Purpose: For Decision


Committee:      EXECUTIVE


Date:                12 MARCH 2002











To approve an amended Parking Places Order for 2002 in the light of public consultation.




The Environment and Transport Select Committee considered a report on 21 January which outlined the results of a comprehensive Island-wide parking study undertaken by the Council’s consultants, Mott MacDonald, and proposed amendments to the Parking Places Order.  A summary of the proposed amendments is set out in appendix A to this report.


The proposed amendments were duly advertised, and the comments received during the consultation exercise were considered by the Select Committee on 27 February.  In the light of these, the Select Committee have made a number of recommendations for the Executive to consider.


Members should be aware that officers are actively investigating provision of out of centre locations for coach parking for the Island’s main towns.


The recommendations made by the Select Committee are:


1.      No action be taken to introduce on street parking with charges in Crocker Street, Newport; Upper St. James’ Street, Newport; High Street, Ryde; Union Street, Ryde; Regent Street, Shanklin; and High Street, Sandown.


2.      The potential for an experimental pilot scheme utilising pre-paid scratch cards for on street parking be investigated with the Chamber of Commerce and / or Business Associations for a town centre charging zone in Ryde, Sandown, Shanklin, and / or any other appropriate areas.


3.      That 12 month annual parking permits be reintroduced, and the cost of permits should be increased by only 20% this year.  Charges would be as follows:


1 month           -           £36

3 month           -           £72

6 month           -           £126

                     12 month            -           £240






            Tourist tickets


            Cars  14 day                -           £36

                        7 day               -           £22

                        4 day               -           £14

                        3 day               -           £11

                        2 day               -           £7



4.      That no action is taken to introduce charges in Appley Park, but the justification for retaining free car parks at certain locations as part of an Island-wide parking strategy be reviewed.


5.      That :

1.      The existing hours of charging and periods throughout the year for which they apply are retained.


2.      The revised charges are introduced as advertised subject to the retention of the charging band of  £4.00 for the 4-8 hour period for the parking places listed below:



Lane End, Bembridge


Culver Parade, Sandown


Esplanade, Ventnor


Canoe Lake Road, Ryde


Esplanade, Sandown


Eastern Esplanade, Ventnor


Esplanade, Ryde


Yaverland, Sandown


The Parade, Cowes


North Walk, Ryde


Esplanade, Shanklin


The Common, Yarmouth


6.      That the Executive consider the provision of additional public long term parking in Newport by allowing public use of all or part of the newly extended parking area in Sea Street, to the rear of County Hall.


7.      That the long stay section of Chapel Street, Newport car park be retained.


8.      That the merits of a charging band for up to 5 hours in short stay car parks be investigated.


9.      That the development of policies relating to residents’ parking schemes and zones be considered further by the Select Committee.


10.  That the charging policy in respect of the parking places at Browns / Dinosaur Museum, Sandown be reconsidered to avoid anomalies.


11.  That income from car parking is ring fenced and utilised for transportation purposes.




Estimates of the anticipated increase in revenue resulting from the proposed changes to the Parking Places Order were conservatively put at £200,000 in a full financial year, after additional expenditure. The recommended changes to the order will significantly reduce that estimated increase.







That the Parking Places Order is approved subject to the amendments recommended by the Select Committee.



Agenda and minutes of the  Environment  & Transport Select Committee held on 27 February 2002.


Contact Point:  Stephen Matthews, Head of Highways & Transportation  823702





Strategic Director of Corporate and Environment Services

E Fox

Portfolio Holder - Transport