Isle of Wight Council


Adult Learning Plan




Executive Summary  



1.                  Introduction


From 1st April 2001 the funding for Adult Learning moved from the LEA to the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Learning + Skills Council. Funding was guaranteed until July 2003 at the previous level on submission of Adult Learning plans for the period 01/01/2001 – 31/07/2002 and 01/08/2002 – 31/07/2003 prior to the proposal to introduce formula funding from 2003/4. The Learning + Skills Council have decided not to move to formula funding in 2003/4 but to allocate funding at a similar level including an inflationary element.


2.                  Funding


The provisional allocation for the Isle of Wight LEA for 03/04 is:-


Main ACL Grant                                                        176,556

Family Learning                                                         31,214

Family Literacy                                                            50,064

Adult Ethnic Minority Achievement Grant                   2,893


Total                                                                            260,727


3.                  Format of Plan


The local LSC requested the Adult Learning Plan of 2003/4 should include the following details:-







4.                  Review of 01/02


The annual monitoring report for 01/02 submitted to the LSC details the individual targets set and actual numbers achieved from all contracted provision. With the exception of the Adult Education programme delivered by the Isle of Wight College all providers exceeded their target learner numbers. In total 2251 learners participated in 01/02 with an average retention of 91.7%.


New programmes were introduced which aimed to:-



The ALP 01/02 contracted with the following providers:-



An external evaluation was commissioned of all core and project programmes to evaluate achievement of overall aims, key objectives and targets and to analyse the impact of the programmes in:-



The evaluations also made recommendations for further development of the programmes.




5.                  Review of 02/03 Autumn Term


There are no changes to the contracted provision from 01/02 in the 02/03 Autumn Term. The following table details the learner numbers at the end of the Autumn Term.




Learning Provider

Type of Provision

Learner No’s

Autumn 2002

Target No’s 02/03


Isle of Wight College

    Adult Education


Isle of Wight College

   Learning Opportunities


East Cowes Family

    Learning Centre






Platform One



Isle of Wight Council

     Arts Units









Adult Education



Community Basic Skills



Family Learning &

   Family Literacy &



Widening participation &

   Social Inclusion


Widening participation &

   Social Inclusion


Widening participation &

   Social Inclusion




















































The community basic Skills programme is currently being developed and will commence in the Spring Term. In addition the Creative ICT programme will also commence in the Spring Term. The learner numbers on the WEA programme include learners on the Keeping Up With The Kids ICT programme that commence late in 01/02.




6.                  Proposed Programme 03/04


Subject to sufficient funding from the LSC it is proposed to continue with the current contracted provision as detailed below. The Adult Education target has been reduced on the 02/03 target and is based on a 3% growth on the 01/02 actual learner numbers.





Leaning                                  Type of                        Provision                         Target            Approximate

Provider                          Organisation                                              Learner No’s    Contract Value


IW College                  FE                            Adult Education                 1545                       50,000


IW College                  FE                      Community Basic  Skills            120                      10,000                                                                     

EC Family                     LEA                  Family Learning & Family      250                  149,000

Learning Centre                                     Literacy & Numeracy


WEA                          Voluntary              Widening Participation                90                    10,000 

                Organisation                      & Social Inclusion


Platform One        Non Profit Making     Widening Participation           120                    22,000

                                                                        & Social Inclusion


IW Council                  LA                       Widening Participation             100                       3,000

Arts Unit                                                         & Social Inclusion




The key priorities of the 03/04 ALP are:-


·        Widening participation.                                           

·        Social Inclusion.

·        Family Learning.

·        Quality Assurance.

·        Partnership Working.

·        Developing Links with Community Development Service.


The planned 03/04 programme supports the priorities of the Local Learning Partnership Business Plan objectives of:-


·        Basic Skills.

·        Achievement and Retention.

·        Quality.

·        Access to Learning.


And supports the Local LSC priorities of :-


·        Widening Participation.

·        Family Learning.

·        Basic Skills.

·        Capacity Building.







7.                  Business Plan 03/04


A Business Plan has been developed for the 03/04 programme with the Key outcomes as detailed below:-




8.                  Self Assessment Review 2003


A self assessment review has been completed which is to be submitted with the Adult Learning Plan to the LSC at the end of March. The review identifies the Key objectives and weaknesses of the LEA Adult & Community Learning Programme as detailed below and gives overall grades for Leadership and Management (3), Equality of Opportunity (3), Quality Assurance (3), Areas of Learning (3).



Key Strengths




Key Weaknesses





Other Improvements Needed




A Development Plan for 03/04 has been produced to work with ACL contracted providers to build on the strategies and address the weaknesses and other improvements needed.



9.                  Additional Funding Requirements


During the initial planning meetings with the LSC the need for additional funding was identifies for the following areas:-




10.             Extension of Programme


If additional LSC funding is made available, programmes can be developed which build on the ESF/LIF funded projects Carnival Island and Families Learning in Island Partnerships, extension of creative arts projects i.e.: ‘Telling Tales’ and developing new learning programmes with Isle of Wight Libraries utilising ‘Peoples Network’.



Prepared by:  Jo Treagus, Lifelong Learning Officer. 18/02/03





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