Purpose : For Decision

                        REPORT TO THE EXECUTIVE


Date :              20 APRIL 2005










1.                  To seek Members’ approval for the remodelled Planning Services Best Value Improvement Plan.




2.                  This report originally appeared in the Forward Plan for 23 March 2005 Executive. It was deferred to allow further discussion with, and by, the Portfolio Holder. Taking account of the election period, the next planned Executive is for 1 June 2005 and the Improvement plan must be in place and being delivered before that date.




3.                  Members will recall that the original Planning Services Best Value Improvement Plan was approved in November 2003.


4.                  The Inspection of the Service took place in September 2004.  The Service was classified as fair and with promising prospects for improvement.  As part of their report the Inspectors made a number of recommendations on the format of the Improvement Plan and also suggested various additional aspects that needed to be tackled.




5.                  The principal area which has been tackled in the revised Improvement Plan is that of the relationship between the Planning Service and the aims and objectives of the Community Strategy (Island Futures) and the Council’s own Corporate Plan.


6.                  The Inspectors commented that the original Improvement Plan was in essence a recovery plan for the Service, and that future actions should align the work of the Service more closely with these wider objectives.  This has been accepted and is reflected in the revised Improvement Plan.


7.                  Your officers have also taken the opportunity to move away from the concept of an Improvement Plan and move towards the concept of a Business Plan for the Service until 2008.  In order to reflect the suggestions of the Inspectors the Business Plan identifies key elements of the ongoing work of the Service (eg the production of the Local Development Framework and the implementation of the AONB Management Plan) and the implementation of specific service improvements.


8.                  The Business Plan also tackles the issue of customer care in the Service which was one of the key weaknesses which the Inspectors identified.


9.                  An outline of the Business Plan is set out at Appendix A.


10.             The Planning Priority Improvement Area group has kept an ongoing overview of both the Inspection process, and ongoing improvements in the Service.  Key areas where the Group has added value to this process include:-


(a)               Securing Human Resources time and expertise on the issue of job evaluations, recruitment packages and the handling of the recent batch of adverts for new staff in the Service.


(b)               Providing advice and assistance on contract working and procurement arrangements.


(c)               Ensuring that the Service properly and fully has a high level of involvement in ICT/Business Process/GAGS issues.


(d)               Advising on customer care initiatives.




11.             The Business Plan has been produced in accordance with an agreed timetable with the Inspectors.  Given the extensive consultation that was carried out on the original improvement plan (and which was commended by the Inspectors) and given that the Business Plan is, in effect, incorporating the Inspectors recommendations into a remodelling and rebranding of the existing Improvement Plan, consultation has been limited to internal discussion with the component teams in the Planning Service.


12.             By implication the incorporation of the Inspectors’ recommendations in the Business Plan picks up the various comments made to the Inspectors team during the course of the Inspection in September 2004.




13.             One of the Inspectors’ recommendations was that the remodelled Improvement Plan incorporated a more accurate assessment of the financial and budget implications of implementing the various actions.  The opportunity has also been taken to incorporate in the Business Plan the amount of staff time that is anticipated to complete the various tasks.


14.             The detailed business plan identifies the cost associated with the various actions included within it.  These costs will be met from either mainstream Planning Service budgets or from the existing Planning Delivery Grant. 


15.             The Business Plan also identifies the need to achieve Gershon savings during the three years up to and including 2007/08.




16.             There are no direct legal implications stemming from either this report or the Business Plan.




17.             It would appear that the following options are available to the Executive:


a)         To approve the Business Plan as recommended

b)         Not to approve the Business Plan as recommended

c)         To approve a different set of actions in the Business Plan.


18.             Given the work that was done with the Inspectors in the period after the Round Table discussion and the undertakings that were made to incorporate their various recommendations into a remodelled Improvement Plan, it is suggested that only option a) is feasible at this stage.




19.             The Inspectors identified in their report that due to capacity issues in the Service some improvements had slipped.  The Business Plan seeks to tackle this matter through a more detailed evaluation of time and cost implications on the various tasks being undertaken.


20.             The principal risks associated with the future development and improvement of the Service stem around the ongoing mismatch between the number of planning applications being received and the capacity of the Development Control team to cater for this workload.  This particular matter is being tackled by the formation of a Development Team approach and the associated placing of adverts for a manager for this team, together with a replacement Development Control Manager post.  Two Principal Planning Officer posts are also being advertised in the national press.


21.             Other elements which are key to the future success of the Service such as the full implementation of Planning Online, via the DIP project and the upgrade of the existing planning registration (Accolaid) system and the filtering of telephone calls into the Call Centre are subject to their own freestanding Prince 2 Project Management Systems.




22.             It is recommended that the Business Plan set out at Appendix A be approved.





23.             Planning Services Best Value Inspection December 2004.


Contact Point :           Andrew Ashcroft, Head of Planning Services Tel  823556 email [email protected]







Head of Planning Services



Portfolio Holder for Sustainable Development,

Environment and Planning Policy