Present : 


Mrs S A Smart (Chairman), Mr R R Barry, Mr J A Bowker, Mr E Fox, Mr P G Harris, Mrs M A Jarman, Mrs B Lawson, Mrs J White


Apologies : 


Mr H Rees

Also present non-voting :


Mr B E Abraham, Mr A C Bartlett, Mr B C Buckle, Mr J H Fleming, Mr C R Hancock, Mr J F Howe, Miss H L Humby, Mr A J Mundy, Mr R A Sutton, Mr A A Taylor



133.    MINUTES


           RESOLVED :


THAT the Minutes of the meeting of the Executive held on 29 January 2002 be confirmed.




           There were no declarations received at this stage. 




Questions were put to the Chairman as follows :


Mr Rolf asked a question in relation to Prestwood Farm (PQ05/02)


Mr Key asked a question in relation to Prestwood Farm (PQ06/02)


Copies of the questions and replies given are contained in the Public Question Register.




           (a)       Prestwood Grange Farm Compulsory Purchase Order


At its meeting on 25 September 2001 the Executive resolved to proceed with the compulsory acquisition of the dairy complex, and that a further report should be brought back with a view to passing a formal resolution. Members were updated as to the progress of negotiations with the landowner and his representatives. Part compensation had been paid to the local residents and estimates had been put forward regarding the cost of bringing the milk operation on the farm to an end.


The District Valuer and the Property Services Manager had agreed that the sum of £400,000 would be the appropriate starting point for discussions. However the landowners agents had put forward arguments for a claim of £550,000 which the Property Services Manager and the District Valuer believed could not be substantiated as it mixed past investment in the property with a claim for a loss of income from that past investment. A compromise could not be agreed and therefore the Executive was advised to proceed with the use of its statutory powers to acquire part of the property.

Members were reminded that the only way to achieve a cessation of the dairy use of the premises in the interests of the proper planning of the area, was by a CPO. The area proposed for acquisition was limited to the dairy production unit sufficient to stop the dairy use, which had been source of the complaints from local residents and had been the subject of the planning permission in 1995 and of the Ombudsman’s report.


Members also gave consideration as to whether the part of the farm which remained was sufficient to run as a viable agricultural unit. The opinion of the District Valuer was that it would be operationally viable for a youngstock breeding unit. Advice was given regarding the relevant legislation and procedure that would be followed together with options open to the landowner if he considered that the CPO made the remainder of the farm non-viable. Further advice was received relating to the Council’s powers to make such an order. Members were keen to express that in proceeding with the CPO it would not close the door to further negotiations with the landowner and his agent.




                      (i)        THAT the land shown coloured pink on plan no. RYD 2730 namely the dairy production unit comprising of the milking parlour, covered yard, loose housing, sileage bays, slurry store, associated buildings and land and the access thereto (“the land”) be compulsorily purchased in order to terminate the dairy use in the interests of the proper planning of the area


                      (ii)       THAT the area of the land to be compulsorily purchased was sufficient for this purpose that the remainder of the land left a viable agricultural unit


                      (iii)       THAT an application for planning permission for any future use only be made when the land was in Council ownership


                      (iv)      THAT a compulsory purchase order be made in respect of the land under s.226(1)(b) Town and Country Planning Act 1990 and the Acquisition of Land Act 1981.


           (b)       Disposal of Surplus Properties (Land At Dodnor Lane Newport, Park Lodge Ventnor, 2 Grove Road Sandown)


Consideration was given to declare land surplus to Council requirements and for these properties to be sold by auction. The Council was continuing with it’s review of its assets which aimed to consolidate the Council’s asset base to a size and use which accorded with the Council’s objectives and service requirements. Properties that were declared surplus were then sold to help generate capital receipts and support the Capital Programme and to help reduce unnecessary liabilities in terms of building repairs and insurance etc. The Council has already declared as surplus Mountjoy Cemetery Lodge, 17 Whitcombe Road, Newport and 39 Osborne Road, East Cowes. Each of the Island’s Housing Associations had been invited to bid for 39 Osborne Road, East Cowes in accordance with the Executive resolution dated 30 October 2001, but no bids had been forthcoming. Members were advised that the loss of income from the disposal of the properties would be from the reduced rents on the dwellings and the potential grazing rent on the land at Dodnor. The dwellings had been used as temporary staff accommodation and therefore rent income was limited.


The land at Park Lodge, Ventnor and Mountjoy Cemetery Lodge, Whitcombe Road, Newport were subject to the Open Spaces Act which required the properties to be advertised. Objections received were reported and considered by the Executive.




                      (i)        THAT the approximate 0.91 acres of land at Dodnor Lane, Newport, 2 Grove Road, Sandown and Park Lodge, Ventnor be declared surplus to Council requirements.


                      (ii)       THAT the approximate 0.91 acres of land at Dodnor Lane, Newport, 2 Grove Road, Sandown, Park Lodge, Ventnor, Mountjoy Cemetery Lodge, 17 Whitcombe Road, Newport and 39 Osborne Road, East Cowes be offered for sale by public auction with the Portfolio Holder for Resources agreeing the auction reserve price for each property in consultation with the Property Services Manager and the local agent.




Consideration was given to the appointment of Members to the Yarmouth (Isle of Wight) Harbour Commissioners Elected Councillors’ Advisory Committee (ECAC) and to the Southern Group Valuation Tribunals - Isle of Wight Appointments Panel. In respect to the first, the appointment fell to the Executive for consideration. Nominations had been sought from all members of the Council and two nominations for one vacancy were received, Councillor Bernard Buckle and Councillor Mrs Barbara Foster. In relation to the second, as no nominations had been received, the matter was submitted to the Resources Select Committee for consideration. Their recommendation was for Councillor Roger Mazillius to be appointed as the Council’s representative.




           (i)        THAT Councillor Mrs Barbara Foster be appointed to the Yarmouth (Isle of Wight) Harbour Commissioners Elected Councillors’ Advisory Committee


           (ii)       THAT Councillor Roger Mazillius be appointed as the Councils representative on Southern Group Valuation Tribunals - Isle of Wight Appointments Panel.




           (a)       Education Development Plan


Consideration was given to the final draft of the Education Development Plan 2002-2007. There was a statutory duty to produce and implement the plan which would be was central to the Local Educations Authority’s role to working in partnership with schools to improve school performance and raise standards for all pupils. The plan had been prepared in consultation with schools and a range of interested parties prior to the Education, Community Development and Lifelong Learning Select Committee giving its support. The Portfolio Holder indicated that the view from the Select Committee was that they would have liked to scrutinise the Plan in more detail than time had allowed.




THAT the Education Development Plan (2002 - 2007) be approved for adoption by the Council.


           (b)       The Early Years Development and Childcare Plan 2002/2004


                       The Portfolio Holder for Education and Life Long Learning presented the final draft of the Early Years Development and Childcare Plan 2002/2004 that the LEA was required to submit it to the DfES by 1 March 2002. The plan had been prepared following detailed discussions and consultation with the Early Years Development and Childcare Partnership.




THAT the Early Years Development and Childcare Plan be adopted by the Council.




Members received a presentation on the effects of climate change and more specifically how this change would effect the Island. An update was given as to the efforts to secure European and other funding to assist in undertaking necessary studies and investigation as well as support from DEFRA in terms of coastal protection grant aid.


Members were advised that the Council had, for approximately 18 months, been working with other organisations as part of an informal ‘climate change partnership’ for the south-east of England. The South-East Climate Change Partnership was established to help develop an understanding of how climate change could impact on all sectors of society in the south east.

This informal organisation which had now expanded its existing membership and to employ a secretariat to continue work, SECCP would be financed through membership subscriptions (the Island’s contribution was £1,000). Members understood the importance of the work to the Island and believed that continued membership would ensure that the Island would receive maximum benefit.


Details were given on the submission of a bid for DEFRA coast protection grant aid to cover monitoring for a five year period including aerial photography, beach profiles, and studies of wave climate will, if approved, would be worth approximately £130,000 a year to the Isle of Wight. This would provide the information needed to assist long-term strategic planning and management.


Members considered the aims and objectives of the Nottingham Protocol, in particular the commitment to prepare a plan together with the local community to try and address the causes and impacts of climate change.


An increase in the coastal defence maintenance budget of 20% per annum for the next five years would ensure that coastal defences could be adequately maintained for the foreseeable future. This process would ensure that by 2008 the maintenance budget will have been doubled in real terms; this would provide a more realistic sum for maintenance of coastal defences.




           (i)        THAT the initiatives highlighted in the report aimed at attracting inward investment to assist the delivery of effective coastal management be welcomed.


           (ii)       THAT the Council join the South-East of England Climate Change Partnership as a full member at a cost of £1,000 per annum and the cost of membership to be funded from the coastal management budget be approved.


           (iii)       THAT the aims and objectives of the Nottingham Protocol be supported and a report on climate change issues be submitted to the Environment and Transport Select Committee to set out in detail how the objectives of the Protocol could be achieved with the aim of an appropriate ‘summary plan’ being prepared by December 2002.


           (iv)      THAT proposals be made in due course through the budget process for a staged increase in the coast protection maintenance budget of 20% per annum for the next five years with a view to its commencement from April 2003.




Consideration was given to the alternative options for delivery of the programme of evening entertainments which were staged to support the shore based activities for the Cowes Week Sailing Regatta. A further report had been recently been debated at the Economic Development, Planning, Tourism and Leisure Services Select Committee. Details were given of the proposed programme which had been developed that incorporated the most popular ticketed events. The Executive were informed that due to the requirements of health and safety, licensing and environment health, increased infrastructure costs of approximately £7,500 had resulted. Members were advised there was limited opportunity for savings and a shortfall still remained. This excluded any sponsorship deals that may be signed prior to the event.




           (i)        THAT the Northwood House Marquee entertainments programme, as revised in Appendix 1 attached to the report remain and that additional sales and sponsorship be generated to cover additional costs of meeting increased licensing and health and safety conditions of £7,500.


           (ii)       THAT should the Northwood House Marquee event attract additional admissions or unbudgeted sponsorship, then the budget be reduced accordingly.




Questions were put to the Chairman as follows :


Miss Humby asked a question in relation to the Queens Golden Jubilee (MQ07/02).


Mr Buckle asked a question in relation to the refurbishment of Northwood House, Cowes. (MQ08/02).


Copies of the questions and replies given are contained in the Members' Question Register.