The following decisions were taken on WEDNESDAY, 20 APRIL 2005 by the EXECUTIVE


These decisions do not take effect until FRIDAY, 29 APRIL 2005


Members of the Executive who were present :


Mrs S A Smart (Chairman), Mr R R Barry, Mrs T M Butchers, Mr J H Fleming, Mr P Harris , Mr G S Kendall, Mr D J Knowles, Mr H Rees, Mrs J L Wareham


Confirmed as a true record of decisions taken : ……………………………………...


                                                                                    Leader of the Council


Agenda item

Public Question Time

Decision reference



No questions were asked


Agenda item

Medium Term Financial Plan

Decision reference


Decision taken

To recommend the draft Medium Term Financial Plan to Full Council to include the following alterations :


(a)           To add a glossary and chapter on children’s integration

(b)           A amend a number of typographical errors

(c)            To delete the paragraph under B2.8 and insert the following words :


i)              To confirm that the overall planned housing provision will remain at 520 dwellings (including homes of all types created by conversion and/or new build) per annum, unless formally changed by the Council, together with the appropriate infrastructure identified in policy IW3.


ii)            To agree that the rural policy (IW4) remain as a separate policy.


(d)           That the business plan is based on an estimate of the cost and benefit which engaging a strategic partner would involve. Firm projections will emerge if a partner is selected through a tendering process


To add the Medium Term Financial Plan to the budget and policy framework and ensure that the best use of available resources to deliver existing priorities

Additional reasons

(a)           To make it a clear and comprehensive document

(b)           To ensure consistency of decisions taken by the Executive at its meeting on 6 April 2005

(c)            To make the significance of the concept of margin of error clear

Options considered and rejected



None declared

Additional advice received



Agenda item

Planning Services Best Value Improvement Plan - Update

Decision reference


Decision taken

That the Business Plan as set out in Appendix A be approved


To respond to the suggested improvements from Planning Inspectors

Additional reasons


Options considered and rejected

(a)           Not to approve the Business Plan as recommended

(b)           To approve a different set of actions in the Business Plan



Mr G S Kendall declared a personal interest as his wife was employed by the Planning Department - he chose not to participate or vote on this item.

Mr R G Mazillius declared a personal interest as his son was an agent of a company that dealt with planning applications

Additional advice received



Agenda item

Local Development Framework - Statement of Community Involvement

Decision reference


Decision taken

That the Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) be approved for formal submission to the Government Office for the South East, subject to the proposed changes contained in the report being incorporated


To fulfil the statutory requirement of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act which requires all local authorities to produce a Local Development Framework within three years.

Additional reasons


Options considered and rejected

To agree the revised SCI subject to further changes


Mr G S Kendall declared a personal interest as his wife was employed by the planning department

Additional advice received



Agenda item

Highway Asset Management PFI

Decision reference


Decision taken

(a)           That it be noted that without PFI, there is a large risk that the economic regeneration of the Island as envisaged in the 2020 Vision and the Island Transport Vision which are used to drive forward and the regional South East Plan, the Island Plan (LDF), the Local Transport Plan and the Tourism Development Plan, will not be realised due to lack of suitable transport infrastructure

(b)           To approve the submission of the Expression of Interest to the Government for a Highway Asset Management Private Finance Initiative as detailed in Appendix 3 of the report


To enable an acceptable highway asset management programme to be delivered

Additional  reasons

The paragraph noted makes clearer the context of the submission of the expression of interest

Options considered and rejected

(a)           To use prudential borrowing powers to make the necessary investment to bring the highway network up to a sustainable standard

(b)           Do nothing



Additional advice received



Agenda item

Island Transport Vision

Decision reference


Decision taken

To approve the Island Transport Vision for inclusion in the draft Local Transport Plan 2 when that Plan is considered by Full Council


To support the development of a vision for island transport.

Additional reasons

A reference to LTP was added to the recommendation in order to identify a means of Full Council adopting and delivering the Vision

Options considered and rejected



None declared

Additional advise received

During debate members considered that the Vision should be taken to the Full Council for consideration


Agenda item

Delegated Decisions

Decision reference



No questions were asked


None declared


Agenda item

Members Question Time

Decision reference



Mr G S Kendall asked a oral question about the performance of the Island First Group

Mr H Rees asked a oral question about the number of other coalition administrations in hung Councils elsewhere