Summary Implementation Plan and List of Key Tasks





The Isle of Wight Council recognises the scientific evidence in support of climate change and that the predicted impacts could have significant effects on the Island’s economy, society and environment. 


The Council is working with the European Commission, the government, other local authorities and key statutory and non-statutory agencies with the aim of addressing climate change issues through a collaborative approach.  The Council has also recognised that dissemination of information on climate change to local residents is a vital part of the Council’s strategy; this accords with the principles set out in the Council’s Community Strategy (Island Futures) and its Corporate Plan. 


The Council’s response to climate change will be implemented through four key initiatives :


1.                  Climate change related research and investigations.

2.                  Information exchange.

3.                  Dissemination of study results.

4.                  Implementation of good practice.




1.         Climate Change related research and investigations


            Recent and current work :


§                     SCOPAC Study ‘Preparing for the Impacts of Climate Change’ – Technical report and CD-Rom (2001 / 2002)


§                     European Union LIFE Environment Project ‘Coastal Change, Climate and Instability’.  Technical and non-technical reports and CD-Roms (1997-2000).


§                     Completion of the Ecological Footprint of the Isle of Wight


§                     The development of Renewable Energy Strategy (ALTENER)


Proposed Work :


§                    European Union LIFE Environment Project ‘RESPONSE’ (responding to the impacts of climate change).  Submitted to the European Commission September 2002; Project lifetime : 2003 / 2006.


§                    Preparation of an Isle of Wight Coastal Evolution and risks map to aid strategic planning and development control (including 80 year predicted erosion line, landsliding, floodrisk – 1 in 200 year and soil shrinkage) – Target date: June 2003.


§                    The implementation of the Renewable Energy Strategy which will involve the development of Community Wind Turbines projects,   Biomass initiatives and Zero Fossil Energy building schemes


2.         Information Exchange


            Recent and current work :


§                    Membership of the South-East of England Climate Change Partnership.


§                    Inter-local authority exchange through membership of the Local Government Association Coastal Special Interests Group, the Technical Advisory Group, Chairmanship of the Coastal Groups of England and Wales and Chairmanship of the Standing Conference on Problems Associated with the Coastline (SCOPAC). 


§                    Membership of International / European organisations allowing information exchange including the Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions, the Islands’ Commission and Arc Manche; presentation made to the CPMR General Assembly in September 2002. 


§                    Participation in the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Climate Change Summit – October 2002.


            Proposed work :


§                     Participation in South Ease England technical groups on flooding, climate change and biodiversity.


3.         Dissemination of study results


            Recent and current research work


§                     Arrangement of a one day seminar through SCOPAC entitled ‘Preparing for the Impacts of Climate Change’ – September 2001.


§                     Arrangement and publication of Proceedings of the International Conference on ‘Instability – Planning and Management’ – Ventnor, IW, May 2002


§                     Provision of related displays at Isle of Wight Coastal Visitors’ Centre, Ventnor.


§                     Production of two videos entitled ‘Climate Change and the Isle of Wight Coast’ (2000) and ‘Weathering the Storm – Climate Change in Hampshire and the Isle of Wight’ (2002).


Proposed work :


§                     Preparation of a ‘Non-Technical Guide to Coastal Defence’ (in press) – publication Spring 2003.


§                     Preparation of a video on climate change and the SCOPAC coastline; launch in June 2003.


4.         Implementation of Good Practice


            Recent and current work


§         Design of coast protection structures to take account of climate change and sea level rise.


§         Implementation of sustainable coastal defence strategies.


§         Advising the planning process on appropriateness of developments taking account of predicted climate change scenarios.


§         Achievement of government funding initially for five years for a strategic coastal monitoring programme.


§         Recording of meteorological data to assist in landslide risk potential assessments.


§         Ground monitoring programme allowing assessment of the relationship between rainfall and ground movement. 


·                     The Local Transport Plan reducing car use and promoting public transport walking and cycling


·                     100% of electricity supplies from renewable sources


·                     The subsidised sale of low energy light bulbs across the island


·                     The development and implementation of the Green Island Awards –


·                     Dissemination of Good Practice


·                     The involvement and participation of the Island’s communities in the development of the Agenda 21 Strategy and the Renewable Energy Strategy


Proposed work


§         Implementation of research findings from European and national projects.


§         Implementation of guidance and good practice on sustainable drainage systems wherever possible for both surface water and ground water.