Purpose : For Decision

                        REPORT TO THE EXECUTIVE


Date :              19 NOVEMBER 2002












1.         Members are asked to consider proposals for developing a sustainable tourism policy for the Isle of Wight.




2.         None




3.         One of the major attractants of visitors to the Island is that it is well regarded as  one of the most beautiful places in England.  As Members will be aware, over half of the Island is designated as an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, 30 miles of coast are designated as Heritage and it has 500 miles of award winning public footpaths and bridleways and 13 award winning beaches.


4.         Yet whilst all of these factors are central to generating the 27 million annual visitors to the Island, so important to its overall economy, they are also the very things that could be significantly affected by those that come to enjoy them.


5.      It is for these reasons that Isle of Wight Tourism has, in conjunction with the Agenda 21 Officer and many other partners, begun working to develop a policy for sustainable tourism on the Island within the context of an overall Tourism Development Plan.


6.         The Government sees Sustainable Tourism as “essential to the long term competitiveness of the tourism industry in England”.  It has identified the following key needs in such a policy.


·        Establish an effective policy framework

·        Maximise tourism’s potential to benefit local communities

·        Manage visitor flows

·        Address the transport issues associated with tourism



·        Address the planning issues associated with tourism

·        Build partnerships between public, private and voluntary sections



7.       A  sustainable tourism forum has been established involving partners from Island 2000, the Rural Development Programme, Chamber of Commerce, a representative from the community forums, Isle of Wight Tourism and Agenda 21.  The forum has agreed a vision to “develop and showcase inspirational examples of a kind of tourism” which:-


·        Protects and enhances the natural and built environment

·        Supports and expands the local economy and Island culture

·        Improves residents’ quality of life

·        Strengthens and diversifies the local skills base

·        Responds to both traditional and emerging holiday markets


8.           One major piece of work that has developed from the forum is the introduction of  the Green Island Awards Scheme.  It is clear however that if the concept of sustainable tourism is to be fully embraced, then it will be necessary to dedicate some time and financial resource to the production of an appropriate policy.


9.         One such vehicle to this end would be to appoint an organisation with an environmental focus to both develop and then raise the funding to deliver the policy.  Alternatively it would be necessary to appoint a new officer to undertake the same role.  In either instance it would be appropriate for the work to come under the umbrella of that being done by the sustainable tourism forum.


10,       In June of this year the Economic Development, Planning, Tourism and Leisure Services Select Committee received a report from the Island 2000 Trust which set out the Trust’s current role in delivering projects related to sustainable tourism.  It also argued the case for the Trust being the vehicle to take forward the development of policy in that area under the direction of Isle of Wight Tourism and through an appropriate service level agreement.


11.      The Select Committee accepted the proposal and resolved to recommend to the Executive that the necessary funding be identified to develop and deliver a sustainable tourism policy through a service level agreement with the Island 2000 Trust.


12.    This paper therefore seeks Members’ views on the importance of sustainable tourism to the Isle of Wight in the most appropriate way of achieving it.




13.      Action 6.6 of the Community Strategy is to “follow national guidelines for sustainable tourism and consulting with planning officers, Island 2000 and other environmental bodies in the preparation of the Tourism Development Plan”.


14.      Within the goal of “encouraging job creation and prosperity” the Council’s Corporate Plan makes specific reference (para 2.12) to promoting the Island as an all-year holiday destination and seeking to develop sustainable tourism initiatives.


15.      The UK Government’s objectives for sustainable development are set out in its tourism strategy “Tomorrow’s Tourism” and also PPGI.  The English Tourism Council is charged with the delivery of these objectives and has set out its plan to do this in its document, “Time for Action”.


16.    Therefore it can be seen that the issue of sustainable tourism is part of the national agenda that has been reflected in the local planning documents for the Island and the Council.




17.       The following bodies have been consulted over this issue:-


                        Island Tourist Industry Association (ITIA)

                        Island 2000

                        Rural Development Programme

                        Agenda 21

                        Chamber of Commerce




18.       The estimated costs of developing and delivering a sustainable tourism strategy through Island 2000 are £25,000 per annum, for which there is no current budget.


19.       Previously Island 2000 has worked successfully with Isle of Wight Tourism to raise in excess of £30,000 to support sustainable tourism initiatives.


20.       Members would need to consider funding the proposals in this report as part of the deliberations on setting the 2003/04 budget.




21.       The Council is able to provide support for tourism under Section 2 of the Local Government Act 2000.  This sets out that the Council has the power to do anything which it considers likely to promote or improve the economic, social and/or environmental well-being of its area.  The authority must give due regard to the details of the Community Strategy in choosing to exercise this power.


22.       There are certain limitations on this power under section 3 of the 2000 Act but none are applicable here.




1.         To support the development of a sustainable tourism policy as part of the wider Tourism Development Plan.


2.         To support the delivery of such a policy through a service level agreement subject to budget and contractual letting processes.


3.         To support the delivery of such a  policy through the appointment of a dedicated officer.


4.         To consider the additional funding requirement for the development of a sustainable tourism policy as part of the budget considerations for 2003/04




23.       There is no risk to the Council in not developing a sustainable tourism policy, although it can clearly be seen that it is a key part of national and local planning.  The biggest barrier to the production being the inability of the Government to fund the project.


24.       The use of Island 2000 as the delivery body does create some conflict with its role on the sustainable tourism forum.  This is manageable by virtue of the fact that the Council would be the employing body.


25.       It would be appropriate for the Council to review progress on the project at regular intervals, two years would be appropriate.





That options 1 and 2 and 4 be approved.




IW Sustainable Tourism – Consultants report to steering group

IW Sustainable Tourism – Strategic Planning – Summary Photo Report


Contact Point : John Metcalfe 823285      



Strategic Director

Director of Education and Community Development


Portfolio Holder

Tourism and Leisure


Portfolio Holder

Agenda 21 and Countryside Matters