Purpose  for Decision




Date :              17 DECEMBER 2003






                                    IMPLEMENTAION  DATE: 7 January 2004




1.         This report outlines the implications of the recently published Children’s Services Green Paper and recommends a way forward for the Council.




2.         The Green Paper on the future of Children’s Services was published on 8 September 2003. A formal consultation process on the recommendations in the Green Paper expired at the beginning of December and was responded to by the Council.  The issues have been considered by the Social Services, Housing and Benefits Select Committee and the Children and Young Persons Committee, the Executive and Full Council.


3.         The recommendations in the Green Paper are clear and at professional level, are agreed to be broadly appropriate.  The Green Paper indicates that legislation will be brought forward to implement the recommendations and relevant local authorities are expected to have the revised arrangements in place by 2006 and this has recently been confirmed in the Queen’s Speech.  In the light of these clear statements and the general level of expectation upon the Council, it seems sensible to make an early start in tackling the implications that flow from this Green Paper.


4.         The Green Paper has implications for the Council at political, strategic, managerial and service level.


5.         Local Authorities will be required to appoint a Strategic Director of Children’s Services who will be accountable for education and children’s social services and for overseeing services for children delegated by the local authority to other agencies.  Implementing this change will have a significant effect on the current Directorates of Education and Community Development and Social Services and Housing.  The changes that will be required extend beyond those directly relating to children. Appropriate arrangements will need to be made for the other services in existing Directorates that will not sit easily within a new and much broader Children’s Services Directorate.


6.         At political level, the Council will be expected to appoint a portfolio holder for children, a role that will mean changes to the existing portfolio holder arrangements within the Executive.  Changes will also be required at Select Committee level.


7.         The greatest challenges are concerned with service integration. The expectation is that the key services to be within the Children’s Trust, for which the Strategic Director of Children’s Services will be responsible,  are –


·        All education functions, including the Education Welfare Services, Youth Services,  Special Educational Needs, Educational Psychology, Inclusion and Access Services, Child Care and Early Years Education and School Improvement and Education Planning and Resources.


·        Children’s Social Services, including assessment  and services of Children in Need, such as Family Support, Fostering and Residential Care, Adoption Services, Child Care, Advocacy Services and Child Protection and services for Care Leavers.


·        Elements of Community and Acute Health Services, which could include Community Paediatrics, services commissioned by Drug Action Teams, Teenage Pregnancy Co-ordinators,  Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services and homelessness services and Speech and Language Services.


·        Arrangements can also be made with Primary Care Trusts to delegate and align functions into the Children’s Trusts, together with Youth Offending Teams and Connexions Services, Housing Services and those in adult sectors.


·        Workforce planning is integral to the creation of a successful integrated Children’s Service.  This will require an appropriate professional development strategy to sustain and enhance different professional disciplines.


8.         The challenge of integrating services across these areas will be a significant one.  Work has begun already on the project dealing with identification, referral and tracking and the Local Preventative Strategy.  Discussions around the GAGS initiative are clearly helpful but much work will be required by the relevant professional heads of service to deliver service integration.




9.         The “Statement of Intent” agreed between the Council, the Healthcare Trust and the Primary Care Trust made a clear declaration that the Council wished to see integration across all relevant services, regardless of  organisational boundaries.  In the light of that Statement of Intent, it is consistent for the Council to make early decisions on these matters, so that detailed work can get underway as quickly as possible.  That process will be helped by an early decision by the Council that it wishes to establish a Strategic Director of Children’s Services to cover the areas of professional responsibility identified above.  This  would give a clear indication of the direction the Council intends to take. This would authorise the Strategic Directors of Education and Community Development and Social Services and Housing to work with their colleagues both within the Council and with partner agencies to deliver the service integration that will be required.


10.       If the Council makes such a clear and early statement, then it should be possible for other decisions on consequential structural changes elsewhere within the Council to be agreed  by April 2004.  That would enable the Council to implement the new changes at managerial and political level.


11.       Children and family services have a prominence in a number of strategic policies and documents specifically:-


Ø      Community Plan

Ø      Corporate Plan

Ø      Children’s Service Plan

Ø      Education Development Plan

Ø      Early Years and Childcare Development Plan




12.       The government is leading on the initial consultation on the Green Paper “Every Child Matters” and the Council has responded as a consultee.  Further consultation on specific local proposals will take place in the Spring and Summer of 2004.




13.       It is predicted that following the Laming recommendations and the Green Paper that there will be a pressing need to invest further in services for children and families.  Current estimates from officers are detailed in the relevant service plans and the Council’s response to the formal consultation highlighted this to central government.




14.       In the Queen’s Speech, the Government has signalled its intention to legislate in respect of the key recommendations of the Green Paper at the earliest opportunity.  The implications of any legislative changes will be incorporated in future papers to the Executive.


15.       Substantial preliminary steps, up to and including the making of appointments, can be taken under existing legislation.


16.       The contractual rights of individual  post holders will be the subject of individual consultation.


17.       OPTIONS


1.         The Council agree to establish the post of Strategic Director of Children’s Services with effect from April 2004 to have accountability for relevant Education and Social Services functions undertaken by the Council.


2.         The Chief Executive Officer be requested to bring back formal proposals on the structural changes to the Council that will be required as a consequence, with a view to those proposals being agreed by April 2004 and then fully implemented by 2005.


3.         The report from the Chief Executive Officer should, at the same time, identify recommended changes to portfolios and select committee arrangements with a view to those changes being implemented by April 2004. 


4.         The two Strategic Directors be requested to work with colleagues both within the Council and with partner organisations to deliver service integration across Children’s Services at the earliest possible date in line with the Local Preventative Strategy.


5.         The two Strategic Directors and portfolio holders ensure the development of proposals with stakeholders for the establishment of a Children’s Trust.




18.       The Council must take cognisance of the key recommendations within the Green Paper and subsequent legislation. Failure to do so may have an adverse effect on service provision and impact upon future inspection and performance ratings.





19.       That the Executive agree Options 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.





·        “Every Child Matters” Green Paper September 2003

·        Social Services and Housing Select Committee Report 8 October 2003

·        “Green Paper” Report to the Executive 19 November 2003

·        “Green Paper” Report to the full Council 26 November 2003

·        Children and Young Persons’ Committee Report (Joint Meeting) 5 November 2003

·        Local Preventative Strategy (Draft)


CONTACT DETAILS - Mike Fisher, Chief Executive Officer, Tel. 823102

 [email protected]



Strategic Director

Social Services and Housing


Portfolio Holder

for Social Services and Housing


Strategic Director

Education and Community Development


Portfolio Holder for Education and Community Development