Purpose: For Decision




Date:               12 MARCH 2003


Title                 SYLVAN AVENUE, EAST COWES




                                                                      IMPLEMENTATION DATE: 24 MARCH 2003





To consider the disposal of surplus land at Sylvan Avenue, East Cowes, on terms being recommended to the Council.




The land shown outlined bold on attached plan No. PR 040/6 extending to approximately 1.7 hectares was acquired by the Isle of Wight County Council in 1970 for £21,000 as a future primary school site at the time.  This situation has changed and  the preferred location for a new primary school within East Cowes is now at Beatrice Avenue adjacent to Osborne Middle School.  The land at Sylvan Avenue is now identified for development and has been allocated for housing in the Unitary Development Plan.


Earlier reports to the former Personnel and Sourcing Committee in 1997 and 1998 declared the site surplus to requirements and that development proposals should be brought forward.


Consulting Architects were commissioned to bring forward a suitable scheme for submission as an outline planning application and after exhaustive discussions and several designs the attached plan was submitted as an outline planning application.  The plan proposes 39 dwelling units based on a reasonable density with two access points and retains an area of 0.45 hectares as regenerated woodland/amenity area/open space.  Subject to the outcome of this application, the site would be offered for sale on the open market.  However, shortly after this application was submitted in October 2001 GKN Westland began to run down their operation on the adjoining lands. As a result the regeneration of much of the central area in and around East Cowes is now being proposed.  The South East England Development Agency (SEEDA) are developing these regeneration proposals with the Island's Economic Partnership under the heading "Project Cowes".  The Council's outline planning application has been put on hold until this matter is resolved.


The land at Sylvan Avenue will form part of Project Cowes.  To assist this project SEEDA prefer to directly manage change through land ownership and has applied to



purchase the land in question.  For this reason the transfer of land ownership is being recommended by your Officers.  SEEDA wish to progress this acquisition now and are able to complete this transfer during the current financial year.

In bringing forward this proposed transfer Members will note the extent of land to remain undeveloped under the original outline planning application (see plan attached). The resources for this allocation are as follows.


When commenting on the draft UDP the Inspector's report mentions a requirement for a children's play area or open space to be considered in this area.  The report discussed both the Council's land and the adjacent GKN site and that a requirement for open space should be incorporated if the two sites are to be developed as a whole.  SEEDA will be in discussions with GKN and it is understood that ownership of the Council's land will help enable these discussions.  The site being sold is therefore being valued on the basis of current planning policy which suggests that the Council's land is likely only to gain planning permission should the application include an open space allocation.  The scheme proposed is for 39 units with 20% allocation for affordable housing.  The proposal is to sell the whole site, including the regenerated woodland, to SEEDA so that it can be incorporated in Project Cowes and provide the Council with a substantial capital receipt.


An application to register part of the site as village green is due to be determined by the Regulatory Committee prior to this Executive meeting.  The outcome of that application will be reported verbally to the Executive.


The decisions for the Executive and for the Regulatory Committee are entirely distinct and fall to be determined on different criteria. 




The Council has two main aims with regard to this land.  Firstly, to support the regeneration of East Cowes and, secondly, to gain the best financial capital receipt possible.  The Corporate Plan aims to improve Island life through a number of actions, including the provision and availability of affordable housing.  The proposed development includes a 20% allocation for affordable housing and should the scheme be developed on a larger scale a similar allocation would be expected.  In addition, the plan looks to protect the Island's environment and this will be achieved through the allocation of part of the site as regenerated woodland.  The development will also provide an opportunity for employment in the area.


The Community Strategy looks to provide a long term vision for the Island.  Economic growth and the provision of jobs are vital.  The Project Cowes regeneration scheme will be looking at the best way in which this can be achieved and by disposing of this land to SEEDA more land can be released for the development of tourism, businesses and infrastructure as outlined in the plan.


The Capital Strategy indicates that a significant part of the Council's capital resources are formed through the sale of surplus assets.  The land at Sylvan Avenue does not have a foreseeable alternative use, therefore, the sale of this site to SEEDA at this time is being recommended.






The local Members of East Cowes have been consulted as well as the Portfolio Holder for Resources and this report reflects their views.  East Cowes Town Council have also been consulted and the current planning application was agreed with that Council.  The Council's Planning Officers have suggested that this site performs well against the criteria within PPG3 for housing development on brown field and green field sites.


In addition, SEEDA, Council Officers and the Isle of Wight Partnership have been involved with this process.


No adverse comments have been received.




Two independent valuers were commissioned to provide a freehold valuation of the site.  Consideration was given to Development Plans allocated use for the site and the subsequent Inspector's Report.  Both Valuers agreed the ,900,000 being recommended to the Council as a capital receipt which is the market value and therefore meets the requirement of best consideration under Section 123 of the Local Government Act 1972 (LGA 72).




The site is freehold and the sale is a straightforward disposal under LGA 72.




The Planning Department have been included throughout this process.  The Council's Development Control Manager has commented on this proposal as follows.


"The broad conclusion of the Urban Capacity Study is that the Island will require all the allocated green field sites to come forward for development before the end of the planned period (2011) in order to meet identified housing needs.  This will clearly be the background for decisions on any individual site but does not absolve the Council, as Local Planning Authority, of setting how each scheme complies with the objectives of PPG3.........  Paragraph 38 of PPG3 states that planning applications in the interim must be considered in light of its contents, and in particular paragraph 31 which sets out criteria for determining housing sites.  The site at Sylvan Avenue performs well against the criteria given its location within the urban fabric of East Cowes and it is close to the town centre, shops, schools and local business".




The critical success factors affecting this disposal are, firstly, SEEDA will bring inward investment and will advise on the regeneration of the area through Project Cowes.  Whilst the Council's available investment is limited, the Council will be working alongside SEEDA as a strategic partner and as such the transfer to this land helps to underpin that partnership.  The ability for SEEDA to bring substantial inward investment funds to improve this area will remain an on-going critical factor.  In addition the ability for SEEDA to secure its own capital receipts to lever funds will be essential.  As such the success of both these  factors will very much depend on an acceptable project plan for the area being put in place quickly and being delivered by all stakeholders.




!                    Consideration:  £900,000.

!                    Completion date:  Before the end of March 2003.

!                    Overage: A covenant will be included which will entitle the Council to 50% of the value of any additional development on the site beyond the allocated 39 dwellings.

!                    The site is to include an area of open space/regenerated woodland.

!                    Each party to bear their own costs.




1.         To declare the land surplus to requirements and approve the disposal of the whole site to SEEDA on the terms set out above.


2.         To offer the site for sale on the open market.





Option 1.





Personnel and Resourcing Committee, Paper C1, 12 August 1997.

Personnel and Resourcing Committee, Paper C5, 19 November 1998.


Contact Point:            Kevin Gillett, Estates Surveyor F 823265

[email protected]




Strategic Director

Corporate and Environment Services


R R Barry

Portfolio Holder

Resources Select Committee