Purpose : For Decision

                        REPORT TO THE EXECUTIVE


Date :              12 MARCH 2003









1.                  To evaluate representations to traffic regulation orders advertised in connection with the Newport Town Centre Traffic Management Scheme.




2.                  The Executive have previously considered the results of the extensive consultation over the proposals for the pedestrianisation of Newport’s High Street and at its meeting on 24th September last year approved a package of measures that would:


·        Improve the pedestrian environment in the High Street.

·        Provide safety improvements in Pyle Street

·        Provide significant safety improvements for pedestrians using Trafalgar Road by introducing a one-way traffic system.

·        Make the best use of council car parks by installing variable message signs.

·        Deflect unnecessary through traffic around Newport by the use of strategic signing.

·        Improve bus access by introducing a bus contra flow in South Street.

·        Increase traffic flows marginally in some streets.


3.                  In order to facilitate a number of these proposals, traffic regulation orders are necessary and these were duly advertised on 24th January with a closing date for representations by 14th February.


4.                  The effects of the traffic orders is as follows:


5.                  To introduce a bus lane that can be used by local buses on a registered local bus service, licensed and private hire vehicles when carrying passengers, and pedal cycles on the east side of St James’ Square / St James’ Street between High Street and South Street, and on the north side of South Street between St James’ Street and Furrlongs.


6.                  To introduce one way traffic flows in:


·        South Street in a westerly direction from Furrlongs to St James’ Street.

·        Trafalgar Road in an easterly direction from New Street to St John’s Place.

·        St John’s Place in a southerly direction from Trafalgar Road to Medina Avenue.

·        Medina Avenue in easterly direction between St Johns Place and Church Litten.

·        Scarrot’s Lane in an easterly direction between New Street and St James Street.


7.                  Introduce two additional bays in the taxi rank in South Street.


8.                  Prohibit vehicles from making right turn manoeuvres from:


·        Church Litten into South Street

·        High Street into St James’ Square

·        Prospect Road into South Street

·        South Street into Church Litten (For vehicles entitled to use the bus lane).


9.                  To introduce additional formal disabled bays in:


·        High Street, 3 spaces to the west of St James’ Street.

·        Holyrood Street, 1 space north of Lugley Street.

·        Orchard Street, 2 spaces north of Bowling Green Lane.


10.             Provide three shopmobility bays in:


·        High Street to the west of St James’ Street

·        High Street to the west of Holyrood Street

·        St James’ Street to the south of Chapel Street.


11.             Modify designated loading bays in High Street and Pyle Street.


12.             Introduce no waiting / no loading  at any time restrictions at strategic locations in High Street; Pyle Street; Quay Street; St James’ Square; St James Street; and South Street.


13.             Remove the pay and display parking in St James’ Square between Pyle Street and High Street.




14.             The Newport Town Centre Traffic Management scheme is an important project within the highways capital programme and contributes significantly to the aims, objectives and targets set out in the Council’s statutory Local Transport Plan in terms of promoting public transport; walking, cycling and social inclusion.





15.             The overall scheme under consideration takes account of extensive consultation over the potential pedestrianisation of Newport’s High Street, and has already been approved in principal by the Executive. However, a formal statutory consultation process has to be observed for the Traffic Regulation Orders that enable many of the elements of the scheme to progress.

16.             The formal representations to the Traffic Regulation Orders and the responses contained in them together with possible actions and remedies are set out in Appendix A to the report.




17.             The Newport Town Centre Traffic Management scheme is part of the current Highways Capital Budget with an allocation of £490,000.


18.             The overall scheme included other elements such as variable message and strategic signing that cannot be accommodated within the remaining budget and additional funding will have to be identified when a realistic budget estimate is available for these.




19.             The relevant powers are contained in the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, as amended.  The procedure for introducing Traffic Regulation Orders is set out in the Local Authorities Traffic Orders (Procedure) (England & Wales) Regulations 1996.


20.             Unwithdrawn objections to certain loading restrictions can only be resolved through a public enquiry process, however the Council do have powers under Section 9 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act to make Experimental traffic orders for up to 18 months that would allow the effects of the Orders to be introduced in the short term.


21.             In placing this paper before the Executive consideration has been given to the rights set out in Article 8 (right to respect for private and family life) and Article 1 of the First Protocol (right to peaceful enjoyment of possessions) of the European Convention on Human Rights.


22.             The impact this scheme might have on the owners/occupiers of other property in the area and other third parties has been carefully considered. Whilst it is not anticipated that there will be any interference with the rights of these people there nevertheless needs to be a balance between the Council’s aim to improve the economic well-being of Newport town centre and public safety within the town. Insofar as there is an interference with the rights of others it is considered necessary for the protection of the rights and freedoms of the community as a whole. It is also considered that such an action is proportionate to the legitimate aim and in the public interest.


23.             The Council has consulted with the Crime & Disorder facilitator and will be liaising on the detailed design of the scheme with regard to the reduction of crime through design.




24.             To approve the Orders as advertised.
25.             To approve the Orders subject to the amendments set out below.


26.             To make the Orders on an experimental basis for an initial period of not more 18 months.




27.             These changes represent the most significant alterations to traffic patterns in Newport since the opening of Medina Way over 25 years ago and there will be a settling in period after the works are completed whilst road users adjust to the new arrangements, there may well be a need for some fine tuning of the Orders and to give the Council the maximum flexibility to respond to these needs quickly, it is recommended that the Orders are introduced on an experimental basis for a period of not greater than 18 months.


28.             It is intended that ongoing monitoring will take place during that period to identify problem areas or potential improvements that will ensure the schemes success.


29.             This will allow the Council to modify the Orders without the need to carry out full consultation prior to introducing changes.


30.             The Police have indicated their support for the package of measures as a whole on the basis that if certain key elements were changed they would frustrate the project as a whole. Mindful of this, care has been taken in recommending changes that where possible address concerns raised during the consultation process without compromising the integrity of the overall project.





31.             That the Orders are introduced as advertised on an experimental basis for an initial period of not more than 18 months, subject to the following amendments.

32.             No action is taken to introduce a one-way traffic flow in Medina Avenue.

33.             That the existing one way traffic flow in Bignor Place is reversed, ie from Terrace Road towards Trafalgar Road.

34.             That the proposed one way in Scarrot’s Lane is reversed, ie from St James’ Street towards New Street.

35.             That both the one way traffic flow and bus contra flow lane for South Street extend to a point 25 metres east of Church Litten rather than the junction with Furrlongs.

36.             That a bus stop in South Street outside the bus station is retained and the taxi rank be retained at five spaces located from 56 metres east to 86 metres of St James’ Street.




37.             Letters of representation to ‘The Isle of Wight Council – Traffic Management Proposals for Newport Order 2003 ‘.



Contact Point: Peter Taylor, Engineering Services  823777.  [email protected]



Strategic Director for Corporate and Environment Services



Portfolio Holder for Transport






Traffic Regulation






Objection Addressed?

Designated Loading Bays


Are the loading bays sufficient for number of retail/business outlets in Newport? If loading bays are approved, use should be monitored (1 response).


The Council intend to conduct post scheme monitoring.   Any problems identified during monitoring will be addressed.


Moving of loading bay outside 48-49 High Street will result in additional distance to carry goods to/from business premises (1 response).


The existing loading bay is to be displaced by 6 metres eastwards in order to provide a pedestrian “build out”.  A closer loading bay is available in the northern section of  St James Square.



Loading bay outside 48-49 High Street will require large vehicles to maneuver close to pedestrian build out  (3 responses).


The adjacent build out is to be tapered to allow increased access and visibility. The length of the loading bay has also been extended from 12 metres to 14.5 metres to increase vehicle  maneuverability.



Suggest ‘redundant’ bus clearways adj 116 High Street be designated as loading bays (1 response)


It is proposed that this area be used to replace pay & display parking lost as part of the overall scheme.



Disabled Drivers Street Parking Places





Scarotts Lane One Way Traffic Order


Scarrots Lane is a well used cycle route and a one way would be against the interests of cyclists (7 responses ).


Scarrots Lane is already subject to a Prohibition of Driving Order covering all classes of vehicles  (introduced in November 1982).  Vehicles/cycles are only permitted to use the lane for access to premises on Scarrots Lane or to gain access to private off street parking.



Proposed one ways will add to existing traffic problems in Newport  (3 responses).

One way could increase traffic speeds  (13 responses )

The scheme includes traffic calming.



Proposed one way should be reversed to eliminate rat running  (3 responses )


No through traffic permitted.


One way could increase traffic – should be blocked one end to ensure used for access only (1 response).


Would create dangerous junction with St James Street & proposed contraflow (2 responses.)


Permitted traffic will be emerging uncontrolled into shuttle working. If one way is essential, direction of travel should be reversed.


Trafalgar Road/

St Johns Place/

Medina Avenue

One Way



142 signature support petition

One way should stop at junction St Johns Place to assist access to adj residential roads & Morey’s rear entrance (9 responses).


One way in Medina Avenue should not be introduced and end at St Johns Place.



Difficulty in accessing Moreys for customers, loss of business (5 responses)


Difficulty in accessing Jewsons for customers and deliveries, loss of business  (2 responses).


Concern over pedestrian safety  (5 responses).

The scheme is being introduced in order to widen pavements to promote pedestrian safety.



Increased traffic in Whitepit Lane/South Street/Pyle Street/Church Litten/Shide Road/New Street (18 responses).


Could only be addressed by reversing direction of flow in Trafalgar Road / St Johns Place.


Need cycle contraflow in westerly direction  (17 responses).

A cycle/pedestrian shared surface is being incorporated within the scheme.  This will allow cyclists to proceed westwards.



Cyclists and pedestrians should not share pavements (1 response)

The LTP seeks to promote cycling.  Restricting westwards access to cyclists would be detrimental to cyclists.


142 signature petition supporting Trafalgar Road one way from residents of Trafalgar Road (1 response).


Petition supports one way in Trafalgar Road.


Need to examine one way in Bignor Place (4 responses).


Reverse the one way in Bignor Place to improve access for residents to Bignor Place, Trafalgar Lane and Union Street.



Difficulty in accessing properties and rear entrances in Trafalgar Lane (7 responses).


Detrimental to business (Amber Electrical) (1 response).


Difficulty in accessing Carisbrooke / West Wight – (2 responses).

 Advanced signage will direct traffic around the town.



Difficulty in navigating town centre (2 responses).


One way should be reversed (3 responses).




Not necessary (1 response).




St James Square/

St James Street/

South Street Contraflow


Difficulty in the passing of two large vehicles at the junction of South Street and St James Street (8 responses).

The scheme includes a signal controlled bus gate at the junction of St James’ Street and South Street that would prevent two vehicles meeting at this junction.  No waiting/no loading restrictions have also been advertised at this location.



Concerns over pedestrian safety (6 responses).

A number of new pedestrian crossing points have been included in the scheme.  Existing South Street crossings will remain.



Delivery difficulties (1 response).

With taxis & cycles using bus lane, 24 hour loading restrictions essential. Nearest alternative loading bay in Pyle Street to the rear of BHS. Smaller delivery vehicles could access Scarrots Lane to deliver to MacDonalds / Dixons.



Pollution (1 response).

The Council’s Air Quality Assessment review has not identified a pollution problem.



What will happen if bus station is relocated? (3 responses).

Relocation/redevelopment of bus station would be subject to planning permission.



Concern over safety of buses entering/exiting bus station (3 responses).


Vehicles to stop or wait within the contraflow.


Unnecessary and disadvantages other road users (2 responses).




Contraflow  bus lane should stop at junction with Town Lane/Church Litten (4 responses).

By shortening bus lane and one way order to finish 25 metres east of Church Litten, two way access for all premises can be maintained.



Pleased to see contraflow but should also bear in mind cycling needs (2 responses).

Order allows cyclists to use the contraflow but prohibits certain right hand turns on road safety grounds.



Only add to traffic problems in Newport (3 responses).

Advanced signage will direct through traffic around the town.



Contraflow will remove parking (1 response).

100-space car park recently approved in Sea Street.  New parking created in High Street.



Bus lane outside Fire Station will severely restrict movement of fire appliances during non-emergency activities causing unacceptable time delays and avoidable travel through Newport town centre (1 response).


Bus Lane / one way in South Street to be shortened.


Congestion in South Street at peak times may cause delays to Fire attendance in town centre (1 response).


Additional congestion in South Street is not anticipated.


Bus priority signals at St James St/South Street creates an unacceptable safety risk to Fire Appliances and crews traveling in a westerly direction to town centre and would slow down attendance times (1 response).


Fire appliances can be fitted with ‘tags’ to give them priority.


Increase in congestion and delays may have a detrimental effect on ability of retained firefighters to attend Fire Station (1 response).

No evidence to support anticipated increase in congestion. First line response normally by full time crew with back up or cover provided by retained staff.



Prescribed Route Order





One Way Traffic Order (South Street)


The introduction of a new one way flow in the eastern section of South Street would increase town centre traffic and congestion (4 responses)


One way to be shortened to improve access, no evidence to support increased congestion.



Will restrict access to/from Prospect Road (1 response)



Prohibition of Right Hand Turn Order:





(a) Church Litten into South Street


Traffic will build up if unable to turn right from Church Litten (1 response).


Will use St Georges Approach / St Georges Way instead.


Cyclists should be able to make right hand turns into and out of the contraflow (2 responses)


Would conflict with pedestrians crossing South Street.


Will restrict access to Prospect Road (1 response)




Vehicles accessing premises should be able to make this maneuver (1 response)




(b) High Street into St James Street


Cyclists should be able to able to make a right hand turn from the High Street into St James Square  (17 responses).


Would conflict with pedestrians crossing St James’ Square.


(c) Prospect Road into South Street


Cyclists should be able to make right hand turns into and out of the contraflow (2 responses).


One Way and contra flow to be shortened.



Will restrict access to Prospect Road (1 response).

(d) South Street into Church Litten when traveling in the contraflow


Cyclists should be able to make right hand turns into and out of the contraflow (2 responses).

 Would conflict with pedestrian phases


Hackney Carriage Stand Order


Concern over taxis “u-turning” to/from the rank into the contraflow (2 responses).


Situation will be monitored to ensure taxis are not undertaking u-turn maneuvers. 


Bus stop outside bus station is used by “Wightbus” for the setting down and picking up passengers of the “Dialabus” service.  Passengers are mainly elderly people of limited mobility.  Stop is also the registered terminus of service 28 (due to commence shortly) and used for Private Hire journeys (1 response).


Retained use of this facility will require taxi rank to remain at five spaces only.







Loss of area used as a dropping off point for elderly persons and coach passengers (3 responses).

Five ranks are sufficient, area should be used as dropping off point (1 response).

Mobile catering vehicle has traded from this site for the last 6 years.  Proposal would result in loss of livelihood. (1 response).


Traffic Order

Various Streets Newport Isle of Wight Traffic Order


Business receives deliveries in area (St James Square/St James Street/South Street) (5 responses)


 24 hour loading restrictions essential for shuttle working. Nearest alternative loading bay in Pyle Street to the rear of BHS, or High Street. Smaller delivery vehicles could access Scarrots Lane to deliver to MacDonalds / Dixons.



Loss of customer loading/unloading facilities (St James Square/St James Street/South Street)  (9 responses).


What other provision of loading/unloading is there in the area? (2 responses)


Loss of parking (8 responses).

100-space car park recently approved in Sea Street.  New parking created in High Street.


Non TRO issues


A cycle contraflow is needed in Town Lane (5 responses).


Requires separate evaluation.



Need cycle phase in South Street/Church Litten traffic lights (6 responses).


Proposed barrier in Pyle Street pedestrian “build out” should have a gap and dropped kerb for cyclists (4 responses).


Barriers are for pedestrian safety, cyclists are no less vulnerable.


Objecting as do not understand proposals and haven’t seen plans (2 responses).




Hampshire Constabulary support orders as advertised.  However minded that the success of the scheme appears to rely upon all of the advertised orders.  Should any of the orders by rejected, entire issue should be re-examined (1 response).




Should review one way system and pavements around Nine Acres Primary School (2 responses).


Meeting has taken place with Head teacher of Nine Acres School to discuss access and pedestrian safety. Safe Routes to School project being prioritized



In Pyle Street, between junctions with St James Square and Town Lane, pavements are too narrow.  Should remove parking (except delivery bay) and  widen pavements (1 response).

Worthy of consideration as part of a later phase.


Request extension of consultation period (1 response).

Late comments have been considered as far as possible.



CycleWight would like to be consulted over design features (1 response).
