Purpose: For Decision

                        REPORT TO THE EXECUTIVE


Date :              14 JULY 2004







                      IMPLEMENTATION DATE: 26 July 2004






1.                  To receive the Report.


2.                  To require the production and implementation of an associated action plan in respect of the Island’s Children & Family Services.




3.                  The report by the Commission for Social Care Inspection (“CSCI”) is confidential information for the purposes of s100A(3) as it is furnished to the council by a Government department on terms which forbid it’s disclosure to the public.


4.                  The report has been made available, with the consent of the Commission, to members of the Executive but is subject to an embargo until after the presentation of the report to this Committee on the 14th July.


5.                  Copies of the report will be available from the web address of Access to inspection reports or from 3rd Floor, Finlaison House, 15-17 Furnival Street, London EC4 1AH for hard copies from the 15th July 2004.




6.                  The Council is committed to improving children’s services and to the protection of the most vulnerable in the community. The Local Preventative Strategy provides a framework for prioritising the development of an integrated children’s service and for tackling the challenges that we face in partnership with statutory and community sectors. The recently revised and approved Corporate Parenting Policy will ensure Member’s increased involvement, consultation with service users and responsibility for the oversight of children’s services. 


7.                  Children’s Services were inspected by CSCI in January 2004. It was one of 30 inspections over a year, as part of a national programme of local inspections. It was undertaken by two CSCI Inspectors and a Lay Assessor.


8.         The inspection evaluated the effectiveness of council services for children in need, including those who were Looked After, those on the Child Protection Register and those receiving Family Support Services. Its focus included:


·                       The effectiveness of service delivery;

·                       The provision of information;

·                       Processes for referral, assessment, care planning and review;

·                       Fair access;

·                       Costs and efficiency; and

·                       The way in which services were organised and managed.


9.                  It also focused on whether services were safe for children and whether policy expectations of social services were being realised in practice.


10.             Overall the Inspectors found: “The Isle of Wight was providing a good standard of service to children and families and in some areas achieving a very good level of performance. However there were some areas of significant concern, which were requiring serious attention, namely the Referral and Assessment Team, services to children with challenging behaviours and access to CAMHS. The Council was starting from a relatively low base on a number of areas, such as on corporate parenting, valuing diversity and ensuring fair access to services. It was assessed that there was a strong commitment at all levels to deliver improvement in these and other areas, and promising signs that this was underway. With sustained effort and good leadership the chances of achieving a reputation for quality in children services was good.”


11.             The Report makes 21 recommendations.




12.             The Local Education Authority (LEA) post OFSTED Action Plan and the Children and Family Services CSCI Inspection Action Plan set the agenda for the improvement of the future Children’s Services Directorate of the Isle of Wight Council and its Schools.  The action plan will inform the strategic planning of Children’s Services and will also inform and impact on policies within Children’s Services. This inspection report contributes to the overall assessment of the Council through the Corporate Performance Assessment. Implementation of the recommendations will contribute to the achievement of the strategic objectives of the Corporate Plan.




13.             Key stakeholders and service users were consulted as part of the inspection process. The process and findings are set out within the report.




14.             Initially the response to the inspection report will be met from within base budget, including the application of agreed uplift gained for 2004/05, together with the Government’s Safeguarding Children Grant to ensure that the Service is “Climbie compliant”.


15.             Consideration may need to be given to financial implications of the action plan for the forthcoming financial year, in the light of Children’s Services integration agenda.




16.             Implementation of the recommendations is set within the current legal statutory framework and in line with Government guidance.  The Council has statutory duties to promote and safeguard the welfare of children in its area. Courts, in recent years, have agreed that it is possible for children who allege that those duties have not been carried out to bring actions for damages against the local authority.


17.             Legal Services work closely with Children’s Services, particularly in relation to child protection casework and is moving towards a 24hr service in line with the recommendations of the Laming Report.




18.             To accept this Report and to require the production and implementation of an associated action plan in respect of the Island’s Children and Family Services.




19.             The Inspection Report provides Members with an assessment of the strengths and areas identified for development of the Island’s current Children’s Services. The main risks, requiring serious attention are identified as:



Ø      The Referral & Assessment Team


        Risk management:

        There was at the time of the inspection and continues to be in place a management action plan. To strengthen this team we have changed the Team management arrangements and have in place an extra four temporary Social Work Assistant posts. We are using the Council’s funded uplift 2004/05 and the Safeguarding Children Government Grant to create two new professionally qualified posts and make permanent the assistant posts. Cases have been reviewed and the remit of the Team has been revised and reduced.


Ø      Services for children with challenging behaviours


        Risk management:

        Oak House has developed a system of managing referrals and matching or signposting to services for children with special needs and disabilities. This has been extended to encompass children within the Autism Spectrum including those with ADHD. A post is being set up to facilitate the development of this service for children with challenging behaviour.


Ø      Access to Child & Adolescent Mental Health Services


        Risk management:

        The Commissioners have now met to consider the independent report on CAMHS and are now in a position to revise the strategy. A commissioning and operational group have been set up to take the agreed recommendations forward.


20.             The management of continuous improvement and the effective implementation of the associated action plan will have a benefit to the Council’s overall Corporate Performance Assessment and the star rating of Children’s Services.





21.             (i) To receive the Inspection Report

(ii) To received a future report proposing an Action Plan for adoption and delivery



Appendix 1 – The main findings from the Inspection Report.

Inspection of Children’s Services, Isle of Wight, June 2004

The Victoria Climbie Inquiry, Laming report, January 2003


Contact Point :           Prue Grimshaw Ext 2227

                                Acting Head of Children’s Services



Strategic Director of Social Services & Housing


Portfolio Holder for Adult & Community Services


Strategic Director of Children’s Services


Portfolio Holder for Children’s Services