The following decisions were taken on THURSDAY, 24 MARCH 2005 by the EXECUTIVE


These decisions do not take effect until FRIDAY, 8 APRIL 2005


Members of the Executive who were present :


Mrs S A Smart (Chairman), Mr R R Barry, Mrs T M Butchers, Mr J H Fleming, Mr P G Harris, Mr G S Kendall, Mr D J Knowles, Mr H Rees, Mrs J L Wareham


Confirmed as a true record of decisions taken : ……………………………………...


                                                                                    Leader of the Council


Agenda item

Public Question Time

Decision reference



Mr C Welsford regarding School Organisation (PQ03/05) The Portfolio Holder provided a written response.


Mrs D Hart regarding School Organisation (PQ04/05) The Portfolio Holder provided a written response.


Mrs M Franklin regarding School Organisation (PQ05/05) The Portfolio Holder provided a written response.


Mrs C Blake regarding School Organisation (PQ06/05) The Portfolio Holder provided a written response.


Mrs W Welsford regarding School Organisation (PQ07/05) The Portfolio Holder provided a written response.


K Russel regarding School Organisation (PQ08/05) The Portfolio Holder provided a written response.


S Milligan regarding School Organisation (PQ09/05) The Portfolio Holder provided a written response.


Mr Butt regarding the development of Newport Harbour (PQ10/05) The Portfolio Holder provided a written response.


Agenda item

The Future of Education and Training on the Isle of Wight

Decision reference


Decision taken

i)        Schools, the Isle of Wight Council and the Learning and Skills Council should create and then implement a collective vision for the Island education service with specific targets and responsibilities being agreed for each partner.


ii)      Schools should be reorganised into the national pattern of 4-11 primary schools with 11-18 secondary schools, but the new, possibly Voluntary-Aided denominational, school should be 11-16, with its sixth form based at   the Isle of Wight College.


iii)    For post-16 students there should be an Island-wide formal framework of learner entitlement with effective collaboration between all providers – schools, the IW. College, Work Based Learning Providers and Connexions.


iv)    The Executive will receive further reports proposing a detailed scheme for formal consultation, at its meeting on 1 June 2005.


v)      On the conclusion of the formal consultation, the Executive will receive a further report to determine a scheme to be submitted to the School Organisation Committee.


vi)    To deliver the post-16 framework two formal partnerships, one based in Newport and the other in East Wight, be entered into by 21 October 2005.


vii)  In the event that the framework has not been agreed, or if either of the two partnerships have not been formed by 21 October 2005, the Executive should receive a further report considering a post-16 centre in Newport associated with the I.W College.


viii)All reports concerning school organisation be brought to the Select Committee by the Portfolio Holder before going to the Executive


ix)    A scheme be developed to provide a transitional protection for staff and that this scheme be brought back to the Select Committee within 6 months.


x)      A specific communications strategy be developed for ensuring that all stakeholders are kept fully aware of actions being taken on school organisation.


xi)    Schools, the Council and the Learning and Skills Council should have created a collective vision for the Island education service by 21 October 2005.


xii)  A debate on the future organisation of Island schools be held by the full Council following the May 2005 elections.


xiii)An information leaflet be distributed to all Island households explaining the stage reached and the processes that will follow as a result.


To address the concerns of external reports regarding the underachievement at Key Stages 2,3,4 and post 16 and the range and quality of provision for 14-19 year old students.

Additional reasons


Options considered and rejected

i)        Reject the recommendations of the consultants’ report and make no changes to school organisation, but undertake other work to identify ways of improving educational attainment.


ii)      Defer a decision on the grounds that there is insufficient evidence to warrant change at this stage, and undertake further investigatory work


Mr P Harris declared a personal interest as a school governor.

Mrs Butchers declared a personal interest as a school governor

Mr Kendall declared a personal interest as a school governor.

Mrs Wareham declared a personal interest as a school governor.

Mr R Mazillius declared a personal interest as a school governor.

Mrs B Lawson declared a personal interest as a school governor.

Mr A Sutton declared a personal interest as a school governor.

Mr B Barry declared a personal interest as a school governor.

Mrs S Smart declared a personal interest as a school governor.

Additional advice received



Agenda item

IW Compact Funding and Procurement Code

Decision reference


Decision taken

That the Funding and Procurement Code be withdrawn from the agenda.


To allow time to complete a full consultation process. 

Additional reasons


Options considered and rejected

To adopt the Funding and Procurement Code.


None declared.

Additional advice received



Agenda item

Cowes Waterfront Initiative - Newport Harbour Regeneration Delivery Plan

Decision reference


Decision taken

That the Executive determines to deliver the regeneration of Newport Harbour by:

i)          Adopting the Delivery Programme.

ii)        Offering for sale within 6 months the sites identified with the Delivery Programme at Carpenters Quay, Little London Quay and Black Horse Quay.

iii)      To review future reports proposing further property disposals and infrastructure investment.

iv)    To recommend to Full Council future capital programmes which commit 50 % of capital receipts to find repairs, renewals and public realm investment within the Newport Harbour regeneration area, until the Delivery Programme is complete


To progress the regeneration of the Cowes Waterfront Initiative Newport Harbour

Additional reasons


Options considered and rejected

i)        That the Council sells all of the Local Authority property assets around Newport Harbour to one developer.


ii)      That the Council does nothing.


None declared.

Additional advice received



Agenda item

Formation of the Isle of Wight Low Carbon Company

Decision reference


Decision taken

(i)              That a community investor-owned, for-profit social enterprise be developed

ii)              That the Executive Receive a future report in September 2005 to take further decisions in relation to the creation of a Low Carbon Company


To promote the Government priority of Renewable Energy Sources

Additional reasons


Options considered and rejected

i)        That a Council controlled company be developed.

ii)      That a Community-beneficiary, not-for-profit social enterprise be developed.

iii)    That a Community-member, not-for-profit social enterprise be developed

iv)    That a Joint venture, for-profit enterprise be developed


None declared.

Additional advice received



Agenda item

Building (Local Authority Charges) Regulations 1998

Decision reference


Decision taken

The charges as set out in Appendix B of the report be approved.


To recover administration costs of the Governments revised Building Regulations that came into force on 1st January 2005.

Additional reasons


Options considered and rejected

To reject proposed charges.


None declared.

Additional advice received



Agenda item

Supporting People Five Year Commissioning Strategy

Decision reference


Decision taken

That the Executive agree the Supporting People Commissioning Strategy


To satisfy the condition of the Supporting People grant that local authorities develop a 5 year Supporting People Commissioning Strategy. 

Additional reasons


Options considered and rejected

To reject proposed charges.


None declared.

Additional advice received



Agenda item

Questions on Delegated Decisions

Decision reference


Decision taken

No questions were asked.


Mr P Harris declared an interest as Chair of Governors at Sandown High School.


Agenda item

Members Question Time

Decision reference



Mr J Effemey regarding Barton Hall (MQ18/05) The Portfolio Holder provided a written response.


Mr M Cunningham regarding Education (MQ19/05) The Portfolio Holder gave an oral response.