Purpose: For Decision


Committee:     EXECUTIVE


Date:               21 MAY 2002







The Executive agreed to consult on the provision of a planning brief for Fishbourne Quay, to guide future consideration of planning applications for development in the area, at the request of the development Control Committee. The attached report, Appendix 1, details the response from local residents and businesses circulated and others responding to the advertisement in the County Press. The Owner of Aluminium Shipbuilder responded in detail but the other main land owner and a developer with an option on that land have not responded as they had agreed to within an extended consultation period.

The conclusions from the responses is that:-


1.        There is a broad consensus amongst the respondents that marine related industry is appropriate for the site and that the waterfront should be reserved for this use.


2.        There is also support for some residential development, subject to safeguards such as noise control, to support the provision of employment.


3.        The layout of land uses suggested in the Council’s consultation document, and reiterated as concept layout 1 by Aluminium Shipbuilders, would be acceptable to many of those responding.


4.        The use of the hardstanding area created from the filling of the lagoon needs to respect the nature conservation value of the adjoining Special Protection Area and SSSI. The shortage of small boat hardstanding and facilities and their employment generation potential is highlighted.


5.        The development at Fishbourne Quay should be served by vehicular traffic entirely from Ranalagh Drive and will therefore no longer require the use of Ashlake Copse Road. With many private roads ownership and maintenance responsibility is vested in the properties fronting the road. This is perhaps the only way in which residents will be able to ensure the future upkeep Ashlake Copse Road if this can be agreed with the current owner and all residents are prepared to be involved.                                              


6.        The creation of a one way circulation route along Ashlake Copse Road is considered to raise practical difficulties for many of the residents so this road should remain open for two way traffic.


7.        An exit from Ashlake Copse Road to Ranalagh Drive should be created to obviate the need for turning area but this should be a right turn only to prevent the continued use of Ashlake Copse Road by traffic to the Quay. This may only be practical if the means of preventing left turns for most traffic is removable by the property Clymping. It may be that lockable bollards could provide a solution with Fairhaven also having a key if required so their right of access along Ashlake Copse Road can be retained.


8.        There should be no access to Ashlake Copse Road from Ranalagh Drive to restrict traffic entering Ranalagh Drive from Fishbourne Lane to that serving properties in Ranalagh Drive, The Poplars and Fishbourne Quay only.


9.        The keep clear area at the junction of Ranalagh Drive and Fishbourne Lane needs to be extended to prevent conflict with traffic queuing for the ferry and could become a yellow box junction. It will need to provide sight lines of the local traffic lane for vehicles exiting across queuing ferry traffic.


10.      A mixture of boundary treatment should be sought to satisfy each of numbers 2 and 4 The Poplars whilst also addressing the sight line issue and properties in Ranalagh Drive. Accurate detail of the ownership boundaries will be required.


Draft Brief Consultation Paper, Public Notice and Response Letters


None at present


None at present



That the above points numbered 1 to 10 be agreed to guide the future consideration of planning applications for the development of Fishbourne Quay.


Contact Point:            Dave Moore, Principal Planning Officer, Tel 823558


Strategic Director, Corporate and Environment Services

Agenda 21 and Countryside Portfolio