Purpose : For Decision

                        REPORT TO THE EXECUTIVE


Date :              20 APRIL 2005


Title :               ISLAND TRANSPORT VISION




                        IMPLEMENTATION DATE : 2 May 2005





1.                  For Executive to formally consider and approve the Island Transport Vision, so that it can be used as part of the Local Transport Plan 2.   The Vision will also be incorporated within the Island Plan (Local Development Framework), the Tourism Development Plan and within the developing 2020 Vision. 




2.                  This report has not appeared on the Forward Plan as the timetable for its adoption has been brought forward to accommodate the timetable for the adoption of LTP2, taking into account the hiatus in member decision making meetings over the election period.




3.                  The Review of Transport currently being undertaken has shown that transport is a chief concern of the Council, its partners and key stakeholder groups. Transport issues cut across all sectors of Council work and Island life.  The public require solutions from transport that will provide access to services, protect the environment, and promote economic development.   Therefore, there is an importance to having a shared vision for transport, which most Islanders will be happy to adopt as theirs.   This can then be used as a cornerstone for the development of transport policy and strategies, which Members can support and lead.


4.                  The Vision has been developed through a wide-ranging programme of consultation, and is shared by those organisations and individuals involved. It has built on issues in the current Local Transport Plan and the Unitary Development Plan. It also addresses local concerns arising from questionnaires and professional research.


5.                  The Island Transport Vision has been previously debated and supported by Informal Executive at it meeting on 21st February.  


6.                  The Select Committee for the Environment and Transport agree the importance of a vision for the development of future strategies and fully supported the Island Transport Vision at it meeting on April 8th.

7.                  The Quality Transport Partnership (the theme group for the Local Strategic Partnership) debated and approved the Vision at its meeting on the 17th March.


8.                  The Review of Transport has two main aims:-


(1)   To develop an Island Transport Vision.

(2)   To develop an improvement strategy for transport that meets this vision.


9.                  The Vision (see Appendix 1) has three main sections:-


                                    Section A:       A summary

                                    Section B:      Features of the vision in key areas.

                                    Section C:      How to achieve the vision, suggested improvements for transport.


Sections A & B are those on which we have fully consulted and are requesting formal approval.

Section C is just for information, and is being developed as part of the review.




10.             The Island Transport Vision will be an integral part of the 2020 Vision for the Isle of Wight.


11.             It has been agreed by the Quality Transport Partnership, the theme group of the Local Strategic Partnership.


12.             Transport is one of the themes of the Council’s Community Strategy, (A Connected Island) which drives forward our Corporate Plan.


13.             The Vision will also be used within several key Island Plans:-


(a)               The Local Transport Plan 2, updated version for 2005.


(b)               The Island Plan, (Local Development Framework or the new Unitary Development Plan for the Island).


(c)               The Tourism Development Plan


(d)               Joint plans for Health, Education and Social Care.


14.             The Island Transport Vision will form the focus for transport development on the Island for the next 20 years and will be the benchmark against which new ideas and proposals can be tested and evaluated. 




15.             Key consultees have included:-


                        Key Transport Stakeholders

(a)               Local Strategic Partnership

(b)               Quality Transport Partnership

(c)               Town and Parish Councils

(d)               Local Community Forums

(e)               Voluntary Sector

(f)                 Chamber of Commerce

(g)               Transport User Groups.

(h)               Island Voices – Citizens Panel

(i)                 Transport Planners

(j)                  Transport Operators

(k)               The Select Committee Task Group

(l)                  Health, Education & Social Services, Tourism


All consultees have supported the need for a Transport Vision and its content.




16.             Not identified at present.  These will flow later from the improvement strategy for the review, and the key plans (the Local Transport Plan 2 and the Island Plan).




17.             (a) To formally approve the Island Transport Vision, so that it can be incorporated as a part of the Local Transport Plan 2 and form a basis for future transport improvements.


(b)   To request amendments to the Vision.




18.             Option (a) is recommended, as it is vital that the Island has a clear vision for its future and there is general agreement that this supports the 2020 Vision of economic led regeneration.  





19.             To formally approve the Island Transport Vision.





20.             Local Transport Plan

Unitary Development Plan

Town & Parish Questionnaire

Community Forums Questionnaire

Island Voices Survey - September 2004

Consultation Documents - Notes from meetings

Local Transport Research




21.             Appendix 1.


Contact Point: John Vosper  Tel  825727, email : [email protected]




Head of Select Committee and Review Team


Portfolio Holder for Transport