Purpose : For Decision

                        REPORT TO THE EXECUTIVE


Date :              12 MARCH 2003










1.                  Members are asked to review the outcome of the Trust’s costed business plan and to agree the level of grant subsidy for next year 2003/04.




2.                  None




3.                  Members gave consideration to a request from West Wight Sports Centre Trust for additional funding to operate its Sports and Leisure facilities.  The Trust was awarded a £1.8 million grant by Sport England in 1997 to expand and develop its facilities, however, it has found it hard to match the projections set out in its original business plan and was forced to use its reserves.  This led to severe cash flow problems and the request for help from the Council.


4.                  At the Executive dated 19 November 2002 Members were circulated a letter from the Chairman of the Trust and business plan.  It was noted that the West Wight Sports Centre was the only public sport /leisure facility in the area.


5.                  An independent report commissioned by the Council in May 2002 highlighted a number of opportunities to improve the financial performance of the Centre.  A number of these recommendation have been incorporated into their original  business plan presented to Members last year.  This plan was not fully costed.


6.                  Member’s agreed to an advance payment of £30,000 by brought forward from next years subsidy (2003/04) of £65,070  and that subject to receipt of a costed business plan that met the approval of the Strategic Director of Finance and Information, the annual subsidy levels of the Centre be reviewed by the Council.




7.                  In its period of operation to date the Trust has developed in partnership some key service functions to be local community, contributing effectively to the corporate aims of the Council and the themes highlighted in Island Futures Strategy.



8.                  The Trust actively engage with local partners on the delivery of many of its operations and actively contribute to improving the quality of life of its local residents through improved access to its services.




9.                  The Treasurer of the Trust has met with the Council’s  Finance  Staff on a number of occasions to develop and evaluate a  costed  business plan that reflects the Centres activities, and tries to address the current shortfall of operational funding currently identified at £30,000 p.a.


10.             The Trust has worked to improve its financial shortfall through the following measures:-


a)     The cafeteria makes a small operating surplus and so contributes to the overheads of the organisation.  The opportunity to increase income through the franchising of the cafeteria is something that the Trust will explore, along with other options for increasing income which are currently being undertaken.


b)     The Trustees have recently increased charges at the venue, in some areas by up to 11%.  The Business Plan has also been adjusted to accommodate an increase in Cafeteria income from vending machines, and also for reduced expenditure on certain budget items .


11.             The above have been fed into the Business Plan, which now demonstrates an annual deficit of around £10,000, as compared with the £30,000 annual deficit as presented in December.  The Trust now seeks the additional £10,000 to their annual subsidy, over and above the usual allowance for inflation.




12.             The sum of £30,000 was paid to the Trust in the current year, in advance of next year’s subsidy in order to get through the current year deficit position.  Your Officer’s view is that there is no realistic prospect of the Trust being able to recover an equivalent reduction in the annual subsidy payable  to them in April.   The budgeted subsidy for 2003/04 is requested in full plus the additional £10,000 highlighted in the business plan.


13.             The Trust in their business plan projections have not made provision for any major capital investment in the maintenance and replacement of major plant  and machinery. The business plan is currently set to address annual maintenance requirements only.




  1. The power to incur expenditure on recreational facilities is contained within Section 19 Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976.  The trust hold a 125 year lease of the building with covenants to pay rent, maintain and to



undertake building works. A sub lease returns part of the premises to the council for occupation as a youth centre. If the covenants are breached or if the trust (which is a company limited by guarantee) goes into liquidation the lease will be forfeit.





a)     To convert to a grant the brought forward payment of £30,000 from existing budgets and to approve an increase in the annual subsidy of  £10,000 p.a. to £77,000p.a, subject to an agreed Service Level Agreement that has a structured monitoring process in place.


b)     To convert to a grant the brought forward payment of  £30,000 from existing budgets, but not to approve an additional subsidy of £10,000. Annual subsidy therefore remaining at current level of £67,000.


c)      Not to approve the additional subsidy request and to clawback brought forward grant over a period of 5 years (interest or non interest payments to be agreed).




16.             The budget projections drafted by the Trust strongly indicate that they are not in a position to repay the Council’s brought forward subsidy without serious implications to the operations of the facility.


17.             With no additional resources the centre and the Trust will have to make some difficult decisions regarding its operations if it is to stay within existing budgets. Although a range of steps have already been taken, the Trust’s view is that it would need to review its current service levels in order to approve changes to keep within current budget levels.


18.      There can be no guarantee, even with an increased subsidy level, that the Trust will be able to fulfil its Business Plan. It is considered essential therefore that a monitoring process be put in place to recognise at the earliest opportunity any material variance to the current financial projections. 




Option (a)



            Executive Report Papers 19/11/02

            PMP Operational Review Report May 02

            West Wight Sports Centre Trust Business Plan


 Contact Point :          LEE MATTHEWS, Sport & Recreation Manager ( 823818

                                    [email protected]






Strategic Director

Education of Community Development



Portfolio Holder for Resources