Purpose : for Decision

                        REPORT TO THE EXECUTIVE


Date :              23 FEBRUARY 2004






IMPLEMENTATION DATE : 23rd February 2004




1.                  At the last meeting of the Executive it was decided to defer making a recommendation to Full Council in respect of the revenue budget and Council Tax for next year until further consideration had been given to the responses to the consultation process.


2.                  An updated report on consultation responses is attached as an appendix to this report. Members are requested to have regard to this in making recommendations to the Full Council. Any further updates to the information provided in the report to the last meeting will be made available to members as soon as practicable, along with a draft resolution for discussion.




3.                  The Executive needs to provide a recommendation to Full Council meeting later today, in order that the Council Tax for 2004-05 can be set.




4.                  a.         To recommend the draft resolution to Full Council


            b.         To recommend an amended resolution to Full Council




5.                  See report of 11th February 2004





6.                  Option a




7.                  Report to the meeting of the Executive on 11th February 2004




8.                  Appendix – updated consultation feedback


Contact Point :           Paul Wilkinson (823606 [email protected]


Mike Fisher

 Chief Executive Officer

R Barry

Portfolio Holder for Resources



Consultation feedback


1.         Select Committee recommendations


 Fire and Public Safety 19 January 2004




a.      THAT £100,000 for Personal Development System to be reinstated in the bids.


b.      THAT £36,000 for two trainee posts within Consumer Protection to be reinstated.


At an earlier meeting of the Select Committee it was agreed to request £26,000 in respect of an RCC post currently seconded to the Crime and Disorder Team, for which SEEDA funding will cease to be available from March 2004.


Social Services, Housing and Benefits 22 January 2004




THAT a bid for Homelessness Strategy of £200k and £100k was supported


Environment & Transport 26 January 2004




a.      THAT the Executive to be advised that there is a clear business case for, to fully fund Section 74 issues, Pavement Management System, decriminalised parking and the bid for Highway Maintenance Staff as capacity will be increased to deliver services and reduce the cost of any PFI bid.


b.      THAT query over the bid for increased charges for Criminal Records Bureau.


Resources 2nd February 2004




a.      THAT clarification was required on the £100,000 for the Home Improvement Agency Staffing – does this also include the setting up costs?


b.      THAT clarification is obtained on the increase which had been received from the Government this year. (Believed to be 5.5% approx £7m)


c.       THAT details were obtained of the £85,000 budget shortfall and other financial pressures in the Policy & Communications Economic Development budget.


d.      THAT reasons were clarified why the appropriate salary funding was not transferred with the 2 staff from the Isle of Wight Partnership.



Economic Development, Planning & Tourism Meeting 6th February 2004




a.      THAT the report be noted.


b.      THAT comprehensive statistics on the “one card” be produced.


c.       THAT an investigation be undertaken on how many Council Officers are wholly or partly funded by grants.


d.      THAT a spend to save bid be investigated for the purchase of a marquee for Council events and the Select Committee support measures to save £25,000 required (£10k Community Fund and £15k efficiency savings unless alternative solutions can be found)


e.      THAT the Executive be made fully aware of the adverse effect on tourism and the general Island economy of any reduction in the events budget.


Education, Community Development & Lifelong Learning 9th February 2004




a.      THAT the revenue bids list to show which items are under which Select Committee remit


b.      THAT the implications for Community Development arising from the 2004/05 budget proposals be noted.



2.         Other Consultation Feedback




A public consultation exercise, aimed at identifying budget priorities for the coming year, was undertaken during December 2003 to February 2004. The consultations involved and engaged a wide range of the community through a variety of methods. These included:

1.      An interactive web site, where users could leave views and ask questions received 723 hits.

2.      A radio phone-in involving the Leader, the portfolio holder for Resources and the Council’s Chief Financial Officer

3.      Face to face meetings with the Leader, members of the Executive and senior officers of the Council.  Meetings were held with the following groups:


a.     The local business community, including trade councils and Unison

b.     The Island youth, including the IW Youth Council and Connexions

c.      Members of the Island community partnership panel and Island Futures local strategic partnership

d.     The voluntary and community sector and Island minority groups

e.     Members of Town and Parish Councils

f.       Members of the public were consulted at a televised “Question Time” type debate at the Medina Theatre, which was attended by approximately 200 people.


There were few distinct references to which services should or should not be reduced but rather, a collection of comments about the services offered currently and suggestions to increase the Council’s purse. For ease of reference the views expressed at these meetings have been compiled under the relevant Directorate heading. A comprehensive file containing comments and views from all of the meetings is available in the Policy Unit should Members wish to see them. 


Education & Community Development



Environment Services



Corporate Services



Social Services & Housing




General Issues


These views have been drawn from all the meetings undertaken and were felt to be the most common held concerns.





In order to asses the effectiveness of the budget consultation process, participants were requested to complete evaluation forms at each event.


The following is a brief compilation of the results:



Points of interest to note were: