Appendix E


Domestic Violence


Domestic Violence is the mental, physical, sexual, emotional and/or economical abuse of a person by her/his partner, ex-partner or other family member.  This includes threats of violence as well as physical abuse and the misuse of power and control.


Violence is always a crime, regardless of where, when or how it is committed and a quarter of all violent crime is domestic violence.  It is a crime that results in the murder of two women every week by their current or former partner. 


Domestic violence can happen to anyone but is usually perpetrated against women and their children by known men.  It is estimated that 2 out of every 5 children have witness or experienced domestic violence.







The statistics below illustrate the level of incidents of domestic violence on the Isle of Wight reported to the Police.






Total domestic violence incidents




% of arrests for violence




% of arrests prosecuted





In 1999 the Police had a zero tolerance policy for approximately two months.  Also the Magistrates received domestic violence awareness training.



Isle of Wight Council


The number of people accepted as homeless due to domestic violence by the Isle of Wight Housing Department is increasing year on year as indicated in the table below.












Isle of Wight Refuge


April 2000 to March 2001


Admissions – Women                                              42       

Admissions – Children                                             52


Unable to accommodate – Women                        64       

Unable to accommodate – Children                       87


Since May 1991

The Refuge has accommodated                                         403 women

                                                                        570 children


Since May 1991

The Refuge has been unable to accommodate*   448 women

                                                                                                700 children


Where accommodation is not provided, this is primarily due to either space or security and the Refuge provides assistance in finding alternative accommodation in all cases.


Examples of Good Practice on the Isle of Wight


Professional guidelines


The Domestic Violence Forum established professional inter-agency guidelines and launched them in November 2001. The guidelines covered items such as: -



Perpetrators and Survivors Courses


In April 2000 courses were instigated by the probation service, with multi-agency funding, for perpetrators of Domestic Violence. The perpetrator’s group, managed by the Stonham Housing Association, has a programme that consists of 30 sessions and the offenders are expected to complete the whole course and to attend 6 monthly relapse prevention sessions. The survivor’s are offered support from the voluntary Domestic Violence Support Worker within Victim Support.


Isle of Wight Objectives



·        To improve safety for abused women and their children

·        To support and develop services for women and children experiencing domestic violence and continue the Islands inter-agency co-operation with agreed methods and procedure for referral to and from agencies

·        To inform and educate the public about domestic violence

·        To increase the consultation and involvement of service users

·        To continue to support the perpetrators course








1.      Hold a development day by July 2002, for the Domestic Violence Forum to identify skills base, training needs and terms of reference.

2.      Review and evaluate the perpetrators course by September 2002.

3.      Provide domestic violence training to Magistrates by November 2002.

4.      Develop a signposting package for victims by December 2002.

5.      Carry out an audit of current educational programmes that link to domestic violence by Dec 2002.

6.      Identify new educational programmes to be developed over the subsequent 24 months by April 2003.

7.      Deliver two training sessions to raise awareness of domestic violence by October 2003..

8.      To develop an Island wide media campaign and raise awareness and encourage reporting of domestic violence and raise awareness of domestic violence and the available support for victims and their families.