CAPITAL BIDS FOR 2003/2004 (with effect in future years)    
Scheme 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0  
  £000s £000s £000s £000s  
Environmental Services    
Beach Management - Health & Safety    
Beach Access - Replacement Beach Litter Bins 10.0 - - -  
                        - Replacement of Beach Steps   10.0 - - -  
Beach Safety - Construction of Proper Lifeguard Facilities (Sandown / Shanklin) 70.0 - - -  
Replacement of Information Cabinets 15.0 - - -  
Replacement of Life Belts 15.0 - - -  
Replacement of Flag Poles 10.0 - - -  
Provision of Marker Buoys for Island Pleasure Craft Bylaw 32.0 - - -  
Sub - Total 162.0 0.0 0.0 0.0  
Beach Management & Seafront - Other    
Freshwater Dinghy Park - Surface Area to Improve Vehicular Access & Landscape 5.7 - - -  
Islandwide - Replacement Programme for Shelters 60.0 - - -  
Seafront Revetments - Replace Worn Out Gates & Railings to Steps & Slipways 15.0 - - -  
Seafront Railings - Replace Badly Corroded Sections at Totland / Sandown 30.0 - - -  
Flag Poles - Provision of New Flag Poles 10.0 - - -  
Sub - Total 120.7 0.0 0.0 0.0  
Environmental & Transport Select Committee (Excl. Roads) 282.7 0.0 0.0 0.0