions in policy and strategy development, such as focus groups, healthy working groups and health and safety initiatives.


5          Provision of Healthy Lifestyles Activities


5.1       A range of activities designed to promote healthy lifestyles are in place and can be accessed by all staff.


5.2       A confidential staff counselling scheme is in place and can be accessed by all staff.


5.3       A range of therapeutic activities are in place to enable the amelioration of stress and can be accessed equally by all staff.


5.4       Arrangements are in place for appropriate occupational health and support.


5.5       Staff rooms and work areas are welcoming, comfortable and free from risk. They support a positive environment and encourage the feeling of being valued.