Purpose : For Decision


Committee :    EXECUTIVE


Date :              16 JULY 2002


Title :               RURAL BUS SUBSIDY GRANT








To determine the award of contracts for the provision of local bus services subsidised by Rural Bus Subsidy Grant (RBSG).




1.                  At its meeting held on 26 June 2002, the Environment and Transport Select Committee resolved :


“That the Executive be recommended to accept the Southern Vectis Group Tender (combination bid) for a two year period for £142,000 in 2002/03 and £167,000 in 2003/04 but that officers, and the Portfolio Holder, undertake further negotiations with the Company on the second year of operation.”


2.                  At its meeting held on 2 July 2002, the Executive resolved, in respect of the report submitted :


“That the report be deferred until the next meeting of the Executive.”


The deferral was made so that further negotiations in respect of the Group Tender (combination bid) received from Southern Vectis could be undertaken.  The negotiations were to include the possibility of the Group Tender (combination bid) being made available for a one year term and for reconsideration to be given to the modification of some routes and timings.


A copy of the report to the Executive on 2 July 2002 is attached to this report as Appendix 1.


3.                  In accordance with this resolution, officers and the Portfolio Holder have entered into further negotiations with Southern Vectis in respect of the content of its combination bid.


4.                  During these negotiations, Southern Vectis has indicated that while its Group Tender can be offered for a one year term and modifications to routes and timings can be made, neither can be made at the 2002/03 Group Tender cost of £142,000.  A price addition would have to be made in order to accommodate such changes.  At the time of writing of this report the exact value of specific price additions has not been made available by the Company but such information as is to hand will be presented to this meeting of the Executive.


5.                  The comments of Nettlestone and Seaview Parish Council in response to Southern Vectis’ proposed transfer of £5,000 in both 2002/03 and 2003/04 to the Parish Council so that it can organise and control its own local transport service in the area have not yet been received but will be brought to the meeting if to hand.




6.                  The sum of £142,781 remains available from RBSG in 2002/03 after the deduction of grant already committed.


7.                  The sum of £167,681 remains available from RBSG in 2003/04 after the deduction of grant already committed.




8.                  RBSG has been effective in improving the Island’s bus network over the past four years, and the opportunity to spend this Grant to its maximum in 2002/03 and 2003/04 should not be lost.


9.                  Members should be mindful that the majority of the services subject here to tendering have been well used in terms of passenger ridership and the evidence from the consultation process undertaken prior to tendering also supported the retention of these services.


10.              A variety of options are now available to the Executive but consideration should be given to these factors when determining the possible award of contracts for local bus services.


(a)               From the passenger perspective, the provision of timetable information publicising whatever services are to be provided is essential.


(b)               Passengers prefer both continuity and certainty of transport provision.


(c)               There are legal requirements in respect of the statutory 56 day notice period for registration of bus services with the Traffic Commissioner.





1.                  To accept the Southern Vectis Group Tender combination bid for a two year period at a cost of £142,000 in 2002/03 and £167,000 in 2003/04.


2.                  To award a contract for a one year term to Southern Vectis for such services operating at such times and on such routes as have been negotiated within the budget available.


3.                  To purchase bus services based upon individual contract prices (but mindful that this option implies the withdrawal of a significant number of services currently operating that are well patronised) within the budget available.


4.                  To not purchase any services fundable by RBSG.




No recommendation is made at this stage pending the opportunity to evaluate the cost implications of a negotiated one year contract as outlined at Option 2.




Tender documents.

Contact Point : A A Morris, F  823780





Strategic Director

Corporate and Environment Services


Portfolio Holder for Transport


                                                                                                                                 APPENDIX 1


For Decision



Committee:                 EXECUTIVE


Date:                           2 JULY 2002


Title:                            RURAL BUS SUBSIDY GRANT







To determine the award of contracts for provision of local bus services subsidised by Rural Bus Subsidy Grant (RBSG)




1.         In February 2001, the DTLR (now DFT) announced levels of RBSG that would be available for the Isle of Wight for the next three financial years.  These amounts were


            2001/02           £203,377

            2002/03           £232,781

            2003/04           £237,681


2.         Accordingly, Members last year agreed to award contracts to Southern Vectis and Wightbus for 2001/02 to the value in total of £203,000.  These contract awards also had the effect of committing £90,000 of the 2002/03 grant and £70,000 of the 2003/04 grant to ongoing service provision.


3.         The sum of £142,781 therefore remains available for purchase of services through RBSG in 2002/03 and £167,681 in 2003/04.


4.         Following a wide-ranging consultation exercise in February this year, the results of which were reported to the Select Committee on 24 April, tenders were invited for services that were very similar to those which had proven popular with passengers in 2001/02.  Mindful of an increase in grant that would be available in 2002/03 and 2003/04,  tenders were also invited for a small number of additional services in line with consultation responses.


5.         Details of the level of annual passenger patronage for existing services being considered from further subsidy via RBSG for 2002/03 onwards are provided as Appendix 1 to this report.


6.         Also included within Appendix 1 are estimates of likely numbers of passenger journeys that may be made on services for which a demand had been noted in the consultation process, and for which tenders were also invited.




7.         It is imperative that the Executive can agree which tenders to accept at this meeting for the following reasons:

a)         So that there can be a smooth transition in service provision for the benefit of the passengers using the services.


b)         That there be sufficient time to ensure incorporation of the details of the services in timetables and other publicity material.


c)         To ensure compliance with the bus service registration period required by the Traffic Commissioner.


d)         That there can be a reasonable mobilisation period for the operators.


8.         Accordingly, Members of the Select Committee were asked to consider the options arising from the tendering process.


9.         Tenders for individual contracts were received from only three operators, with certain operators bidding for only a small number of the contracts and some of the prospective contracts receiving no tenders whatsoever.


10.       If Members were to choose to “shop” for contracts on an individual tender basis, then this would result in loss of services in comparison to current levels, since tenders for individual contacts are considerably higher than the value offered by a Southern Vectis Group Tender that has also been submitted.


11.       In order to continue to provide all of these services which have proven popular with passengers to date, and to do this within available budgets, consideration can only be given to a Group Tender received from Southern Vectis.  This Group Tender for a two year term also makes allowances for the addition of a small number of new services that have been identified as desirable during the consultation process.


12.       Acceptance of the Southern Vectis Group Tender would enable the following services to continue:


a)         Evening services on Mondays to Saturdays on the Newport-Wootton-Ryde route.


b)         Early morning journeys from Bembridge to Ryde and from Ventnor to Newport on Mondays to Saturdays.


c)         Evening services on Mondays to Saturdays on the Ventnor-Wroxall-Newport route.


d)         Sunday evening journeys on the Ryde to Ventnor route.


e)         Evening services on Mondays to Saturdays on the Newport-Brighstone-Freshwater route.


f)          Daily evening services on the Ryde to Seaview and Nettlestone route.


g)         The half-hourly frequency on Newport Town routes on Mondays to Fridays between 0900 and 1400.


13.       Additional services that would be provided as part of the Southern Vectis Group tender are as follows (please note that 13 (e) is to be introduced only from October 2003):


a)         An hourly frequency in the morning and early afternoon on Mondays to Saturdays between Bembridge, Whitecliff Bay and Sandown.  In part this will replace some current commercially-provided timings that will otherwise be withdrawn by Southern Vectis from 29 September.


b)         Additional early Sunday morning services on the Cowes-Newport-Ryde route intended to benefit shop workers.


c)         An earlier Sunday morning service from Freshwater and Yarmouth to Newport intended to benefit shop workers.


d)         Additional Sunday daytime journeys on the Newport-East Cowes route that would result in an half-hourly frequency between 0900 and 1800.


e)         Provision of an evening service on Newport town routes from October 2003 onwards.


14.       However, there are some other consequences of acceptance of the Southern Vectis Group tender.  These are that:


a)         there would be an overall reduction in the total number of services via Yaverland, although the actual impact would not be too great since a regular hourly frequency would be established instead of the assortment of irregular timings currently offered in the mornings and early afternoons.


b)         As a consequence of the withdrawal of the commercial services referred to in 13(a), the route between Bembridge, St Helens, Nettlestone and Ryde on Service 12 will no longer be served outside of the morning and afternoon workers and shoppers peak hour journeys.


c)         The route of Newport town services would be modified so as to no longer serve Sainsbury’s store site.


15.       In respect of the withdrawal of services in the off-peak on Service 12, Southern Vectis has stated the following:


“The main innovation in the combination bid (the Group Tender) is the replacement of all conventional buses (in the off-peak) between Nettlestone and St Helens.  Given both the fragmented demand over the whole day and the perceived desirability of linking services with St Helens, this would seem the ideal site for a demand-responsive action, perhaps using a local taxi operator.  Southern Vectis proposes that responsibility for this rests with Seaview and Nettlestone Parish Council.  As part of the combination bid, Southern Vectis proposes to transfer £5,000 per annum to the Parish Council to assist with the development and operation of such a service.”


It should be noted that this £5,000 transfer is not of Rural Bus Subsidy Grant, but is a transfer from Southern Vectis funds.


It is hoped that more detail in respect of this proposal will be available at the Committee meeting.




16.       The availability of RBSG has once again raised expectations that many more additional services can be provided.  However, simply to renew existing successful RBSG services will account for the vast majority of funding in 2002/03 and 2003/04.


17.       Only the acceptance of the Southern Vectis Group Tender for a two year period can ensure current levels of service are maintained and improved upon.


18.       Rural Bus Service Grant is but one of a number of funding services that are becoming available and it is likely that many of the demands which cannot be met by RBSG may be met by Parish transport Grant, Rural Transport Partnership funding or by Rural Bus Challenge.




That the Executive agrees acceptance of the Southern Vectis Group tender for a two year period for £142,000 in 2002/03 and £167,000 in 2003/04.






Tender documents.




Contact Point: A  A Morris, F 823780




Strategic Director

Corporate and Environment Services


Portfolio Holder for Transport













a)         Service 1


Mondays to Saturdays - evening services;

                        Newport - Ryde at 1855, 1955, 2055, 2155, 2255

                        Ryde - Newport at 1930, 2030, 2130,2230,2330


                                                                                    Total annual passengers - 35,500


b)         Service 3A


Mondays to Saturdays;

                        Ventnor - Newport at 0655


                                                                                    Total annual passengers - 2,500


            c)         Service 3A


Mondays to Saturdays - evening services;

                        Ventnor - Newport at 1953, 2153, 2330

                        Newport - Ventnor at 1930, 2130, 2330


                                                                                    Total annual passengers - 13,000


            d)         Service 7


Sundays and Public Holidays - evenings;

                        Ryde - Ventnor at 1955, 2235

                        Ventnor - Ryde at 1853, 2053


                                                                                    Total annual passengers - 1,500


e)         Service 7B


Mondays to Saturdays - evening services;

                        Newport - Brighstone - Freshwater at 1935, 2105, 2235

                        Freshwater - Brighstone - Newport at 1924, 2124, 2254


                                                                                    Total annual passengers - 12,600


f)          Service 8


                        Daily evening services;

                        Ryde - Seaview - Nettlestone - Ryde at 1932, 2032, 2132, 2232, 2332


                                                                                    Total annual passengers - 8,600


            g)         Service 12


Mondays to Saturdays;

                        Bembridge - Nettlestone - Ryde at 0655


                                                                                    Total annual passengers - 1,500


h)         Service 24


Mondays to Fridays;

                        Sandown - Bembridge - Sandown at 0945, 1045, 1145, 1245, 1345, 1650


                                                                                    Total annual passengers - 7,300


I)          Service 38/39 Newport Town


Mondays to Fridays;

                        Newport - Gunville at 0910, 1010, 1110, 1210, 1310

                        Newport - Pan at 0940, 1040, 1140, 1240, 1340


                                                                                    Total annual passengers - 16,300




j)          Service 12


Mondays to Saturdays - evening services;

                        Sandown - Ryde 1700, 1915, 2115, 2240 (Bembridge only)

                        Ryde - Sandown 2000, 2220, 2250 (from Bembridge)


                                                                        Anticipated total annual passengers - 12,000


            k)         Service 12


Mondays to Saturdays;

                        Sandown - Bembridge - St Helens at 0945, 1045, 1145, 1245, 1345

                        St Helens - Bembridge - Sandown at 1015, 1115, 1215, 1315


                                                                        Anticipated total annual passengers - 14,000


l)          Service 12


Sundays and Public Holidays;

                        Ryde - Bembridge - Sandown at 1000, 1200, 1400, 1600, 1800, 2000, 2200

                        Sandown - Bembridge - Ryde at 1115, 1315, 1515, 1715


                                                                        Anticipated total annual passengers - 5,000


            m)        Services 1/7


Sundays and Public Holidays;

                        Cowes - Newport - Ryde at 0700

                        Cowes - Newport at 0800

                        Ryde - Newport - Cowes at 0705


                                                                        Anticipated total annual passengers - 1,700


n)         Havenstreet - Wootton Taxibus


Mondays to Fridays;

                        Havenstreet - Wootton - Havenstreet at 0935, 1015, 1055, 1135, 1215, 1255


                                                                        Anticipated total annual passengers - 6,000


            o)         Service 7


Sundays and Public Holidays;

                        Freshwater - Newport at 0856


                                                                        Anticipated total annual passengers - 500


            p)         Service 33


Mondays to Fridays;

                        Havenstreet - Ryde at 0910, 1110

                        Ryde to Havenstreet at 1050, 1250


                                                                        Anticipated total annual passengers - 3,500


            q)         Service 5


                        Sundays and Public Holidays;

Newport - East Cowes - Newport at 0915, 1015, 1115, 1215, 1315, 1415, 1515, 1615, 1715, 1815


                                                                        Anticipated total annual passengers - 6,000


            r)          Services 38/39 Newport Town


Sundays and Public Holidays;

                        Newport - Gunville at 1740, 1840

                        Newport - Pan at 1810, 1910


                        Fridays and Saturdays only;

                        Newport - Gunville at 1940, 2040, 2140, 2240

                        Newport - Pan at 2010, 2110, 2210, 2310


                                                                        Anticipated total annual passengers - 8,000


            s)         Service 32


Sundays and Bank Holidays;

                        Cowes - Gurnard - Cowes at 1000, 1200, 1400, 1700

                                                                        Anticipated total annual passengers - 1,000