Purpose : for /Decision


                        REPORT TO THE EXECUTIVE


Date :              14 JULY 2004










1.                  To present as a performance management tool:


·                     Those recommendations of the Select Committees made in the year 2003-2004 and which have not yet been brought to a conclusion.


·                     The recommendations made by the Select Committees in the first quarter of 2004-2005.




2.                  During the past year, the Select Committee scrutiny and policy development functions have undergone significant changes to the way that their work programmes are planned, the methods used to make scrutiny more effective and the introduction of new procedures to improve effective working between the Executive and the Select Committees.


3.                  Following criticism from the IDeA Peer Review and a recent OFSTED inspection, the scrutiny function has implemented, with the assistance of South East Employers, a series of changes to the Select Committee process.  The main differences, which have resulted from an extensive training programme with South East Employers, include a reduction in the number of Members on each committee, procedural changes within the Constitution, i.e. size of quorum, addressing all scrutiny through the relevant Portfolio Holder(s) and finally implementing procedures in order to track the recommendations made at Select Committees following detailed scrutiny, policy development and Best Value Reviews.


4.                  A performance management tool that captures all recommendations made by Select Committees and sets out to whom they were directed and what action has subsequently been taken, will:


·                     Enable the Executive and Portfolio Holders to easily receive and track the various recommendations directed to them and ensure a proper and timely response


·                     Enable the Select Committee to easily identify what effect their recommendations have had in changing policy and improving services, and to hold the Executive to account for the speed and quality of their responses to recommendations


·                     Demonstrate a joined up, responsive and effective Executive/Select Committee model of corporate governance


·                     Tend to improve the quality of the framing and presentation of recommendations


·                     Allow easy analysis of whether Select Committee activity and recommendations are addressing key issues in shaping and delivering corporate objectives


5.                  This report is the first stage of developing this performance management tool and does not include all the recommendations made during 2003-2004, but seeks to draw attention to those recommendations which in that period have not had an identifiable and conclusive response. This presentation will enable the Executive to identify those recommendations which still require closure.


6.                  All recommendations from the first quarter of 2004-2005 also are presented in Appendix 1. It is intended that the Select Co-ordinating Committee considers this information each quarter. The Executive may wish, at least for the first two quarterly cycles, to receive this information in its entirety. Thereafter it may be sufficient to produce an exception report setting out only those recommendations which have not been conclusively responded to.


7.                  Appendix 2 sets out those requests for select committee enquiry which has been made by the Executive.  This allows a parallel tracking of those requests.


8.                  A record of the consideration of the tracking report by the Executive will form the basis of the next quarterly report and will inform the Co-ordinating Committee’s consideration of that report.


9.                  It is suggested that the Executive receive either the full information or an exception report at the same meeting which receives other performance management information, including the Quarterly Performance Management Report.




9.                  The duty under s21 Local Government Act 2000 to establish overview and scrutiny arrangements requires effective and efficient arrangements. By tracking recommendations as they are made, responded to and concluded, the quality of the system and its productiveness will be continually improved.




10.             The proposals have been developed by the Co-ordinating Committee through the feedback from the IDeA Peer Review and subsequent training programme that the Co-ordinating Committee has reviewed and supported to improve the overall effectiveness of the Select Committee function.  These proposals have been extensively discussed in a series of workshops and Select Committee development days, attended by the relevant portfolio holders and officers and therefore have been widely considered and consulted prior to implementation.


11.             Whilst the system being introduced is designed to be presented and debated in public at the Executive and at the Co-ordinating Committee, it is essentially an internal management tool and external consultation has not been undertaken.




12.             There are no significant costs or budget implications that can be attributed to implementing these new administrative procedures.




13.             The duty to conduct effective, open and efficient overview and scrutiny arises under the Local Government Act 2000.




14.             This report seeks to advise and apprise all Executive Members of the outcomes and recommendations arising from Select Committee meetings.


15.             As this is the first report, Appendix 1 includes the details of all outstanding recommendations that were not implemented or actioned as at the end of March 2004, as well those from the first quarter of 2004-2005.  Members are asked to note the recommendations and either take action or advise the appropriate Select Committee why no action will be taken.


16.             Appendix 2 lists all the requests from the Executive for Select Committee enquiry.  This procedure will enable a parallel process to track Executive requests for assistance.


17.             The following options exist:


Option A:

Not to publicly receive this information in the future.


Option B:

To publicly receive comprehensive information tracking Select Committee recommendations and requests for Select Committee enquiry, and responses to them on a quarterly basis, at the same meeting as the Quarterly performance Management Report is received.


Option C:

To receive a public exception report showing those Select Committee recommendations, which have not been conclusively responded to.


17.             Option B is the preferred option as it develops closer liaison and working between the Executive and Select Committees and demonstrates a high degree of transparency, integrated working and excellent corporate governance.




18.             Adoption of these new arrangements is aimed at improving the interface between the Council’s decision-making body and its scrutiny and policy development Select Committees.  Improvement in sharing information between these respective functions can only serve to reduce the likelihood of corporate risk.


19.             To move immediately to exception reporting would miss the opportunity for the Executive to receive and debate the Select Committee recommendations in the round, with the opportunity to identify and analyse trends and patterns.


20.             To receive the information privately would be to miss an opportunity t o increase public awareness of the Executive/Select Committee system and of the way it works to shape policy and improve services.


21.             Receipt of the tracking report at the same meeting as the Quarterly Performance Management Report will allow the Executive to identify requests for select committee enquiry to mirror reported strengths and weaknesses in performance.





22.   To publicly receive comprehensive information tracking Select Committee recommendations, and responses to them, on a quarterly basis, at the same meeting as the Quarterly performance Management Report is received.




23.             Minutes of the Co-ordinating Committee held on 14 March 2004.


24.             South East Employers – Select Committees Key Areas for Development, Training and Summary of Key Recommendations and Areas for Improvement.



Contact Point :           Alistair Drain, Head of Select Committee and Best Value Support 823280

                                    John Lawson, Head of Legal and Democratic Services 823207





Head of Select Committee Support



Deputy Leader