Purpose : For Decision

                        REPORT TO THE EXECUTIVE


Date :              12 FEBRUARY 2003


Title :               CAPITAL PROGRAMME 2003/04








1.        The report presents the recommendations of the Directors Group in respect of capital expenditure bids and capital resources for the 2003/04 financial year.  The Executive are requested to consider such and approve a capital programme for the 2003/04 financial year.




2.    Government capital allocations (and associated borrowing approvals) for the year are detailed at Appendix A, and the corresponding figures for the current year are included for comparison purposes.


       The Receipts Taken Into Account (RTIA) reduction in credit approvals to give our Basic Credit Approval (borrowing power) has been abolished by Government with effect from the 2003/04 financial year.  This is consistent with the new Prudential Capital Regime which is planned for introduction in the 2004/05 year.  A full report on the development of the new Prudential Capital System will be presented to the Executive in the coming months. 


3.    The 2003/04 financial year is the second year of the Governments Single Capital Pot proposals for the capital programme.  Government Office for the South East have advised that the above allocations now constitute the Single Capital Pot (SCP), that they are not ring fenced, and that the Council has the discretion to use as it chooses.  However service plans as submitted to individual Government Departments such as Education, Housing and Transport mean that the Council is inhibited in the use of this discretion if it is to maintain current levels of Annual Capital Guidelines.


4.        The Performance Related allocation is funded by the national ‘top slicing’ of other allocations, with distribution to individual authorities based on Government assessment of their capital investment plans.  The £478,000 total allocation includes £100,000 as a reward for the Capital Strategy and Asset Management Plan submission.  This submission was approved by the Executive and submitted to Government Office (GOSE) in July 2002.  Both documents were assessed as good by GOSE and attracted the maximum reward of £50,000 each.




5.    The recommended capital programme has regard to the Councils Capital Strategy, which details how the Council plans and applies its capital resources.




6.    The overall capital programme provides for consultation with a wide range of parties and stakeholders, as detailed in the Council’s Capital Strategy and Asset Management Plan.




7.    Having regard to the abolition of RTIA (see 2 above), the Credit Approvals in respect of Resources and Environment are now fully available to fund any new capital expenditure outside of the main service allocation blocks of Education, Highways, Housing and Social Services.  In past years the allocation of resources to services outside of these main blocks has been dependent on the generation of capital receipts from surplus land and property.


8.    The current years approved capital programme was based on an ambitious programme of new useable capital receipts totalling £1.6 million. This programme has proved to be unattainable and a likely over commitment on available resources of £1 million was reported to the Executive in October 2002.  Directors have subsequently considered this position and advised the Executive that the over commitment can be managed by slippage in the current year’s programme.  It is therefore felt that this element of the programme be reduced back to £1 million for 2003/04, funded by the Performance and Environment capital allocations and supplemented by £300,000 of new useable capital receipts.  It is important to note that the extent of capitalised salaries in Legal and Property Services means £250,000 of capital receipts have to be realised to fund these salaries each year  before any become available for new capital investment.


9.    The proposals of the Capital Strategy Group and their recommendations for capital releases are contained at Appendix B.   The above bids have been analysed on the basis of the scoring mechanism as detailed in the Council’s approved capital strategy.  At this point no allowance has been made for any capital sums that may be required in respect of the transfer of leisure services to Trust status.


10.   The Education capital programme is assumed to be met through its Annual Capital Allocation.  Capital expenditure bids relating to Community Development projects have been included in the deliberations of the Directors Group having regard to corporate priorities and the likely level of £1 million of available resources as detailed in 8 above.


11.  The Head of Housing Services is currently inviting bids from local Housing Associations in respect of next years Housing Investment Programme.  A schedule of proposed new Housing Schemes will be brought to the Executive in due course.  Having regard to the additional capital investment in Housing in recent years, it is also recommended that further housing investment is considered later in the year when the likely level of capital receipts is reviewed.  The recommendations of the Directors Group provide for resources of £240,000 to meet this Council’s share of the estimated Disabled Facilities Grant Allocation of £360,000, giving a total programme of £600,000.


12.  Coast Protection schemes are approved on an individual basis by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Areas (DEFRA).  These schemes bring with them capital funding resources in the form of Supplementary Credit Approval (SCA) and Government Grant.  The 2003/04 financial year programme will include the major scheme at Castlehaven at a cost of £4 million.  This scheme has the approval of DEFRA and a further scheme at Seaview Duver has now been approved at a cost of £3.5 million.


13.  A proposed Highways programme is contained on the Executive Agenda for its 29th January meeting, and it is recommended that the total Highways programme be determined in accordance with its Annual Capital Guideline.


14.  Additional resources for Ventnor Harbour of £175,000 in 2003/04, have previously been approved by the Executive and are included in the total funding package for that scheme as detailed below. 


The total estimated cost of this project is £2.4 million and the anticipated funding package as previously reported to Members is as follows:



Single Regeneration Budget                 1,225,000

DEFRA Grant                                             250,000

Lottery                                                          300,000

Private Sector                                             200,000

Previously agreed capital receipts           250,000

Capital Bid                                                  175,000



The proposed funding from the private sector and lottery cannot be guaranteed at this stage of the project, but Funding is currently being led by the Coast Manager.  The Coastal Manager is to continue to seek funding to reduce the financial input required from Council capital resources.


15.  Bids totalling £7.9 million have been made by service managers against assumed available resources of £1 million.  A complete listing of all bids, set out by reference to their relevant Select Committee, is set out at Appendix C.   Select committees have not made recommendations in relation to Appendix C, the bids have been scored according to the approved capital strategy.


16.  Having regard to the amount of bids the Directors Group are of the view that the Council has insufficient capital resources for new capital development works and that resources should be concentrated on the way existing assets could be best utilised in the delivery of the Council’s objectives.


Should more capital resources become available during the course of the 2003/04 financial year then the Group’s recommendation would be that it be allocated to Housing in support of the Housing Investment Programme for the provision of further housing accommodation by Island Housing Associations.


17.  The continued use of operating leases for the acquisition of plant and equipment is recommended where it is economically viable and that there is sufficient cover in the revenue budget to finance the ongoing lease premiums and running costs.  In order that leases comply with criteria contained in the Capital Finance Regulations 1997, and to ensure that the Council benefits from economies of scale, all leases should continue to be made through the Council’s Finance Unit.




18.  There are no direct legal implications arising from the report.  The Council does however have a number of statutory obligations which may be affected by the level of capital investment in its services.  These can include for specific service obligations or for Health & Safety issues across a whole range of services.




19.         1.       To approve the recommended Capital Programme for 2003/04.


              2.       To amend the proposed programme having regard to other budget pressures and/or other capital bids that have been received.




20.  All capital investment carries risk, and available resources to finance such investment are increasingly limited.  Capital Bids  as contained in Appendix C have been evaluated on a scoring mechanism in order to prioritise against available resources.  This appraisal mechanism is described in the Council’s approved Capital Strategy and includes for Council policies, its Strategic Objectives, and its Resource and Service Planning implications.





21. 1   That the Education and Highways capital programmes be determined within their respective Annual Capital Guidelines.


2   That Officers proceed with a Housing Investment Programme consistent with the Housing Annual Capital Guideline and that further investment in Housing be considered in due course having regard to available resources.


3   That the Annual Capital Guideline of £105,000 relating to Social Services be used in   accordance with a programme to be determined by  the Strategic Director for Social Services and Housing.


4   That the bids contained at Appendix B be approved, in accordance with the recommendations of the Directors Group.


5   That Coast Protection Schemes proceed on the basis of DEFRA approval, funded by SCA and Government Grant.


6  That any further SCA received in respect of specific schemes be approved subject to release by the Directors Group.


7   That the acquisition of plant and equipment by operating lease be considered    where it is cost effective to do so and where sufficient revenue resources exist to fund the leasing premiums and any other associated costs.  Such leases to be made centrally through the Council’s Finance Unit.




22.  Government Annual Capital Guidelines.

       Capital Bid submissions.         




23.  The Capital programme represents the Council’s capital budget for investment in its services for the 2003/04 financial year.



Contact Point :           Gareth Hughes, Corporate Finance Manager (01983) 823604




Strategic Director

Finance and Information


Portfolio Holder for

for Resources






                                                                                              2003/4              2002/3                %

                                                                                                                                                                                                £000    £000    Change           

1          Annual Capital Guideline (ACG)                                      14,207              12,908            +10.1

           Receipts Taken Into Account (RTIA)                                       0                   754           -100.0

           Basic Credit Approval (BCA)                                          14,207              12,154            +16.9



           The breakdown of ACG between services is as follows:-


                                                                                              2003/4              2002/3                  %

                                                                                                 £000                 £000        Change

                        Education                                                          6,357                3,508            +81.2

                        Environment                                                         240                   284             -15.5

                        Highways                                                          5,495                6,782             -19.0

                        Housing                                                             1,532                1,781             -14.0

                        Social Services                                                     105                   120               -8.8

                        Performance related                                              478                   433            +10.4

                                                                                              14,207              12,908            +10.1



1          In 2002/03 an additional total of £1,819,000 was allocated to Education through Supplementary Credit Approval (SCA).  The total capital allocation for 2003/04 has been made in the form of ACG.

2.         The reduced Highways allocation arises from the 2002/03 year containing additional allocation relating to the Niton Undercliff situation.


3          The performance related total relates to Government’s overall assessment of our capital investment plans including a total reward of £100,000 relating to our good assessment for both Capital Strategy and Asset Management Plan submission.

4          RTIA is the amount of ACG that the Government assumes will be met from our capital receipts.  It has been calculated by reference to capital receipts in the past financial year, but has been abolished with effect from the 2003/04 financial year.

5          BCA represents the Council’s capital basic borrowing approval for the year











1.  Major Repairs to Jellicoe and Wrafton House, Ryde.  These properties are used for homeless temporary accommodation.  They  have serious damp/disrepair problems and a number of rooms which cannot currently be used.


2.  Council resources required to match the Government allocation in respect of Disabled Facilities Grants.  Government Grant is paid at the rate of 60% of expenditure incurred.









To be prioritised over the following areas:

- Management of Abestos  in Council buildings

- Disability Discrimination Act

- Upgrade of  hot and cold water supplies in Council buildings

- Planned maintenance of buildings








This contribution has already been approved by the Executive.





1.  Conversion of the lst floor of the Guildhall at Newport into public spaces for an Art Gallery, Exhibition Gallery and Educational use.  Total works are estimated at £300,000, ninety per cent of which would be funded from external grants.


2.  Refurbishment of the Fairway Running Track, Sandown.  The track is now 10 years old and has developed into a nationally recognised centre of development.  The works include essential works to the track surface and have Health and Safety implications.  Sport England have pledged a grant of up to £80,000 based on 75% of expenditure incurred.  With the capital bid a total of almost £110,000 would be available for identified works.










1.  A detailed programme of works totalling £1.2 million has been produced in respect of Parks, Gardens, Recreation Grounds and Seashore areas.  An allocation of £100,000 per annum is recommended in order to commence priority areas.


2.  A three year programme of £50,000 per annum on Cemeteries is recommended to include for risk assessment, urgent remedial works in respect of Health and Safety.








Capital bids totalling £1.7 million have been received, including for major development work at the Heights, Browns and Ryde Harbour.  The allocation of £40,000 is to enable urgent works in respect of Health and Safety to be undertaken.





