The following decisions were taken on TUESDAY, 22 FEBRUARY 2005 by the EXECUTIVE - BUDGET MEETING


Subject to any amendments made by Full Council at its meeting on 22 February 2005 these decisions will take effect immediately.


Members of the Executive who were present :


Mrs S A Smart (Chairman), Mr R R Barry, Mrs T M Butchers, Mr J H Fleming, Mr P G Harris, Mr G S Kendall, Mr D J Knowles, Mr H Rees, Mrs J L Wareham


Confirmed as a true record of decisions taken : ……………………………………...



                                                                           Leader of the Council




Agenda item

Public Question Time

Decision reference



No questions were asked.


Agenda item

Revenue Support Grant Settlement and Budget 2005-06

Decision reference


Decision taken

Recommendation to Full Council :


To recommend the service cash limits and Council Tax level set out in Appendix E to Full Council for determination.


To recommend to Council the Revenue Support Grant Settlement and Budget 2005-06.

Additional reasons


Options considered and rejected

To make alternative recommendations.


None declared.

Additional advice received



Agenda item

Capital Programme 2005-08

Decision reference


Decision taken

Recommendations to Full Council :


(a)        That the capital programme as contained in Appendix B be approved and Supported Capital Expenditure (SCE)  levels be allocated to each respective Strategic Director for prioritisation, and subsequent approval by the Executive.


(b)        That a contingency of £2million of unsupported capital borrowing be approved, for use in the event of planned capital receipts not being received in the 2005/6 year, for Invest to Save/Prudential Schemes that are subsequently approved by the Executive and for the acquisition of vehicles and plant where an option appraisal demonstrates purchase to be financially beneficial compared to leasing.


(c)        That the approved £2 million prudential borrowing in 2004/5 be applied to the Respite Care Home and, where financially beneficial, to the acquisition of vehicles and plant.


(d)        That the Council continue its programme of asset leasing, only where it is economic to do so and, where it can be supported by the Prudential Code.


(e)        To approve the prudential indicators and limits as set out in Appendix A.


(f)          That the Chief Financial Officer be delegated responsibility for effecting changes between the ‘borrowing’ and ‘long-term liabilities’ elements of the authorised limit and operational boundaries for external debt, as contained in Appendix A.


(g)        That the relevant Portfolio Holders be delegated authority to amend the Capital Programme as priorities may determine, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Resources, relevant Directors and the Chief Financial Officer.


(h)         That the Treasury Strategy for 2005/06, as set out in Appendix C, be approved.


To recommend to Full Council the Capital Programme for 2005-08, prudential indicators and Treasury Strategy

Additional reasons


Options considered and rejected

(a)         To amend the Capital Programme

(b)         To amend the prudential indicators.

(c)          To amend the Treasury Strategy.


None declared.

Additional advice received



Agenda item

Questions on Delegated Decisions

Decision reference


Decision taken

No questions were asked.


None declared.


Agenda item

Members Question Time

Decision reference



No questions were asked.


None declared.