Purpose : For Decision


                        REPORT TO THE EXECUTIVE


Date :              24 MARCH 2005










1.                  It is a condition of the Supporting People (SP) grant conditions that local authorities develop a 5 year Supporting People Commissioning Strategy.  A strategy is attached which has been through a refined consultation with stakeholders.




2.                  The SP regime has been in operation since April 2003.  Its introduction had the effect of consolidating a number of diverse funding streams for accommodation with support.  One of the programme’s key aims is to introduce a regulatory and inspection framework into the housing related support sector.  The SP programme can only fund services which are designated as housing-related support, rather than care-related support.


3.                  The Isle of Wight benefited significantly from the introduction of the SP regime, with the £7.2 million provider grant representing almost a doubling of the funding for supported housing.  This has enabled the provision of services to approximately 2,000 people, through contracts with 54 providers.  The funding for the costs of delivering SP is through a combination of ODPM and Council funding.  The net annual cost to the Council approximates to £65 per service user, which is considered to good value for money.  The national averages range from £57 to £116 per service user


4.                  In the relatively short time the SP programme has been in operation, a significant amount of the team’s resource has been expended in establishing a robust framework according to the very specific requirements of the ODPM.  This includes the delivery of a three-year review programme for all providers to ensure they comply with required standards of probity, quality and effectiveness.


5.                  There is a requirement for all local authorities to produce a 5-year strategy and business plan by March 2005.  This will be a key document which will set out the commissioning priorities and expectations for providers and stakeholders.




6.                  The Council have been successful in achieving a Housing Strategy which is deemed fit for purpose by GOSE.  This forms the overarching strategy for housing and housing-related support services on the Island.  There are also three detailed service strategies which feed into this document, which outline detailed need and delivery issues.  These are, the Homelessness Strategy, Housing Renewal Strategy and the Supported Housing Strategy.


7.                  The first two of these have already been approved by members; the third is currently in preparation and is directly relevant to this report.  The SP Strategy is itself, part of the Supported Housing Strategy.   The difference is that SP relates only to housing-related support and to the implementation of the Government’s regime.  The Supported Housing Strategy will, in addition to reflecting the SP programme, also cover aspects of housing where residents require higher care and support.


8.                  SP is a programme with enormous potential to improve and sustain the quality of life for the most vulnerable of the Island’s community.  There is a focus on a number of key factors:


·        prevention services,

·        quality

·        cost effectiveness and

·        new models of service provision.


9.                  The purpose of the five year strategy is to examine critically the services inherited from the previous funding streams and focus them on local need and strategic priorities.  This will ensure that the commissioned services fully reflect the aims of the SP strategic commissioning partners (Isle of Wight Council, PCT and the Probation Service). 


10.             As part of this process, a Special Needs Housing Survey was commissioned which involved a comprehensive mapping exercise of supply and demand on the Island.  This was with the intention of informing the strategy and allowing the development of action plans to fully reflect the needs of the Island community. 


11.             The scope of the strategy encompasses:


·        The future overall direction of the Supporting People programme on the Isle of Wight


·        The mapping of unmet needs for housing related support,


·        A vehicle for obtaining additional capital funding for the Supported Housing schemes/services by demonstrating gaps in services and unmet need in housing related support services 


·        Where appropriate, and within budgetary constraints, to propose increases or refocusing of the supply of housing related support services for vulnerable people living on the Isle of Wight


·        A framework for the promotion of partnership working with a range of stakeholders to enable people to live independent and fulfilled lives within their communities


12.                   The key strategic objectives are


·        To reconfigure the way that floating support is commissioned and delivered in partnership with all stakeholders


·        To reconfigure the way that hostel based provision is commissioned and delivered in partnership with all stakeholders


·        To reconfigure the way that older persons accommodation based support is commissioned and delivered in partnership with all stakeholders

·        To commission specific in depth client focused housing related support needs research


·        To improve the alignment of commissioned services with the priorities of partner agencies


·        To explore the opportunities available for independent living through jointly commissioned services and pooled budgets


·        To begin to move away from institutional and accommodation based services to more flexible floating support services


·        To ensure all services promote independence and are accessible particularly for hard to reach groups, the disabled and those from BME communities


·        To increase the accessibility of services for clients and referrers to SP funded services


·        To work with providers in order to achieve the Commissioning Body vision that all providers will be level A (Quality Assessment Framework) by April 2007


13.                   The SP Strategy also complements other Isle of Wight and broader strategies. These include, Valuing People, the National Standards Framework for mental health and older people, initiatives through the DAT, Domestic Violence Strategy group and Crime and Disorder Strategies.  Links have also been made to the work of Connexions and with the Learning Disability partnership Board housing strategy.  


14.                   Issues which are covered by the SP Strategy include:


·        A reconfiguration of sheltered housing

·         A reconfiguration of floating support

·        Review of hostel provision

·        Key priorities for future funding

·        Strategies for responding to future budget changes.


15.                   The importance of the SP strategy is three-fold:


a.                  It provides a partnership platform for the delivery of housing which reflects health and social care needs on the Island.


b.                  It will be the basis on which the Government determines future SP funding.


c.                  It will form a template for the SP Inspection, which is due in 2007.




16.             The strategy was developed as a result of wide ranging consultation.  This involved service users, providers, statutory agencies, the voluntary sector and council members.  Key agencies and partners included:


·        The Supporting people Commissioning Body – the Strategic partnership of health, probation and the Local Authority


·        The Supporting people Strategic core group – membership is drawn from all areas of the Administering Authority, probation and health (PCT) and providers are represented on this group.


·        The Supporting people Inclusive forum – Provider led


·        Individual Needs Groups – i.e. – mental health, learning disability etc – clients are involved in these groups and have a direct influence on the direction of service development


·        The Supporting people 5 year Commissioning Strategy will be available on the ODPM “knowledge web” ( and on the Isle of Wight Council web site for wider consultation.


17.                   The draft SP strategy has been subject to consultation with all of these groups with a major part of the Island’s annual Supporting People Conference held on 10th February 2005 being devoted to the strategy.




18.             The Supporting People grant is a ring fenced grant specifically for the commissioning of SP services.   All service development or re-engineering must be managed within the ring fenced grant.  However, the grant nationally is under pressure and the Administering Authority will need to make difficult commissioning decisions in over the next 5 years.  The Commissioning Strategy, which be agreed by the Commissioning Body, sets out the framework for this.  The Government has recently announced that SP Grant will be cut by 6% in 2005/06, 5% in 2006/07 and 2007/08.


19.             The ODPM issue an administration grant that part funds the business functions of the Supporting people Team; currently the directorate match funds the administration grant in order that the programme can meet its obligations under the grant conditions and statutory guidance.  Government grant will be cut by 20% in 2005/06.




20.             It is a condition of the Grant Conditions and Statutory Guidance that the Administering Authority develop a Supporting People 5 year Commissioning Strategy.




21.             The Supporting People strategy is in effect the summation of a range of option appraisals relating to local needs and support provision.  The strategy seeks to optimise the matching of supply to need in a cost effective, quantity based way within the context of reduced grant funding.


22.             The production of a Supporting People strategy is not optional, it is a condition of the Supporting People grant conditions that local authorities develop a 5 year strategy by March 2005.  The strategy proposed has been developed in the light of current needs, knowledge and resources.




23.             The strategy identifies a range of risks through its analysis of service provision and needs mapping.  It provides for the management of identified risks through the actions proposed to meet the strategic objectives.


24.             £7.2m grant funded housing related support services has been provided in 2004/05.  This is a ring fenced grant, however it will be reduced by 6% in 2005/06, 5% in 2006/07 and 2007/08.


25.             20% of the programme is delivered by three providers.  The programme also has a significant number of individual providers.  An outcome of the strategy is to produce a better balanced provision of support by a number of organisations that are financially sound, capable of providing the capacity needed and meeting the quality standards required.   The SP team through the Quality Assessment Framework regularly monitor and review the provision of services.  Full risk assessments will be completed as part of the service reconfiguration project thus allowing the continued refinement of contingency plans.


26.             Homelessness poses significant risks to the council.  In providing housing related support to approximately 2,000 people the strategy will directly complement the Homelessness and Housing Strategies and, through tenancy sustainment help prevent the occurrence of homelessness.




27.             It is recommended that the Executive agree the Supporting People Commissioning Strategy




28.             The Supporting people 5 year Commissioning Strategy - This has been circulated to Members of the Executive Committee only. If you wish to view the Strategy please visit the Council website at :



29.             There are four legal documents which underpin the Supporting people Framework and have been used in preparation of this report.

The Supporting people (England) Directions 2003

The Supporting People Programme Grant & Grant Conditions

The Supporting People Grant Guidance

The Local Authorities (Charges for specified welfare services) (England) Regulations 2003


In addition the following documents have been used in the preparation of this report.

Supporting People – Policy into Practice: DTLR: January 2001

Supporting People Administrative Guidance: DTLR: October 2001

The Interim Financial Package: ODPM: October 2002


Contact Point : Yvonne May, Supporting People Manager, ' 550471

e-mail [email protected]




Acting Head of Housing Services


Portfolio Holder for Adult and Community Services