For Decision


Committee :     EXECUTIVE


Date :               2 JULY 2002


Title :               CORPORATE PLAN 2002 – 2005



                        THE DEPUTY LEADER




1.         On 15 May the Council approved a ‘Strategic Vision’ for the Council and confirmed the seven key goals.  This work has been extended to form Part 1 of the attached draft Corporate Plan, particularly by the addition of specific actions to be undertaken within each priority.




2.         Three further parts have now been added to Part 1:


            Part 2:  Making it Happen – this details our approach to corporate governance.


            Part 3:  Financing the Plan – outlines the financial resources we expect to be available.


            Part 4:    Next Steps – how the Plan will be made a reality ‘on the ground’.


3.         Although the various sections of the draft Plan have been discussed and amended informally, it is now time to expose it to a wider range of views, particularly from our partners.  It is therefore recommended that it is sent to our partners (detailed in Annex A) for their views.  Staff views will be gathered via service meetings convened by Directors and Heads of Service.


4.         This is an important document and therefore it is proposed that two months be allowed for consultation, requesting replies by Friday 6 September.  As a result of feedback from the consultation, the draft will be amended and considered at the next available meeting of the Executive.  Once it has the approval of the Executive, they will recommend it for adoption by the full Council, probably at its meeting on 16 October.





That the Head of Paid Service send the draft Plan to our partners listed in Annex A inviting their views and comments.


Contact Point:  Alan Kaye, Head Of Paid Service    Tel: 823400  (Ref: A1007)



Head of Paid Service


Deputy Leader of the Council




Andrew Turner MP

Business Link Wessex (Jacqui Stevens / Chief Executive and cc Nick Drake-Knight)

Chamber of Commerce (Kevin Smith / Chief Executive)

Connexions (Ms Pamela Charlwood / Chief Executive)

Drugs Action Team  (Charles Waddicor, Chairman)

Early Years & Childcare Development Partnership (Ms Mog Ball, Chair)

Federation of Small Businesses (Tim Hunter-Henderson)

Fire Brigade Union (Graham Jackaman, FBU Sec.)

GOSE (Colin Byrne, Area Director for Hampshire & IoW)

Hampshire & Isle of Wight Police Authority (Superintendent Peter Dawson)

Island Tourism Industry Assocation (Dave Croocock / Chairman)

Isle of Wight Economic Partnership (Danny Fisher / Chairman)

Isle of Wight Housing Association (Vincent Thompson / Chief Executive)

IW College (Dr Bob Smith / Chairman of Governors)

IW Law Society (Mark Samuels/ Hon. Sec.)

Learning Partnership (Jill Wareham / Chairman)

Local Learning & Skills Council (Hillary Chadwick/Chief Executive)

Medina Housing Association (John Collins / Chief Executive)

Primary Care Trust (David Crawley / Chief Executive))

Quality Transport Partnership (Peter Tuck / Chairman)

RCC (Michael White / Chairman)

Rural Issues Group (Professor John Wibberley / Chairman)

SEEDA (Anthony Dunnett / Chief Executive)

South Wight Housing Assoc. (Jim Iles / Chief Executive)

St Marys Hospital Trust (Graham Elderfield / Chief Executive)

Strategic Health Authority (Gareth Cruddance/Chief Executive)

The Newport Forum (Chair / Cllr Shirley Smart) and Ryde Forums (Chair / Cllr Charles Chapman)

Town & Parish Councils (Clerks)

UNISON (Mark Chiverton)

Vectis Housing Association (Paul Hann/Chief Executive)

Youth Offending Team (Phil Sutton, Manager)




Mrs Val Anderson                    Isle of Wight Primary Care Trust

Ms Joy Bould                           Rural Community Council (On behalf of Voluntary/Community Sectors)

Mr T Blunden                           Voluntary Sector Cabinet (Temp)

Ms Carolyn Sibley                    Voluntary Sector Cabinet (Temp)

Mr Peter Conway                     Chamber of Commerce

Dr Peter Creamer                    University of Portsmouth

Mr Simon Dabell                      Island Tourist Industry Association

Mr Allan Munds                        Isle of Wight Health Care NHS  Trust

Ms Cathy Evans                       GOSE

Mr Brian Friend                        AMS Limited (Nominated by the IWP)

Mr David Langford                   County Land and Business Association

Mr Stuart Linn                          Southern Vectis (Nominated by QTP)

Mr Jeff Alexander                     SEEDA

Mr W Grady                             Isle of Wight College

Mrs Marijke Ransom                Environment Agency

Mr Ryan Willegers                   Wightlink (Nominated by QTP)

Mr Mark Chessell                     Countryside Agency

Mr Chris Clark                          National Farmers |Union

Ms Linda Ovnik                        Learning and Skills Council

Mrs Felicite Booker                  Age Concern (Nominated by RCC)

Alex Clough                             The Islands Youth MP