Purpose : for Decision

                        REPORT TO THE EXECUTIVE


Date :              14 JULY 2004











1.                  To propose that the Local Strategic Partnership Theme 7 (Environment) Working Group directs the production of the Local Development Framework




2.                  As the Executive will be aware the Planning Bill 2004 sets out the government’s detailed framework for the planning system.  The Bill will be the implementation of the Planning Green Paper (originally published in late 2001).  The key changes in the Bill are in relation to the development plan system.  Local Development Frameworks will replace Local Plans/Unitary Development Plans, and will be required to be prepared by all planning authorities.  County Structure plans will be abolished.


3.                  In diagrammatic format the following arrangements currently exist and are proposed in the Planning Bill.





4.                  Key changes in the new Bill include:


·               The enhanced importance and significance of Regional Planning (ie Regional Spatial Strategies).

·               The opportunity for the development of sub-regional study areas – the South East Plan proposes 10 such areas including South Hampshire.

·               The statutory production of Local Development Framework in all authorities (joint documents are an option).

·               The expectation that Local Development Framework relate to Community Strategies – the mainstreaming of planning.

·               The need for detailed community involvement in the Local Development Framework process on an ongoing basis – the need for a Statement of Community Involvement.

·               The opportunity for the development of detailed area action plans in the framework of the Local Development Framework.

·               The need for the Local Development Framework process to concentrate on delivery and implementation rather than the preparation of a land-use based plan.

·               The opportunity for the Local Development Framework to deliver spatial rather than simply land-use policies (eg the Island’s needs for quality residential nursing homes will increasingly be a key material consideration with equal weight to traditional development plan policies which may otherwise have precluded the development of such facilities).


5.         The introduction of a Local Development Framework is a key element of the outworking of the Community Strategy.




6.                  Consultation has yet to take place on the production of the LDF since the appropriate legislation is not yet in place.


7.                  The relationship between the LSP and the LDF was established at the May LSP Executive meeting.


8.                  Part of the production of the LDF will involve the preparation of a Statement of Community Involvement.  This will set out how the community will be involved throughout the Plan process.




9.                  The Planning Bill and the PSA6 target indicates that all local planning authorities should have adopted Local Development Frameworks prior to 31 March 2007.  This is a tall order, particularly for those authorities which are still proceeding towards the adoption of their initial plan, or are reviewing their existing planning framework.


10.             The Isle of Wight Council is ideally placed to proceed quickly with Local Development Framework preparation given the adopted nature of the UDP and the nature and extent of the Community Strategy (Island Futures).  The Government Office for the South East Region (GOSE) is encouraging your officers to proceed in the vanguard of Local Development Framework preparation in this part of the country.


11.             An indicative timetable is set out below:


Agreement with GOSE on Local Development Scheme              September 2004

(ie the programme)


Detailed options and environmental appraisal                              September 2005


Submission of Local Development Framework to GOSE            Spring 2006

Inquiry                                                                                                 Summer 2006


Adoption                                                                                             March 2007


Inevitably this timetable cannot be confirmed until GOSE agree the nature and extent of the Plan, and the appropriateness of the timescales.


12.             It is clear that rapid progress will be required to meet the government’s target in this respect.  Similarly it is clear that the community will need to be far more closely engaged in the preparation of the Local Development Framework than it was in the preparation of the UDP.


13.             Given that the Local Development Framework will need to be developed in harmony with the Community Strategy (and its review) it is suggested that Local Strategic Partnership Theme 7 Group, Quality Environment should be given the task of steering officers in their initial preparation of the draft Local Development Framework.  This course of action would have the following benefits:


·           The Portfolio Holder is the Environment champion and will chair the Theme 7 Group.

·           Responsibility for steering officers in their initial preparation of the Local Development Framework would provide a clear focus for the Theme Group.

·           The Group would be able, through the network of LDP group chairmen, to draw on the skills and experience of other groups.

·           The relationship of the Local Development Framework and the Local Strategic Partnership would be clearly secured.

·           The Local Development Framework would have clear and transparent community engagement and ownership.


14.             The ultimate preparation and approval of the Local Development Framework would remain with the Portfolio Holder.  It is suggested that the working group reports to the Portfolio Holder on a quarterly basis, with more frequent reports being made at critical points in the overall timetable.


15.             The working group/Executive would be serviced by the Planning Policy team in Planning Services and, where appropriate, the Local Strategic Partnership team in the Corporate Policy Team.  Given the timetable involved in Local Development Framework preparation, and the specialist tasks involved (eg the Statement of the Community Involvement and the Environmental Assessment of

the Plan) consultants will be engaged at key stages of the process, and it may be appropriate for these consultants to be involved in briefing the working group/Executive accordingly.  Consultants have already been engaged to produce the Statement of Community Involvement, and other consultants are likely to be involved in the Core Strategy.




16.             The overall cost of the production of the Local Development Framework is likely to be in the order of £450,000.  It is difficult to identify precise costs at this stage given that local authorities have no experience of preparing the new style of development plans.


17.             The cost of producing the plan covers a wide range of specialist tasks, consultation with key stakeholders and local residents, the arrangements for public inquiry and associated legal representation, and eventual printing.  The Planning Delivery Grant (2004/05) will cover these costs.  Indeed it is part of the Government’s intention that the use of these grants should enable the speedy implementation of the new Act.


18.             It is not envisaged that the use of the Local Strategic Partnership Theme Group to oversee the preparation of the Plan will in itself have any significant financial implications.




19.             The adoption of the Local Development Framework is a requirement of the Planning Bill 2004, S13 Local Government Act and associated regulations provide that the development plan cannot be the sole responsibility of the Executive.




20.             Undertake not to prepare a Local Development Framework


This is not a practical option.  There is a statutory requirement on all local authorities to prepare a new-style development plan.


21.             Prepare the Local Development Framework solely within the Council


This is not an option which relates to government guidance on the new planning system.  The process is grounded on community engagement and delivering through the planning system.  The process is grounded on community engagement and delivering through the planning system the aspirations of the local population as set out in the Community Strategy.  Detailed government advice has been prepared on linking Community strategies with Local Development Frameworks.


22.             Prepare the Local Development Framework in conjunction with some other organisation or its working groups.  Theme Group 7, Quality Environment, of the Local Strategic partnership is uniquely placed to develop a widely owned draft LDF.  The Portfolio Holder for Sustainable Development, Environment & Planning Policy Chairs the theme group.




23.             The option of pursuing an LDF within the LSP framework is not without its risks, especially given the tight timetable for its production.


24.             A detailed project plan will be prepared setting out key dates and milestones.


25.             The detailed management of consultants in the process will be a major undertaking.


26.             As part of the risk evaluation a detailed timetable of meetings will be set up at the initial meeting of the Steering Group.




27. To approve the production of the Local Development Framework by Local Strategic Partnership Theme 7, Quality Environment, Working Group. 


28. To approve the reporting mechanisms between the Working Group and the Executive








Contact : Andrew Ashcroft 823556, Ashley Curzon 823557



Head of Planning Services



Portfolio Holder for Sustainable Development, Environment and Planning Policy