Deriving Benefit from Section 106 Agreements for Community Purposes
Action Resp. Implementation   Date  Budget £ (000) Outcome Measure Monitored By How outcome is to be achieved and measured Benefits & Risks             Local PI           PDP Training Requirement
Consult on draft  criteria with Service Departments AA, Major Applications Officer  Jul-05 NA Agreed Strategy Published AA, Major Applications Officer Feed back results of consultation, and improvements made to service as a result. Benefit :  Involvement of key service providers                                Risk :  Lack of commitment by other service areas Local PI's should be developed for attaining services expectations of Sec106's Should be in Major Apps officers PDP None
Establish service departments priorities which can be enabled by Section 106 Agreements. AA, Major Applications Officer  08-05 NA Service Departments designating priorities AA, Major Applications Officer Agree and document service department need and priorities Benefit :  Involvement of key service providers                                Risk :  Lack of commitment by other service areas N/A Should be in Major Apps officers PDP None
Establish system for monthly updates of S106 projects  AA, Major Applications Officer  Jul-05 NA System agreed & implemented.  Suggested measures, those started, those completed, objectives achieved. AA, Major Applications Officer Monitoring process by which progress on schemes funded by S106 is handled will be agreed between all parties involved Benefit : Performance management of 106's PI  will be developed for benefit gained from 106's Should be in Major Apps officers PDP None
Agree financial monitoring process for spend on S106 projects Major Applications Officer , AA, & Treasurer  Jul-05 NA System agreed & implemented.                            Ability to monitor financial gain for Community projects. AA, Major Applications Officer Agreed protocol for monthly monitoring of income and expenditure Benefit : Proper control of financial aspects of section 106's. N/A Should be in Major Apps officers PDP None
Ensure clear reporting mechanism to Committee on S106 Agreements Major applications officer,  Committee Services Jul-05 NA Agreed process implemented. AA, Major Applications Officer Agreed protocol with committee services Risk : Protocol not in place N/A Should be in Major Apps officers PDP None
Produce a standard template for S106 Agreements Major Applications Officer, Legal Services Jul-05 NA Less delay in major applications due to negotiation.                                                             More applications submitted with legal agreements drafted.                                           Ability to inform interested stakeholders AA, Major Applications Officer Monitor % of Major Applications agreed within 13 weeks - with S106 Agreements. Benefit : speed with which Sec 106's are being dealt                       Applicant aware of requirements early in negotiations N/A Should be in Major Apps officers PDP None
Produce and Agree a Service Level Agreement with Legal Services on Sec106's and other issues AA, Major Applications Officer, Legal Services Jul-05 NA SLA in place which defines expectations of both parties.                                                                    AA, Major Applications Officer Investigate all options for provision of legal services with John Lawson.  Include measures of performance within SLA Risk :  Lack of agreement on SLA contents N/A Should be in Major Apps officers PDP None
Deriving Benefit from Section 106 Agreements for Community Purposes
Action Resp. Implementation   Date  Budget £ (000) Outcome Measure Monitored By How outcome is to be achieved and measured Benefits & Risks             Local PI           PDP Training Requirement
Appointment of Major Applications Manager AA Apr-05 Existing ,  plus additional 15 Development of  role of post                       Implementation of Development Team Approach                                                             Ability to consistantly meet BVPI's for majors AA Evaluate new role and grading                                        Advertise post                                                            Appoint to post Ability to enable corporate aims through this role                     Ability to meet targets                                                                       Higher profile for role within the council                                      Greater cu Local PI's re 106 benefits.  Major Apps National BVPI already in place Monitoring Sec106's needs to be in Major Applications Officer's PDP  Potential training for  Major Applications Officer
Establish a Development Team as a single point of contact for major applications, ensure key members of team are trained in project management.   Establish service level agreements with major stakeholders.  Project Jul-05 NA Inclusion of Key Stakeholders.  Meet targets for major applications, 2004 55%, 2005 60%. The team would act as 1st point of contact for major applications.  Monitor progress of individual applications within target timescales. Delivery of economically led SMT Look at the Economic Development Partnership Protocol, with a view to the involvement of external and internal partners.   Eg EA, EH, Tourism, Legal, Property Svcs, Highways, Environment, Housing, AONB, Archaeology, Crime & Disorder.  Include measures of Smoother delivery of major aplications.                                               Risk : lack of commitment from potential partners Local PI's to be developed Major Applications Officer Project management training for Major Applications Team
Ensure corporate buy-in to Development Team approach, departments and individuals willing and able to contribute.  Ensure results are published through media strategy  Project Jul-05 NA Agreement by Directors Group to the Development Team approach, and publicity of results. AA Paper needed to Directors Group, examples of contributions needed and importance to development appreciated.   Link to media strategy.   Benefit: Co-ordinated approach to Major Applications and regeneration .                                       Risk : Lack of commitment by other services N/A Major Applications Officer None
Prepare a draft protocol for  processing S106 Agreements. AA Jul-05 NA Updated Programme Published AA Protocol will be drawn up and agreed by DC and Legal services . Shared understanding of process, leading to faster delivery of Agreements N/A  AA None
Write draft criteria for applications suitable for Section 106 Agreements AA Jul-05 NA Draft Strategy Published AA By establishing key thresholds for  suitable applications  Ability to trigger Sec106 process early thus enabling faster processing of agreements N/A Major Applications Officer None