Directors Group approved the following criteria on 3rd July 2002.


There are 4 conditions that must be met before any bids can be assessed


1                    No major reorganisation of the service should be under consideration.


2                    The relevant Review must be completed, ie approved by the Executive.


3                    The money must be for the current year.


4                    Bids must fit with Service and Corporate Plans.



The following criteria should then be applied, with the highest scores being successful.


1                    Will it deliver improvements that will impact on public stakeholders?    accounting for the numbers affected and/or the degree to which users are affected.


No effect (0)

A little (1)

Some (2)

Above average (3)

A lot (4)

Major impact (5)


2        Will it deliver an improved service?


No improvement (0)

A little (1)

Some (2)

Above average (3)

A lot (4)

Will change service beyond recognition (5)


3        Will it produce budget savings? (expressed as a % of the bid)


None (0)

Around 2% (1)

From 2 – 5% (2)

From 5 – 10% (3)

10% + / will pay for itself in 1 – 3 years (4)

Will pay for itself in less than 1 year (5)


4        Will improvements directly meet a Service / Corporate Plan priority?


No (0)

Partly / vaguely (1)

Will meet a low priority (2)

Will meet a medium priority (3)

Will meet a high priority (4)

Will directly meet the Service’s top priority (5)


5        How measurable is the planned improvement?


Not measurable (0)

Possible but difficult to measure (1)

Reasonably measurable (2)

Should be quite easy to measure (3)

Should be very easy to measure (4)

Very easy to measure and data already collected (5)


6        Is there an exit strategy (plan for ongoing funding)?


Significant budget consequences certain but with no plan for resourcing (0)

Hope to include revenue implications in current budget negotiations (1)

Definite proposals in current budget negotiations (2)

Significant consequences but budget already found (3)

Minimal or no ongoing budget consequences (4)

Will lead to significant savings in relation to the bid (5)