Purpose : for Decision


                        REPORT TO THE EXECUTIVE


Date :              18 JUNE 2003











1.                  The Council’s Executive is being asked to agree terms for the grant of an option for Westbury Homes to have access over Council property to a residential development site.




2.                  One of the major residential allocations included in the Island’s Unitary Development Plan is for residential development off Worsley Road, Newport at Heytesbury Farm on lands jointly owned by Newport Grammar School Charity and the owner of Heytesbury Farm, as shown on the plan attached.


3.                  The development of this site is further supported by the more recent urban capacity study.


4.                  The proposal is to develop mostly the land owned by Newport Grammar School Charity the developable area thought to comprise some 6.382 hectares from a total ownership of some 12.094 hectares.  Access to this site is through Kitbridge County Middle School and land owned by Heytesbury Farm.  A detailed plan is available upon request.  Kitbridge Middle School is currently being re-modelled through three phases over several years that will bring the school buildings up to modern standards.  As part of that process it was necessary to acquire the adjoining former Slaughter House recently and some Members may recall the point of discussion regarding access over the School at that time in July 2000.


5.                  The School is already deficient of school playing field space and as part of the planning process it has always been proposed that new playing fields should be part of this development.


6.                  Consultations and discussions have been ongoing with the various landowners over several years and more recently Newport Grammar School Charity took it upon themselves to test in the open market for a developer.  From that marketing exercise a preferred developer has been agreed with the Charities Commission and that developer is Westbury Homes.


7.                  Westbury Homes now wish to enter into option agreements with all parties to bring forward a significant development proposal that will help support the provision of housing needs on the Island.  As indicated negotiations have been ongoing for a long time and the terms being proposed have been verified as best consideration by two independent valuers employed for that purpose by the Council.


8.                  There will be some detailed issues which have yet to be resolved not least some precise boundaries, timing, landscape arrangements and the actual programme but given the scale of this planning application it may take in the order of a year to resolve, then works may still be delayed dependent upon market conditions at the time.  Because of this officers have been working to find a temporary solution to the playing field shortage at Kitbridge School and a local solution may be available through the HM Prison Service.




9.                  That a landowners agreement be entered into between the Isle of Wight Council, Newport Grammar School Charity and the relevant members of the owners of Heytesbury Farm.


10.             As part of this process option agreements are being signed between the various landowners and Westbury Homes and the agreement with the Isle of Wight  Council and will include the following benefits:-


(a)               A share of the net development value of the land which is subject to the option agreement with Westbury Homes and a valuation clause contained therein.  In essence the valuation procedure affords the joint land owners 93% of the land’s development value to the Newport Grammar School Charity and the Farm and from this sum the figure of 12½% will be reserved for the Isle of Wight Council.


(b)               The Council shall receive freehold title of the playing field land being approximately 4 hectares of land.  The boundaries of the land have yet to be confirmed and will depend on the final arrangement of services and infrastructure and the details will include provision for the owners of Heytesbury Farm to retain a 10 metre wide access to their retained land for all purposes.


(c)               Additionally in respect of the land currently in the ownership of Heytesbury Farm which is to transfer to the Council, the transfer will be subject to an overage provision for the benefit of the current owners and the Newport Grammar School Charity entitling them to 75% of the difference between the value of the said land as playing field with the benefit of any consent for commercial or residential development on the whole or any part of the land where planning permission is granted in the future.


(d)               The Council should also receive the benefit of works to a maximum value of £200,000 for the ground works and construction works to facilitate the creating of playing field land laid out to school playing field purposes.


(e)               The condition of these arrangements is that the Council shall pay the legal costs for the owners of Heytesbury Farm and Newport Grammar School Charity to be agreed with the solicitors and the surveyors fees for revising the landowners and drawing up landowners agreements subject to a maximum fee of £10,000 plus VAT and the disbursements for each landowner.




11.             Bringing forward this proposal consultations have been ongoing and a wide-ranging number of officers to the Council, independent consultants advising the Council and the School.


12.             No objections have been received to the proposals which do meet best consideration.




13.             Allowing the developer a discount on open market value to 93% is reasonable given the cost and risk of bringing forward the whole scheme for approval.  Such discounts are often between 10% and 20%.


14.             This is a market tested transaction with land owners equalising their value.


15.             The Council’s valuation aim is to secure 16.67% of the residual 93% open market value of the 15.77 acres of developable land.


16.             The terms set out above are being recommended to the Council.




17.             By granting this option the cost of the new playing field is unknown at this time but indications are that it should be possible to contain this development for Kitbridge Middle School within the £275,000.  This will require additional capital of £75,000.


18.             The opportunity to receive some 12½% of the net development land value for the site at Worsley Road subject to the planning process and market conditions means that the Council will be entitled to a capital receipt in some 12 to 18 months time in the order of £460,000 to £730,000 plus land and works.  The exact sum will depend on the valuation at the time.




19.             The Council has a duty to provide and maintain premises for maintained schools, including playing fields.  The land transaction represents a sale at best consideration and a purchase under the provisions of the School Standards and Financial Act.




(a)              That the Council agrees to the terms as set out in the report and grants the option as proposed.


(b)              That the Council offers its land for sale on the open market.


(c)               That the Council continues to negotiate with the landowners in the hope of an improved agreement.




20.             Because Newport Grammar School Charity have already undertaken an open market exercise that is approved by the Charity Commissioners it is extremely doubtful that the Council could improve its position by marketing its own access strip separately, as such this option is not appropriate.


21.             As with any agreement involving so many landowners the proposals set out have taken a long time to come forward.  All landowners have been represented by their professional advisers and the Council is advised that it is unlikely these terms can be improved significantly.


22.             Because the Council is both landowner and planning authority the Council is dealing with these processes separately.  By granting an option the developer then has to invest major resources and time to bring forward such an important planning application.  The scale of that investment would not be possible without a firm commitment to the scheme, but by not selling the Council’s property in the first instance this leaves an open planning process for the developer to undertake and allows the Council as landowner to stand back from that process.


23.             Given the planning proposal is for some reason not successful or is not implemented or that the whole scheme falls away then the Council has the reserved position to enter into negotiations with the adjoining landowner for the provision of school playing fields alone and some discussions have been undertaken on this basis.




24.             That Option (a) be adopted.




25.             Executive 6 July 2000.




Contact Point :  Tony Flower, Head Of Property Services, ( 823263, e-mail: [email protected]




Chief Executive Officer

Strategic Director

Corporate and Environment Services


Portfolio Holder for Resources


Head of Property Services