DRAFT                                                                                                                          PAPER AD

(This cross references the report to the Agenda)


                                                                                                              Purpose : fFor [Decision]
(The Executive is a decision making body and noting reports should be a rare exception)

                        REPORT TO THE EXECUTIVE


Date :              Wednesday 15th JANUARYanuary 2003


Title Proforma :               EARLY YEARS DEVELOPMENT AND CHILDCAREarly Years Development and Childcare PLANlan 2003 - 2004












1.                  This report invites the Executive to consider the draft Early Years and Childcare Implementation Plan and to recommend the draft for approval by the Full Council.  The report has been through the select committee process having been before the Childrens Committee.





1.To consider and approve the Early Years’ Development and Childcare

           Plan 2003 -2004.  The Plan sets out the targets and objectives in the local   implementation plan.  The Executive/ Full Council will need to approve the plan in order to meet DfES requirements on ratification and local authority agreements.


This report invites the Executive to consider the draft Early Years and Childcare Implementation Plan and to recommend the draft for approval by the Full Council.






2.                  1.  The local authority is required to submit an Early Years Development and Childcare Implementation Plan 2003 - 2004 to the DfES by 1st February 2003.  The plan must be developed through an Early Years Development and Childcare Partnership (EYDCP) composed of relevant organisations, agencies, other local authority directorates, interested individuals and member representatives.



3.                  The Plan must follow the guidelines provided by the DfES.  This Plan outlines the implementation actions required to meet the final year of the full Strategic Plan 2001- 2004, and outlines targets in the following areas:-


·        Early education places for three year olds

·        Out – of – school targets for child care places for children between 4 years and 14 years (16 years for children with special needs). This includes specific targets for the most disadvantaged areas on the Isle of Wight and includes places for children with special needs.

·        Child care places for children from 3 months to 4 years, particularly in areas of disadvantage.  This includes plans for six new neighbourhood day nurseries, recruiting more childminders, and how the Partnership proposes to support existing and proposed providers with training, grants and advice.)

·        Meeting the national child care standards and maintaining high quality in child acre and early education.  This includes the continued promotion of our successful Quality Assurance Scheme, and a comprehensive programme of professional development and accredited training.

·        Support from qualified teachers in all early education settings.  This area outlines the professional support offered from LEA staff, teachers and advanced skill teachers, area SENCos, advisers and consultants in all early years settings offering Foundation Stage early education, and will ensure that our current high standards in OFSTED early years’ inspections is maintained.

·        Support for children with special or additional needs at home, in pre-schools and on transition into school.


4.           These targets build upon the progress already made in the first two years of the SStrategic Plan 2001 – 2004, which members agreed in 2001.







[Insert here refernce to Corporate Plan objectives (presumably those litsed under reference to Education and Community Development Strategic plan), and Community Strategy Actions (presumably primarily though not exclusively actions under the Developing Learning Skills Theme)]



5.                 The Early Years Development and Childcare Strategic Plan 2001 – 2004 was approved by the Isle of Wight Council members and the DfES in 2001.  Elements of the plan are highlighted in the Corporate and Service plans of this authority and feature in the Education Development Plan 2002. 



6.         This is a statutory plan which has national, local and regional policy objectives.

The need to ensure affordable, accessible childcare impacts on regeneration strategies and the inclusion agenda, and early education impacts on the potential for improving standards in later education.


7.         As parents are encouraged, where appropriate, to return to training or work they need to be assured of the highest quality child care.  It is also a local objective to provide inclusive education, care and support for children with special needs, and the EYDC Partnership.


8.         3.         This new document sets out the current position and remaining actions with regard to the local and national targets for childcare, early education, special needs in the early years, recruitment of childcare staff, and training and quality assurance.





9.         4.         The draft Plan must be consulted upon by a cross section of relevant organisations and providers.  This document was drawn up following consultation with EYDCP members through the sub-groups and working parties of that organisation.


10.      5.      In addition, it was circulated to a representative group from schools, pre-schools, out-of-school clubs, SEN services, childminders, policy makers, EYDCP members, sub-committees and Partnership officers, with a deadline of comments and amendments by 2nd January 2003.  At the end of the consultation period all requested amendments ny such comments have beenwere absorbed into this document.  


[To what extend were the outcomes of consultation followed, and if not why not?


What opportunity have the Select Committee had to look at this, given it is part of the Policy Framework?]





11.       6.       Costs associated with the activities outlined in the Plan will be funded from specific grants, child care grants, and base budget provision.  Training and professional development costs are met through DfES training grants, including Standards Fund and Foundation Key Stage grant.



12.      The Partnership adheres to the principles of Best Value when monitoring contract arrangements with providers of Early Years services and when seeking procurement of goods or services.  Any grants awarded to individuals or groups are subject to stringent internal and external audit arrangements.





813.       7.       The approval of the Early Years Plan is a statutory requirement under s120 School Standards and Framework Act 1998, and is one of the small number of plans which forms part of the Policy Framework which, subject to a recommendation from the Executive , is determined by the Full Council.


1.The Executive/Full Council needs to approve the plan in order to meet DfES requirements on ratification and local authority agreements.


1.All EYDCP planning documentation complies with the requirements of statutory and legislative frameworks, e.g. Crime and Disorder issues, and Discrimination legislation which covers Human Rights, Disability Act and Race Relations Act.






14.      8.      Members are advised that failure to ratify the Early Years Plan will result in the local authority and the EYDCP forfeiting significant grant funding, and statutory targets and objectives not being met.  As such there are no alternatives.









15.      9.      The Early Years Plan sets out key targets which are both challenging yet achievable within identified budget restraints.  Where the plan sets out targets over and above the statutory minimum requirements, the Partnership is confident that these are achievable.  These will be closely monitored to ensure that risks are minimised in the delivery and operation of the Plan, through officer accountability for each area of the plan, overall management at a senior level, regular reports to EYDCP executive, and regular scrutiny by representative sub groups.  In addition there is external auditing and moderation, such as from government departmental advisers and regional consultants. 



However, should any of the statutory minimum targets not be met, there is a risk that grant funding for these activities could be clawed back.  The Partnership is not aware, currently, of any further sanctions.





10.      Members are asked to consider and approve the Plan and recommend it’s adoption by the

           Full Council.





17.      Members are asked to consider the Plan and recommend it’s adoption by the

          Full Council.





18.      The following are accompanying papers:-

·        The Early Years Development and Childcare Implementation Plan 2003 -2004 – the commentary and the tables (A copy of the Implementation Plan and tables have been placed in the Members Room)

·        A summary document of the above plan (attached)


11.  The following are accompanying papers:-

·The Early Years Development and Childcare Implementation Plan 2003 -2004 – the commentary and the tables

·A summary document of the above plan


19.      2.      The full strategic Early Years Development and Childcare Plan 2001 – 2004 is available from the Early Years Unit on request.  However the Implementation Plan 2003 – 2004 contains all the necessary commentary and background information required.


[Background papers need to include everything which was relied on by the report author to a material extent in drafting the report, or disclose the facts on the basis of which the report was written this is a statutory requirement]




13.  None.


Contact Point :           Marion East – Early Years Co-ordinator

                                    Tel: 528645 Email: [email protected]



Strategic Director

David Pettitt

Director of Education and Community Development


J WAREHAMPortfolio Holder

Cllr Jill WarehamPortfolio Holder for

Education and Lifelong Learning






Place Y for yes and N for no in the box below

·Can the decision be taken under delegated powers by :


·The relevant portfolio holder?


·An Officer?


·Has the decision appeared on the forward plan?


·Has the relevant Select Committee had the opportunity to consider the issue?


·Does the Director’s Group need the opportunity to consider the report?


·Has the portfolio holder approved the report?


·Has sufficient consultation taken place?


·Is the consultation set out and evaluated in the report?


·If the recommendation is not consistent with the outcome of consultation, are reasons given?


·Can an elected Member (or member of the public) with no previous knowledge of the report see sufficient background information (which can include reference to previous reports) to allow them to understand the issue?


·Does the report identify what strategic or policy aim is achieved or contributed to by the decision?


·Are all reasonable options identified and appraised?


·Is there additional risk management information which needs to be set out?


·Has specialist advice been taken for the following:










·Is the cost associated with the decision fully set out and the source of any funding identified?


·Have the following been considered and explained (where necessary) in the report:


·Human Rights issues?


·Crime and Disorder issues?


·Is risk management properly addressed?


·Are all background papers listed and available?


·Is the implementation date clearly identified?


·If the report is confidential or exempt is the reason for the confidentiality or exemption clearly identified?


·Are there clear recommendations with reasons?


·Are the report author and contact officer clearly identified?