Appendix 1



January 2004 – May 2004




During the 4th quarter of 2003 the Board of the Partnership agreed to appoint a Managing Director to take the Company forward.  An interview panel consisting of Cllr Peter Harris – IWC, Brian Friend – AMS, Ginnie Gledhill – IWC Human Resources and Danny Fisher, chair of the Partnership was established.  The panel agreed to appoint Mike King to the role of MD and this was ratified by the full Board at their meeting on 13th May.  Mike’s role will now be to re-structure the Partnership to deliver the AIF and ensure the long term viability of the Island’s economic development agency.


The activities of the Partnership for the 4th quarter of the 2003/04 year are set out below under the relevant functional headings: 




Work has been carried out to establish clearer links between the AIF development and the LSP.  A proposal will be put to the LSP to set up an Island Investment Support Group made up of the Chief Executives of the main delivery agencies together with representatives of the main regional funding bodies.  This will replace the AIF sub-group that was originally proposed under the IWEP.  It was felt that the group dealing with the AIF investment plans should have more equal representation across all themes and not be led by a single theme.  The Island Investment Support Group will report directly to the LSP.




The document is now called ‘Inspire’ and includes an education programme to build self belief in the Island’s economic future.  This programme will assist in raising the aspirations of Island people especially the young.  The document will be put forward to SEEDA to access AIF funding for implementation starting in 2004/05.




The main drive under this initiative will be to raise awareness of the benefits of Broadband access to local businesses and the community.  There is no specific grant money available through SEEDA for Broadband Initiatives in 2004/05. The Island can only progress the Broadband Strategy if it is seen as a priority for spend under the AIF Performance Plan.  This is currently being reviewed.




The Project team has selected Landscape Design Associates (LDA) as the master-planners for the East Cowes project; a press release will be issued shortly.  LDA will work with all aspects of the community to develop their master-plan and vision for the area.  The plan will be submitted as an outline planning application.


Cowes Waterfront attended MIPIM, Europe’s largest property development exhibition as part of the South East and South West RDAs stand.  In effect Cowes Waterfront was given its own stand, highlighting SEEDA’s  commitment to the Isle of Wight.  During the exhibition there were several opportunities for developers and investors to find out about our largest ever regeneration initiative.  These events culminated in Jim Braithwaite, Chair of SEEDA and Pam Alexander, the new CEO of SEEDA hosting a visit to the stand, by John Prescott, the Deputy Prime Minister.  This continues our strategy of raising the profile of the island at the highest level.


Plans are now being developed for Cowes Week.




The financial forecasts made for the Year 2003/04 were mostly on target and the Partnership finished the Year with a surplus of £20,000.




It should be noted that the Partnership was only contracted to deliver these items in September 2003, some 6 months into the Year.  On this basis I would consider our performance to be exceptional.  We have provided the Council with a full monitoring report on both targets in April.  The following are highlights of these reports:


Target 3


Target 11

Whilst target 11 got off to a slow start, achieving approximately 75% of the annual requirement in 6 months is an exceptional result by any standard.  However, as the baseline research for this area was incomplete, the Partnership was asked to take the target on good faith.  It is now apparent that the cohort is not that large and therefore we will need to be more inventive in how to achieve the right outcome.  The Partnership is therefore arranging a meeting with the Council to put together a strategy to ensure we meet target 11, this will include better information on the cohort of over 50s that are unemployed.




Quarterly returns for SRB V, SRB VI, RDP and MTI were completed and submitted to SEEDA at the end of the financial year, April 1st 2003 – 31st March 2004.  All programmes met targets and profiles as set out in the Year’s Delivery Plans.


Quarterly returns for Leader+ and the Healthy Living Programmes were submitted to GOSE and NOF and also met targets and profiles set.


Key points or issues for each programme are set out below:


Healthy Living Programme


As set out in the previous report NOF has agreed to release most of the remaining grant, of nearly £200,000 up front to be spent in full in the financial year April 2004 – March 2005.  The majority of NOF funding will therefore be spent over 3½ years rather than 5 years as originally intended.


It is intended to:


This way forward will:




As the majority of the spend of the Leader+ programme was already fully committed for 2004, our efforts have been directed towards developing projects which can address the outputs where the programme has been underachieving.


We have contracted with a further 8 projects since January, and are now funding the IW Chamber of Commerce to substantially tackle our high job creation target.


In addition, we are focussing on making links both nationally and trans-nationally, to develop the joint projects that the programme expects.

Many Leader+ areas under-spent in 2003, and the fact the Island managed to spend to target has enabled us to secure an extra £135,000.  This will fund organisations that have already submitted project expressions of interest and will also enable us to revive the Small Grants Scheme.


Market Towns Initiative (MTI)


The MTI programmes for Sandown, Shanklin and Ventnor were due to be completed by March 2005.  However, due to funding issues with SEEDA we have been able to extend the period for a further year until March 2006.  This is advantageous for the towns as it allows them to implement a more strategic approach and ensure that activity complements the Bay Area Strategy.


The new MTI programme has been launched by SEEDA and the Island is eligible to access £260,000 over the next 7 years.  Although there are a number of towns on the Island that have been identified as Market Towns on the population size criteria, there are a number of other criteria that have to be met for eligibility to bid in this round of MTI.  The qualifying towns must:


Towns currently receiving MTI funding will not be eligible to bid for a further 3 years. i.e. Sandown, Shanklin and Ventnor.  The minimum size of single project that can be submitted is for a total spend of £80,000 (i.e. grant of £40,000). Projects must deliver economic outcomes and also SEEDA Tier 3 outputs i.e. job creation, learning opportunities, training, business development, brownfield site development, new and improved community facilities or services.


East Cowes is currently working up a bid as they are part of the Cowes Waterfront Programme and Brading and Wootton are also looking at submitting a project each under the improvement of the Public Realm in line with the work being carried out across the eastern corridor of the Island.


Rural Development Programme (RDP)


This programme ceased on 31st March 2004.  All targets and milestones were met and an evaluation will be carried out over the next year.


Significant achievements this year included:


Single Regeneration Budget (SRB)


SRB V – Island Inclusive was completed on 31st March 2004.  All targets and milestones were met and this programme will also be evaluated over the next year.


The programme had a total grant of £1,500,000 allocated to social inclusion projects.  A total of £823,186 private match funding and £1,291,533 public match funding has been leveraged over the duration of the programme.


The programme has created a high level of outputs, for example:




The programme is just entering Year 5 of its six year duration and the outcomes of the early work are now beginning to be apparent.