Purpose : For decision




Date :              16 JUNE 2004


Title :               ANNUAL ACTION STATEMENT, 2004/05


                        REPORT OF THE DEPUTY LEADER


                                                            IMPLEMENTATION DATE : 28 June 2004




1.                  To adopt the Annual Action Statement for 2004/05 which sets out the Council’s strategic priorities for the coming year. A copy of the AAS is attached as Appendix 1; this attachment excludes the annexes to the AAS which are available on the intranet. Copies of the complete document have been separately provided to members of the Executive.




2.                  The Council’s overall mission is “to improve Island life.” In October 2002 the Council approved a three year Corporate Plan for 2002/05 setting out our key strategic aims. Each financial year we produce an Annual Action Statement (AAS) which sets out in more detail our in-year activities and priorities which contribute towards achievement of the Corporate Plan.


3.                  The AAS is subject to regular monitoring and review through our system of Quarterly Performance Management Reports (QPMRs).


Annual Action Statement, 2003/04


4.                  The 2003/4 AAS was the first such plan produced by the Council. The Council has made good progress over the 2003/04 year. This was recognised in the Annual Audit and Inspection Letter for 2003 which was reported to Executive in January 2004. The report, by the Audit Commission, noted that :


“…the Council has risen to the challenges presented by CPA and is driving forward an extremely challenging improvement plan…Improvements to the Council’s service and financial planning cycle this year has enabled the Council to make more informed decisions about resource allocations on the basis of corporate and service priorities.”


5.                  In September 2003 the Council also invited the Improvement and Development Agency (IDeA) to undertake a Peer Review of the authority. It was considered that this would provide a useful benchmark to assess progress since the Comprehensive Performance Assessment (CPA) in July 2002. Again, the results of the review were favourable :

“The Isle of Wight Council is successfully driving through its substantial programme of change, improvement and modernisation under its highly committed political and managerial leadership…”


6.                  Part 2 of the AAS for 2004/05 details specific achievements arising from the 2003/4 AAS.


Annual Action Statement, 2004/05


7.                  The AAS for 2004/05 is focused upon two main themes – Leadership and Service Delivery :


8.                  A. LEADERSHIP : In the Annual Audit Letter for 2003/4, the Audit Commission highlighted the need to match the Council’s demanding improvement agenda with our capacity to manage and effect change. Sustained and effective leadership is therefore essential. Priorities for the year include :


·        development of a longer term vision for the Island

·        continued improvements to service and budget planning

·        further development of our corporate performance management framework

·        preparing for our next Comprehensive Performance Assessment (CPA) in 2005 with a view to achieving a “good” ranking

·        improved workforce development

·        an improved approach to tackling diversity and social inclusion

·        continued development of our key strategic partnerships

·        improved customer relations through the Great Access to Great Services (GAGS) initiative


9.         B. SERVICE DELIVERY : whilst acknowledging that the Council had made good progress at a corporate level, the Annual Audit Letter observed that “…these improvements have not yet had an impact consistently across the Council in terms of demonstrable improvements in services.” Our service delivery priorities for the year include :


·        establishing effective Children’s Services and Adult and Community Services Directorates following recently agreed organisational changes

·        developing and delivering a series of “action plans” in response to the Children’s Services and Ofsted inspections

·        achieving greater integration of the delivery of health and social care services

·        continued action to reduce homelessness and increase the supply of affordable homes

·        progressing proposals for the Cowes Waterfront regeneration project and development of a Tourism Strategy for the Island

·        development of proposals for a PFI initiative for the financing of highways maintenance

·        tackling under-performance where it occurs, particularly for those services designated as Priority Improvement Areas.


10.             Further detail on each of these priorities are described in the AAS (attached as Appendix 1). The indicative targets / timescales associated with the priorities are also described in the AAS under Annexes 1 and 2 respectively – due to their indicative nature these have not been included in Appendix 1 but have been separately provided to members of the Executive in hard copy. Copies of the full document are also available on the intranet.




11.             The AAS is effectively the Council’s business plan for 2004/05. It forms part of a much wider service and budget planning process for both the Council and the Island :


·        Island Futures Community Strategy : developed by Island Futures, our local strategic partnership, this sets out broad strategic priorities for the Island.

·        Corporate Plan : as outlined this sets out the Council’s strategic aims for 2002/05 and is essentially our contribution to the Community Strategy.

·        Service Plans : these are annual plans setting out detailed operational programmes for each of the Council’s service areas.

·        Personal Development Plans : these are individual plans for each member of staff. They are designed to make explicit the role of staff and their contribution to Service Plans and the Corporate Plan.




12.             In drafting the AAS, strategic directors and heads of service have been consulted on the actions and targets that have been included. No additional external consultation has been undertaken.




13.             The actions listed within the AAS are all provided for within the Council’s approved budget for 2004/05. Part 6 of the AAS provides further details on financing delivery of the Statement.




14.             The Corporate Plan and the Annual Action Statement are the mechanisms by which the Council seeks to ensure that services are aligned to and deliver on its corporate objectives in order to deliver best value in services as required by the 1999 Local Government Act and the Comprehensive Performance Assessment (CPA) regime.




15.             The options are as follows :


1.                        To adopt the Annual Action Statement for 2004/05

2.                        Not to adopt the Annual Action Statement for 2004/05




16.             The AAS will be the delivery mechanism for the Council’s Corporate Plan. It will be monitored through the quarterly performance management report (QPMR) system which will enable the early identification of risk of non-delivery and the taking of appropriate remedial action.



17.             That the Council adopt the Annual Action Statement for 2004/05.










1.                  Corporate Plan

2.                  Island Futures Community Strategy

3.                  Service Plans

4.                  Annual Action Statement, 2003/04


Contact point :           John Bentley, Head of Corporate Policy &

Communications, ext. 3346,

email [email protected]



Chief Executive Officer



Deputy Leader







Note : Annexes 1,2 & 3 not included due to indicative nature of targets / timing.  Copies of full document available on the Council intranet