Select Committee

Meeting Date

Recommendation Made

Recommendation made to:

Action taken or Planned to Date



Economic Development, Planning, Tourism and Leisure Services

2 September 2004

That any future visits from SEEDA senior executives to the Island involve local members.

The Portfolio Holder for Economic Development, UK and EU Regional Issues.

Action List circulated



Economic Development, Planning, Tourism and Leisure Services

2 September 2004

That the discrepancies associated with PSA target 11 be resolved as quickly as possible and be accurately recorded in the next QPMR.

The Portfolio Holder for Economic Development, UK and EU Regional Issues

Action List circulated

To be renegotiated


Economic Development, Planning, Tourism and Leisure Services

2 September 2004

That details of the unemployment figures on the Island be investigated.

The Portfolio Holder for Economic Development, UK and EU Regional Issues

Action List circulated



Economic Development, Planning, Tourism and Leisure Services

2 September 2004

An advert be placed in the County Press asking interested retired, or ex-Planning Officers to do some part-time work for the Council.


The Portfolio Holder for Sustainable Development, Environment and Planning Policy

Action List circulated



Economic Development, Planning, Tourism and Leisure Services

2 September 2004

That the actual number of affordable housing units together with the percentage be shown in the next QPMR.

The Portfolio Holder for Sustainable Development, Environment and Planning Policy

Action List circulated

To be incorporated in Q2.



Economic Development, Planning, Tourism and Leisure Services

2 September 2004

The Select Committee recommends that the 2 week festival be continued in 2005 but the events team review this for the 2006 festival.

The Portfolio Holder for Tourism and Leisure and the Head of Community Development

Action List circulated

Dependant upon budget.


Economic Development, Planning, Tourism and Leisure Services

2 September 2004

That the Portfolio Holder must influence SOLO to ensure that in future years, the door stewards employed by it, are made fully aware of the problems associated with access to the event for disabled people and request the Portfolio Holder to liaise directly with SOLO to review the size and usage of the disabled viewing platform.


The Portfolio Holder for Tourism and Leisure Services

Action List circulated



Economic Development, Planning, Tourism and Leisure Services

2 September 2004

That the Board’s action be endorsed by the Select Committee.


That the Select Committee be advised of further detailed information relating to staffing costs, structure and job evaluations as soon as it becomes available.


That the financial costs of the 2 week festival excluding the 3 day event be circulated to the Select Committee.


The Portfolio Holder for Tourism and Leisure Services

Action List circulated

Wight Leisure Board working on these issues.



Environment and Transport Select Committee

30 July 2004

That a report on the implications arising from the new charging and trading powers available to the Council be reported  to the October 2004 meeting.

Head of Engineering, Head of Legal Democratic Services and Chief Financial Officer

Action List circulated

Report considered 29 October 2004 and further action agreed.


Environment and Transport Select Committee

30 July 2004

That a request be made to the Department for Transport for consideration to be given to the surplus funds generated through Safety Camera Partnerships to be held centrally to enable Police Authorities and Highway Authorities to jointly bid for new road safety  initiatives where there is a proven local need.

Head of Select Committee and Best Value Support

Action List circulated



Environment and Transport Select Committee

27 August 2004

That due to the recent poor performance of the contractor responsible for the cleaning of public conveniences, the imposition of financial penalites be investigated.


Action List circulated



Environment and Transport Select Committee

27 August 2004

That the supply of bags for the disposal of dog waste be explored to ascertain cheaper alternatives.


Action List circulated




Environment and Transport Select Committee

27 August 2004

That the inclusion of a performance indicator relating to traffic congestion be explored.

Portfolio Holder for Transport, the Head of Engineering Services and the Head of Corporate Policy and Communications.

Action List circulated

Review QPMR


Environment and Transport Select Committee

27 August 2004

That the QPMR report be amended to include the previous year’s data for comparative purposes.

Portfolio Holder for Transport, Portfolio Holder for Sustainable Development, Environment and Planning Policy and the Head of Corporate Policy and Communications.

Action List circulated

Further clarification sought regarding this request – review QPMR


Environment and Transport Select Committee

27 August 2004

That the resourcing of highway inspections and bridge inspections be considered by the Select Committee.

Head of Select Committee Support and the Head of Engineering Services

Action List circulated

To be included in Workplan.


Environment and Transport Select Committee

27 August 2004

That the Performance Indicators developed by the Centre for Coastal Environment for the LGA be included within the next QPMR report.

Head of Select Committee Support and the Head of Engineering Services

Action List circulated

Currently under investigation (possibly in for Q3)



Environment and Transport Select Committee

27 August 2004

That an item be included in the Select Committee’s Workplan on Landslide Risk as part of the Shoreline Management Plan process.

Portfolio Holder for Sustainable Development, Environment and Planning Policy, the Head of Engineering Services and the Head of Select Committee Support.

Action List circulated

To be included in Workplan


Fire and Public Safety Select Committee

19 July 2004

That the planned building works to resolve the problems associated with temperature control within the crematorium be supported.

The Portfolio Holder for Fire and Public Safety

Action List circulated

Dependant upon budget


Fire and Public Safety Select Committee

19 July 2004

That a PFI route be explored as a future means of maintaining and financing the crematorium and burial grounds.

The Head of Consumer Protection

Action List circulated



Fire and Public Safety Select Committee

19 July 2004

That the Select Committee remains deeply concerned by the continued poor assessment made by the Audit Commission of the Fire and Rescue Service and will continue to support and monitor the Action Plans that result in an improved performance.

The Portfolio Holder for Fire and Public Safety and the Chief Fire Officer

Action List circulated




Fire and Public Safety Select Committee

19 July 2004

That a letter be sent to the Government expressing concern as to the recent announcement concerning staffing levels within the Coastguard Service.

The Portfolio Holder for Fire and Public Safety

Action List circulated

Actioned and reply received.


Fire and Public Safety Select Committee

16 August 2004

That a monthly monitoring report on the Action Plan be brought to the Select Committee.

Portfolio Holder for Fire and Public Safety and the Chief Fire Officer

Action List circulated


SC 40

Fire and Public Safety Select Committee

20 September 2004

That to clarify the content of a press report about the effect of the Working Hours Directive on the availability of retained firefighters.


That arrangements be made for Members to visit fire stations on training nights.

Chief Fire Officer






Chief Fire Officer

Action List circulated









Fire and Public Safety Select Committee

20 September 2004

That a Workshop be held for Members of the Select Committee to gain a better background knowledge on the modernisation of the Fire Service and the effects for the Island’s Fire and Rescue Service.

The Portfolio Holder for Fire and Public Safety and the Chief Fire Officer

Action List circulated

On-going – provisional date 25 November 2004.


Fire and Public Safety Select Committee

20 September 2004

That Supt. Stephanie Morgan be invited to attend a future meeting of the Select Committee to outline policing priorities on the Island.

The Portfolio Holder for Fire and Public Safety and the Head of Select Committee Support.

Action List circulated

Actioned – Supt. Morgan attending the Select  Committee on 20 December 2004.



Fire and Public Safety Select Committee

20 September 2004

That the national average for the number of high risk food premises be obtained and circulated to members.

The Head of Consumer Protection

Action List circulated

Actioned – letter circulated to Select Committee Members by Rob Owen


Fire and Public Safety Select Committee

20 September 2004

That the formulation of a response to the ODPM’s Consultative Document “The Fire and Rescue Service National Framework” be considered following the Workshop on the modernisation of the Fire and Rescue Service.

The Portfolio Holder for Fire, Emergency Planning and Consumer Protection and the Chief Fire Officer

Action List circulated



Fire and Public Safety Select Committee

20 September 2004

That an ‘invest to save’ bid be prepared for the continuation of the existing Young Firefighter Scheme at Ryde and possible extension to other Fire Stations.

The Portfolio Holder for Fire, Emergency Planning and Consumer Protection and the Chief Fire Officer

Action List circulated



Fire and Public Safety Select Committee

20 September 2004

That the actions within the report be supported and the work of the Community Wardens Task Group be included in any further policy initiatives designed to reduce crime and disorder.

The Portfolio Holder for Fire, Emergency Planning and Consumer Protection and Strategic Director of Environment Services

Action List circulated



Children’s Services Select Committee

6 July 2004

That the Council’s commitment to providing storage for public and other historic records on the Island be confirmed.

The Portfolio Holder for Children’s Services

Action List circulated

Task Group set up.



Children’s Services Select Committee

6 July 2004

That a Task Group be established to undertake a cost benefit analysis of the most effective way for the Council to meet its commitments to the service, including linking the Record Office with related service areas.


Select Committee Support

Action List circulated

Task Group has met on several occasions. An update will be reported to the Select Committee in January 2005, with final report in July 2005.


Children’s Services Select Committee

17 August 2004

That an informal meeting of the Select Committee be held at the Ventnor Botanic Gardens to discuss the specifications to be included within the catering contract.


Select Committee Support and the Head of Community Development

Action List circulated

Meeting held on 27 September 2004 and specification discussed.


Children’s Services Select Committee

17 August 2004

That the key issues arising from the Select Committee’s consultation exercise be forwarded to the Executive so that these can be taken into account when it considers school organisation at its October 2004 meeting.


The Portfolio Holder for Children’s Services

Action List circulated

Executive considered the Select Committee’s report at its meeting on 6 October 2004.


Children’s Services Select Committee

21 September 2004

That the number of staff within Children’s Services that have attended the Diversity Training to be circulated.

The Portfolio Holder for Children’s Services

Action List circulated




Children’s Services Select Committee

21 September 2004

That the areas of Educational Performance of Looked After Children, and GCSE Performance of Looked After Children, to be linked.

The Portfolio Holder for Children’s Services and the Principal Policy Officer

Action List circulated

Currently under investigation.


Children’s Services Select Committee

21 September 2004

That Members be advised of the number of young people with challenging behaviour, specifically with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.

The Portfolio Holder for Children’s Services and the Head of Children and Family Services

Action List circulated



Children’s Services Select Committee

21 September 2004

That comparisons be made with other authorities on the number of looked after/foster care children placed outside the authority’s area.

The Portfolio Holder for Children’s Services and the Head of Children and Family Services

Action List circulated



Children’s Services Select Committee

21 September 2004

That the details contained as part of the PSA target for improving the education and employment outcomes of care leavers aged 19 years, to be made clearer.

Principal Policy Officer

Action List circulated



Children’s Services Select Committee

21 September 2004

Revised revenue expenditure figures for the end of June 2004, be circulated to all members.

Central Accountancy Services Manager/Select Committee Support

Action List circulated




Children’s Services Select Committee

21 September 2004

That the cluster initiative be continued for a 3rd year, subject to validating performance, to assist in improved levels of attainment that the additional funding was provided to achieve.

The Portfolio Holder for Children’s Services/Strategic Director of Children’s Services/Head of Learning Effectiveness

Action List circulated



Children’s Services Select Committee

21 September 2004

That a reporting procedure be established to ensure that all governors, schools and members are fully informed of the progress and outcomes of each cluster group on a termly basis.

The Portfolio Holder for Children’s Services/Strategic Director of Children’s Services/Head of Learning Effectiveness

Action List circulated



Children’s Services Select Committee

21 September 2004

That the LEA assist in the co-ordination and distribution of this information.

Strategic Director of Children’s Services/Select Committee Support

Action List circulated



Resources Select Committee

5 July 2004

That issues of strategic importance, that are crosscutting and involve other Portfolios be considered by the Executive in order to ensure clarity and transparency.

The Head of Legal And Democratic Services

Action List circulated




Resources Select Committee

5 July 2004

That the Select Committee invite the Portfolio Holder to take the report to the Executive due to the decisions strategic importance which cuts across 5 Portfolios.


The Portfolio for Resources

Action List circulated



Resources Select Committee

2 August 2004

That the Select Committee fully supports the delivery of key front line services through the Council’s Call Centre and encourages all Portfolio Holders to examine their service area to accelerate the migration of services into the Corporate Call Centre, as part of this and future years budget round.


All Portfolio Holders

Action List circulated



Resources Select Committee

2 August 2004

That the Select Committee supports the timetable to incorporate Highways within the Corporate Call Centre (subject to a satisfactory business case) and encourages the Head of Organisational Development to propose to Portfolio Holders when appropriate new frontline service areas are ready.

The Head of Organisational Development

Action List circulated

Declined due to attempt at PFI.



Resources Select Committee

2 August 2004

That the Select Committee recommends that the Head of Organisational Development reviews each significant frontline service with a business case, to determine if it satisfies the criteria for inclusion within the Corporate Call Centre.


The Head of Organisational Development

Action List circulated



Resources Select Committee

2 August 2004

That the Select Committee recommends that the Head of Organisational Development review the existing DDI number network with a view to rationalising this network with the appropriate financial saving into the Corporate Call Centre.


The Head of Organisational Development

Action List circulated



Resources Select Committee

2 August 2004

That the Select Committee fully supports the work of the Deputy Leader and encourages him to drive on with the Council’s policy to incorporate frontline services into the Corporate Call Centre.


The Deputy Leader

Action List circulated



Resources Select Committee

2 August 2004

That the Select Committee request that the Deputy Leader advise the Select Committee of any problems he encounters in delivering this important policy.

The Deputy Leader

Action List circulated



Resources Select Committee

2 August 2004

That the Select Committee requests that further analysis be undertaken into the demand, type and volume of graphic design requirements within the Council, to enable more detailed scrutiny before recommendations could be made.

The Portfolio Holder for Resources

Action List circulated

Report pending


Resources Select Committee

2 August 2004

That the draft scope for a Review of the Use of Consultants be agreed and a Task Group comprising Mrs Lawson, Mr Morey and Mr Pearson be established to undertake the review.

The Portfolio Holder for Resources

Action List circulated



Resources Select Committee

2 August 2004

That the Select Committee recommends that the Portfolio Holder provides a quarterly proforma of all property transactions over £20,000 to enable the Select Committee to make recommendations as to whether the transactions should be taken either by delegated powers or the Council’s Executive.

The Portfolio Holder for Resoures

Action List circulated

On-going.  New system to be implemented.


Resources Select Committee

6 September 2004

That the Select Committee supports the work of the Print Unit and recommends that any future review of printing incorporates a review of graphic design.


The Portfolio Holder for Resources

Action List circulated




Resources Select Committee

6 September 2004

That the Select Committee recommends that the Compliance and Risk Manager explore other areas that would benefit from a protocol similar to that applied to in-house printing.


The Compliance and Risk Manager

Action List circulated



Resources Select Committee

6 September 2004

(a)   That the Select Committee formally receive the report on strategic partnering for scrutiny and comment prior to it going to the Executive.


(b)   That further detailed information be provided on liquor licensing within the next QPMR.

The Portfolio Holder for Resources





Action List circulated

Awaiting report.








Possibly for Q3.


















Resources Select Committee














Resources Select Committee

6 September 2004














6 September 2004


(a)   That the Select Committee receive an informal briefing from the Head of Organisational Development on the report sent to planning on incorporating the planning department within the corporate GAGS agenda and the business case in respect of the Highways call centre.


(b)   To commission a report into the type, level and frequency of ICT support to Members and review its effectiveness.

The Head of Organisational Development













The Head of Organisational Development



Action List circulated
















Terms of Reference agreed at meeting held 1 November 2004.  Report back to January 2005 meeting.


Resources Select Committee

6 September 2004

To explore the feasibility of comparing Directorate Total Operating Costs (TOC) per employee.


Head of Property Services and the Principal Policy Officer

Action List circulated



Resources Select Committee

6 September 2004

That a formal response be made to the ODPM in respect of the Local Public Service Agreement Targets regarding improving cost effectiveness, in the light of the inability of this Council to meet the criteria currently set resulting in no possibility of success.


The Chief Financial Officer

Action List circulated



Resources Select Committee

6 September 2004

That an informal briefing on workforce planning be arranged.


The Head of Human Resources

Action List circulated

Actioned.  Briefing held 6 October 2004.


Adult and Community Services Select Committee

15 July 2004

That the Select Committee support the Draft Action Plan and its progress to be monitored through the Children’s Services Select Committee.

The Portfolio Holder for Children’s Services and the Strategic Director for Children’s Services

Action List circulated




Adult and Community Services Select Committee

15 July 2004

That the Portfolio Holder explore creative ways of promoting the falls prevention programme and raise awareness of the problems associated with osteoporosis for staff and the public within the authority.


The Portfolio Holder for Adult and Community Services

Action List circulated



Adult and Community Services Select Committee

19 August 2004

That a Health Task Group be established to pursue the findings from the PWC recommendations and to look at other Trusts and other areas as the scope dictates.


Select Committee and Best Value Support

Action List circulated

Actioned.  First meeting held 27 October 2004.


Adult and Community Services Select Committee

16 September 2004

That the next month budget report include last year’s budget outturn figures together with the current figures.


The Portfolio Holder for Adult and Community Services

Action List circulated

Part of usual budget monitoring report
















Adult and Community Services Select Committee











Adult and Community Services Select Committee



16 September 2004













16 September 2004

(a)   That a written explanation be circulated to the Select Committee as to why information on visits to museums had not been profiled.


(b)   That any plans to promote the mobile library service be circulated to the Select Committee.


(c)   That a written explanation on the figures and profile of the Drug Action Team be circulated to the Select Committee.

The Portfolio Holder for Adult and Community Services











The Portfolio Holder for Adult and Community Services

Action List circulated













Action List circulated




Adult and Community Services Select Committee

16 September 2004

That BVPI 170a and 170b be examined by the Head of Community Services with the Principal Policy Officer to clearly understand the difference between them and provide a better description of what both indicators were seeking to accurately measure.


That a protocol be established for members in response to handling benefit queries (in respect of BVPI 78a).


The Head of Community Services and the Principal Policy Officer

Action List circulated

Information to be included in Q2.










Actioned.  Protocol established and circulated.














Adult and Community Services Select Committee









Adult and Community Services Select Committee

16 September 2004











16 September 2004


(a) To use Yarborough House, Fort Mews, Sandown, as short term emergency accommodation further to a feasibility study into the cost implications having been undertaken.  To provide funding to South Wight Housing Association for the replacement of the sink-fridge-cooker units amounting to £180,000.

(b) To review the use of Hillbury House, Weston Road, Shanklin in the medium term to ascertain if better use could be made of the site to provide both single and family units and report back to members.


(c) To end the Management Agreement with South Wight Housing Association for Flats 1, 2 and 27 Esplanade, Shanklin, and hand these properties back to Property Services department for future site redevelopment.


(d) To undertake a feasibility study of Suffolk House, Broadway, Totland, in conjunction with Property Services and report back to members on the likely short term additional costs of decanting residents if redevelopment was considered.


(e) To end the lease on Wrafton House, Melville Street, Ryde, in June 2006 and make a recommendation to the Portfolio Holder for Resources that this site be disposed of and the capital receipts be used for providing affordable housing in Ryde.


(f) To enter into a new lease for Jellicoe House, George Street, Ryde in September 2006 and make capital provision for the immediate cost or repairs needed to bring this property up to current standards.  The lease would be renegotiated to include a clause ensuring that Medina Housing Association undertake the maintenance of this property.


(g) To enter into a new lease for Moira House, Sun Hill, Cowes, in September 2006 and make capital provision for the immediate cost or repairs needed to bring this property up to current standards.  The lease would be renegotiated to include a clause ensuring that Medina Housing Association undertake the maintenance of this property.


(h) That the Homelessness Service should continue to map the private sector leases and make provision to replace/reduce the number of leases based on the appropriate service need and revenue implications as necessary.


(i) To urgently review the effectiveness of Housing Association Leased Accommodation schemes as an alternative to private sector leased accommodation to see if better use of revenue funding could be made.


(j) That the Portfolio Holders ensure that any capital receipts achieved be ring-fenced into the localities from where they were generated.


The Portfolio Holder for Adult and Community Services









The Portfolio Holder for Adult and Community Services


Action List circulated











Action List circulated




Adult and Community Services Select Committee

16 September 2004

That an annual report, written by the Council’s Housing Initiatives Officer, be circulated to the Committee as appropriate.


The Portfolio Holder/Head of Housing

Action List circulated



Adult and Community Services Select Committee

16 September 2004

That details of the Housing Points System be circulated to the Committee.

The Portfolio Holder/Head of Housing

Action List circulated

Circulated to Members.


Co-ordinating Committee

8 July 2004

That consideration be given to the ability of the Co-ordinating Committee to co-opt non-Executive members to its membership.


The Head of Legal and Democratic Services

Action List circulated




Co-ordinating Committee

8 July 2004

That Portfolio Holders should submit proposals concerning budget savings to the appropriate Select Committee for comment.


The Portfolio Holders

Action List circulated



Co-ordinating Committee

8 July 2004

(a)   That the level of savings required should be increased in those service areas that have received significant investment where savings and service improvements have actually been realised as part of the original business case.

(b)   That the Co-ordinating Committee be briefed within the budget timetable to enable a collective response to be made on behalf of all Select Committees.

(c)   That the budget timetable be extended to form a 3 year cycle with the aim of achieving a consistent low tax for consecutive years.



Action List circulated























Co-ordinating Committee

8 July 2004

To amend the number of members of a Select Committee required to activate a Call In to 3.


Executive and Full Council

Action List circulated

Constitution amended by Full Council.


Co-ordinating Committee

8 July 2004

That the Call In Toolkit be adopted subject to an amendment to the following bullet points contained in the Members Guidance Notes for Call In:


(a)   Bullet point 7 – add “from the date of the receipt of the Call In”.

(b)   Bullet point 9 – delete.

Bullet point 10 – add “that member being either a signatory to the call-in or a substitute member of the Select Committee considering the call-in”.


Head of Select Committee and Best Value Support

Action List circulated



Co-ordinating Committee

9 September 2004

Each Select Committee to examine the Service Plans within their remit with an emphasis on the details relating to Priorities for the Annual Action Statement; Contribution towards Corporate Priorities; Budget Bids and Risk Management.

Head of Select Committee and Best Value Support

Email circulated to Committee Administration staff

All Select Committees considered Service Plans in October/November 2004.


Co-ordinating Committee

9 September 2004

An update on progress made with Improvement Plans contained within Service Plans be included as part of the Quarterly Management Review process.




Head of Select Committee Support to clarify with Principal Policy Officer


Co-ordinating Committee

9 September 2004

That the calendar of meetings for 2005 be adopted.



