Purpose : For Decision


                        REPORT TO THE EXECUTIVE


Date :              17 DECEMBER 2002











1.                  This paper recommends further financial assistance to Lake Parish Council in support of their purchase of Fairway Park, Sandown. 




2.                  Fairway Park was formerly the premises of Sandown Football Club.  The Club ceased to use the premises in 1995 and the land, having been unused for any purpose ever since, is now overgrown.


3.                  Numerous proposals have been put forward to develop the site and four planning appeals have failed to secure development consent with proposals ranging from residential development to a woodland cemetery, a tennis club and a dry ski slope.


4.                  The refusal of development on the site has been due to the loss of open space, loss of formal playing fields and inadequate alternative provision in the area.  Sport England has supported the Council in opposing development on the site.


5.                  The land is designated as open space in the Unitary Development Plan.


6.                  Following a resolution on 15 February 2001 the Council bid, but failed to acquire, the land at auction.


7.                  More recently on 30 July 2002 the Executive resolved to :


“That if requested to do so by the Parish Council, the Isle of Wight Council agrees to underwrite the legal costs for the Compulsory Purchase Order procedure, including seeking Counsel’s opinion at an early stage”.


8.                  The cost of a CPO was expected to be in the region of £20,000.  No budgetary provision was identified for those costs as it was anticipated that they would fall within the financial year 2003-2004 rather than in the current financial year.


9.                  Counsel’s opinion was requested and sought.  The opinion was generally positive about the prospects of a CPO being successful, although it is clear that substantial work will be required and substantial costs would be incurred if this option were pursued.


10.             Since the request for Counsel’s advice was received, the owner of the property has reopened negotiations and is willing to sell the land to Lake Parish Council for a price of £49,500.  This offer is in excess of the independent valuation of the land but is less than the total cost likely to be incurred by CPO related costs and compensation.


11.             It is believed that the Parish Council have substantial funds available to commit to the cost of purchase but equally face a substantial shortfall which they are seeking to borrow.  The servicing of any loan will be an ongoing commitment to the Parish Council and, in circumstances where the seller has indicated time is of the essence, the processing of the loan will take some substantial time.




12.             The Council has an ongoing commitment to support, and engage constructively with, Town and Parish Councils.  The Community Strategy sets out actions and objectives which will be furthered by the purchase of the land by Lake Parish Council for the purposes of public open space.  Actions 1.46 (Focussing Development Towards Towns as promoted by the UDP),  1.63 (Strategic Management and Development Parks, Gardens and Open Spaces) and 6.6 (Promotion of Sustainable Tourism) are likely to be furthered by a committal of funds.




13.             Extensive consultations have taken place with Lake Parish Council and with the seller.




14.             The loan could be met, pending repayment, from balances temporarily unrequired.  Any legal costs will have to be found form existing budgets.




15.             The power to commit resources in support of the Parish Council is contained in Part 1 Local Government Act 2000, and would demonstrably be consistent with the Community Strategy.


16.             The Council does not currently carry professional indemnity insurance for legal work carried out on behalf of third parties including Parish Councils.  The cost of such insurance is extremely high and, should legal work be carried out in support of the voluntary purchase of the land, it is suggested that this is done under call-off arrangements with a local firm of solicitors.  The modest amount of legal costs incurred in a voluntary sale are likely to be substantially greater than the costs of procuring insurance.




17.             The Executive may determine to :


(i)                 Make a grant of up to £20,000 (the maximum which was anticipated to have been committed by the 30 July resolution).


(ii)               To loan a sum of up to £20,000 on condition that the Parish Council take all steps necessary to secure an alternative source of loan funding in the medium to long-term (on reasonable terms to be agreed between the Parish Council and the Strategic Director for Finance and Information).


(iii)             To pay the legal costs of purchase, this should not exceed £2,000 plus VAT (including the Counsel’s opinion already purchased).


(iv)              Provide no support to the voluntary purchase.




18.             The Parish Council appear to have access to sufficient funds in the medium term to fund the capital cost of purchase without a grant from the Council.  The benefits to the Parish Council and the community it serves of a grant or loan will be the speed and the cost of the proposed purchase.  The less amount the Council has to borrow, the less ongoing commitment of its resources will be necessary to service the loan.  The seller has been consistently clear that he wishes completion to be speedy.  The process of securing loan funds is expected to take several weeks at best and it is less likely that the sale will be lost if the Local Authority is able to advance funds in a shorter timescale.


19.             Previous decisions of the Executive have established a principle that legal costs will be funded.  A commitment to fund the legal costs of a voluntary purchase would be consistent with that principle.  The legal costs of a voluntary purchase will be a tiny fraction of those of compulsory purchase.  It is arguable that although the principle of paying the legal costs associated with purchase remains consistent the effect of that consistency is to diminish the amount of financial support which is available to the Parish Council.


20.             The commitment of resources will, of course, bear an opportunity cost in terms of other spending commitments and proposals during the current financial year. 



21.             Options (ii) and (iii)




22.             Reports to Executive 30 July 2002 and 15 February 2001

23.             Correspondence with Lake Parish Council and with seller


Contact Point :  John Lawson, ( 823207, e-mail:



Strategic Director
Corporate and Environment Services

Portfolio Holder for Resources