Insurance Cover Spreadsheet - QLA-11U001-0013 - Minor policies 2004/05     Appendix 3
Type of policy/class of business Description Excess Stop Loss Limit of Indemnity/base sum insured Insured Perils Areas not insured
Property (properties leased to the Council for own use) Buildings cover £250 malicious persons, storm, flood, escape of water None n/a Fire, lightning, explosion, aircraft, riot, earthquake, malicious damage, storm, flood, escape of water & impact (not own vehicle) Own vehicle impact, sprinkler leakage, subsidence, landslip, accidental damage & theft
Property - Dinosaur Museum Buildings cover £250 malicious persons, storm, flood, escape of water None n/a Fire, lightning, explosion, aircraft, riot, earthquake, malicious damage, storm, flood, escape of water & impact (not own vehicle) Own vehicle impact, sprinkler leakage, subsidence & landslip
Property (fees & debris removal in respect of properties leased to the Council & Dinosaur Museum) Fees & debris removal cover £50 storm, flood, escape of water and £250 malicious persons None n/a As above with accidental damage & theft only applicable to Dinosaur Museum As above with accidental damage & theft only applicable to properties leased to the Council
Rowlandson Watercolours paintings collection All risks' cover £500 None n/a Fire, lightning, explosion, aircraft, riot, earthquake, malicious damage, storm, flood, escape of water, impact (not own vehicle), accidental damage & theft Own vehicle impact, sprinkler leakage, subsidence & landslip
Dinosaur Museum telephone & IT equipment, fossils  & exhibits All risks' cover £500 Nil n/a Accidental damage & theft Own vehicle impact, sprinkler leakage, subsidence & landslip
Property - works in progress Cover for contracts let under JCT arrangements necessitating certain insurance requirements £250 None n/a Fire, lightning, explosion, aircraft, riot, earthquake, storm, flood & escape of water Malicious damage, storm, flood, escape of water, impact, sprinkler leakage, subsidence, landslip, accidental damage & theft
Property - business interruption - gross revenue Cover for loss of revenue due to incident interfering with or interrupting the business Nil None n/a Fire, lightning, explosion, aircraft, riot & earthquake Malicious damage, storm, flood, escape of water, impact, sprinkler leakage, subsidence, landslip, accidental damage & theft
Type of policy/class of business Description Excess Stop Loss Limit of Indemnity/base sum insured Insured Perils Areas not insured
Casualty - Professional Negligence - Sure Start Cover for legal liabilities incurred for financial losses suffered by third parties as a result of employee actions £125k   £1m Financial & accountancy advice provided by the Early Years dept  
Casualty - Professional Negligence - Anguilla Cover for legal liabilities incurred for financial losses suffered by third parties as a result of employee actions £125k £1.3m ** £1m Technical assistance & consultancy services for education administrators, officers & schools, teacher training & development activity on behalf of the government of Anguilla (British West Indies) by Education department  
Casualty - Professional Negligence - Montserrat Cover for legal liabilities incurred for financial losses suffered by third parties as a result of employee actions £125k   £1m Technical assistance & consultancy services for education administrators, officers & schools, teacher training & development activity on behalf of the government of Montserrat by Education & Community Development  
Motor - Fire Service Incident Response Unit Cover for dedicated Incident Response Unit on lease from ODPM £5k own damage None £167,500 Comprehensive cover Damage resulting from contamination
Motor - Leased Cars Cover for cars leased by the Council - scheme now closed £100 standard, additional £100 for either under 25 year old driver or inexperienced driver over 25 years None n/a Comprehensive cover for vehicle repairs.  'Ground up' cover for windscreen damage  
Motor - Legal Expenses/Uninsured Loss Recovery Cover for legal expenses incurred on motor claims and for recovery of excesses where third party is at fault Nil None £100k Uninsured loss recovery, personal injury, vehicle hire, legal expenses Claims reported more than 180 days after the accident, any costs incurred before DAS agreement to pay,  usual exclusions
Type of policy/class of business Description Excess Stop Loss Limit of Indemnity/base sum insured Insured Perils Areas not insured
Engineering Inspection - EI-0017 Contract for inspection of plant at insured premises n/a n/a n/a All items on schedule of equipment n/a
Engineering Loss of Revenue - Shanklin cliff lift - LOR-0015 Cover for loss of revenue due to engineering fault interfering with or interrupting lift operation   None n/a Cliff lift n/a
Travel Business travel by members and employees Nil None £3.5k cancellation & other expenses, £1m medical & associated expenses Cancellation & other expenses, medical and associated expenses, personal accident, personal effects & money Usual exclusions as defined in policy documentation
Personal Accident - members Cover providing benefit in the event of personal injury whilst undertaking the role described Nil None n/a Benefits payable - £150k capital sum, £300 p/w temporary total disablement, £150 p/w temporary partial disablement n/a
Personal Accident - volunteers Cover providing benefit in the event of personal injury whilst undertaking the role described Nil None n/a Benefits payable - £50k capital sum, £100 p/w TTD, no TPD n/a
Personal Accident - governors Cover providing benefit in the event of personal injury whilst undertaking the role described Nil None n/a Benefits payable - £50k capital sum, £100 p/w TTD, no TPD n/a
Personal Accident - scientific advisors Cover providing benefit in the event of personal injury whilst undertaking the role described Nil None n/a Benefits payable - £250k capital sum, £150 p/w TTD, £50 p/w TPD n/a
Personal Accident - employees/teachers Cover providing benefit in the event of personal injury whilst undertaking the role described Nil None n/a Benefits payable - 5 times annual earnings subject to a minimum of £35k capital sum, 50% of weekly earnings TTD, no TPD n/a
Personal Accident - retained fire-fighters Cover providing benefit in the event of personal injury whilst undertaking the role described Nil None n/a Benefits payable - 5 times annual earnings subject to a minimum of £35k capital sum, £50 p/w TTD, no TPD n/a
Type of policy/class of business Description Excess Stop Loss Limit of Indemnity/base sum insured Insured Perils Areas not insured
Foster Carers - ALP 2626/98 Cover for legal expenses incurred in the event of legal representation Nil None n/a Legal expenses n/a
Mortgaged Properties Inadvertently Uninsured - HB-0051 Cover for properties in which the Council has an insurable interest as mortgagee and which are inadvertently uninsured by tenants Nil £500k n/a Fire, lightning, thunderbolt, explosion, riot, civil commotion, malicious persons, aircraft, earthquake, subterranean fire, storm, flood, escape of water, falling trees, impact, damage from theft, leakage of oil, glass & sanitary ware, some subsidence Some minor exclusions
Third Party Hirers - non schools - TP-0023 Cover providing an indemnity to hirers of premises that do not hold their own public liability cover thereby protecting the Council from any contingent liability Nil None £5m Any land or premises owned or occupied by the Council and barbeque facilities at Fort Victoria Country Park  
Third Party Hirers - schools - TP- 0033 Cover providing an indemnity to hirers of premises that do not hold their own public liability cover thereby protecting the Council from any contingent liability Nil None £5m Any school premises  
Type of policy/class of business Description Excess Stop Loss Limit of Indemnity/base sum insured Insured Perils Areas not insured
Offsite Activities - school journeys - 51UK6020011 Cover for school journeys providing 'travel' insurance' £15 medical expenses with no E111, £15 personal effects & money, None £5m medical expenses, £1.5k personal effects & money, £1k cancellation or curtailment, £25k death, (£10k under 16's) £2m personal liability, £25k overseas legal expense Medical expenses, personal effects & money, cancellation or curtailment, personal injury, personal liability, overseas legal expenses General exclusions as defined in policy documentation
Offsite Activities - youth clubs - 51UK453152 Cover for youth clubs providing 'travel' insurance' £15 medical expenses with no E111, £15 personal effects & money, None £5m medical expenses, £1.5k personal effects & money, £1k cancellation or curtailment, £25k death, (£10k under 16's) £2m personal liability, £25k overseas legal expenses Medical expenses, personal effects & money, cancellation or curtailment, personal injury, personal liability, overseas legal expenses General exclusions as defined in policy documentation
** Combined stop loss for these covers