The following decisions were taken on WEDNESDAY, 23 FEBRUARY 2005 by the EXECUTIVE


These decisions do not take effect until MONDAY, 7 MARCH 2005


Members of the Executive who were present :


Mrs S A Smart (Chairman), Mr R R Barry, Mrs T M Butchers, Mr J H Fleming, Mr P G Harris, Mr G S Kendall, Mr D J Knowles, Mr H Rees


Confirmed as a true record of decisions taken : ……………………………………...


                                                                                    Leader of the Council


Agenda item

Public Question Time

Decision reference



No questions were asked.


Agenda item

Disposal Arrangements for Animal By-Products

Decision reference


Decision taken

(a)           That this Council makes a formal application to the Secretary of State for the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs and requests that a two year derogation be granted to the Isle of Wight in respect of the carcase burial prohibition imposed by the Animal By-Product Regulations

(b)           That this Council undertakes to work with the Environment Agency, DEFRA and any other relevant government agency to protect public health and the environment in the event that such a derogation is granted.

(c)            That this Council encourages the provision on the Island of suitable facilities for the disposal of Animal By-Products and Hospital waste.


To support the continued financial viability of local farms and promote legal compliance.

Additional reasons


Options considered and rejected

To do nothing.


None declared.

Additional advice received



Agenda item

Third Quarterly Performance Management Report (2004-05)

Decision reference


Decision taken

(a)         That the third Quarterly Performance Management Report of 2004-05 including the appendices be approved.

(b)         To agree actions being taken to address the Areas to Watch as detailed in the Performance Summary paragraph 15.2 of this report and within the Portfolio Sections 2.1-2.8 of the full QPMR.

(c)         To request the Portfolio Holders and appropriate Select Committees to investigate the eight performance indicators that have fallen short of their targets and identify what action should be taken to get the indicators back on target.

(d)         To request the Portfolio Holders and appropriate Select Committees investigate the three PSA Targets that have fallen short of their targets and report back with actions plans to the Executive.


To deliver best value in service delivery through performance management.

Additional reasons

During discussion particular emphasis was placed on the need for Select Committees, through the relevant Portfolio Holders, to investigate areas of concern.

Options considered and rejected



None declared.

Additional advice received



Agenda item

Questions on Delegated Decisions

Decision reference


Decision taken

No questions were asked.


None declared.


Agenda item

Members Question Time

Decision reference



Mr J Effemey asked a written question regarding the enlargement of the park and ride scheme in Cowes (MQ15/05)


None declared.