Isle of Wight Council Forward Plan – January 2005 to April 2005


The Forward Plan is a list of all matters that are due to be considered by the Executive over the next four months.  This will be updated each month.


Nature and Short Description of Decision to be Taken

Decision Maker

Consultees and when Consultation is to Take Place

Consultation Method

Background papers and Relevant Documents

Electoral Division

Lead Officer

Portfolio Holder

Relevant Select Committee

Reason for change from last Forward Plan

Anticipated Date of Decision

Wednesday, 12 January 2005








Improving the utilization of the Westridge Centre including the development of a health and fitness facility


Accommodation Task Group, Directors, County Hall Departments

Meetings and Correspondence

Executive Report -  28 July 2004
Personnel and Resources Committee - 21 October 1999


John Metcalfe


Mr R  Barry, Mr J H Fleming

Resources and Economic Development, Planning, Tourism and Leisure Services

Slipped from 1 December for further consultation

Revenue Support Grant Settlement and Budget 2005-06


Citizens’ Panel

Correspondence and Meetings

Revenue Support Grant 2005-06 ODPM consultation documents



Paul Wilkinson 823650

Mr R Barry


Slipped from 15 December due to awaiting settlement from Government

District Audit Annual Management Letter


Internal only




Mike Fisher 823102

Mrs S Smart Leader of the Council


New Entry





Anticipated Date of Decision

Wednesday, 26 January 2005








Implications of the Traffic Management Act 2004 - To approve the appointment of a Traffic Manager and appropriate funding




Traffic Management Act 2004


Peter Taylor 823763

 Mr E Fox Transport

Environment and Transport

Slipped from 1 December for further consultation

To consider the potential for a special purpose vehicle for Cowes Waterfront to secure long term investment funding and  a gateway review of options


To be advised

To be advised

To be advised


Derek Rowell 823146, John Metcalfe 823825

Mr R Barry

Mr H Rees

Economic Development, UK and EU, Regional Issues



Economic Development, Planning, Tourism and Leisure Services


Slipped from 17 November 2004 - awaiting information

To consider the Public Health Strategy


Health Agency

Meetings and Correspondence

Draft Strategy


Paul Bingham 535409

Mr G S Kendall, Adult and Community Services

Adult and Community Services

Slipped from the 1 December for further consultation

Anticipated Date of Decision

Wednesday, 26 January 2005 (Continued)








National Joint Council for Local Authority Fire & Rescue Services, Conditions of Service 6th Ed , Hours of Duty; Retained Duty System - Implementation


FBU, FRU, Support Staff, Fire Service Staff working retained duties system

Meetings and Correspondence

to be advised


Richard Hards 823199

Mr D Knowles
Fire and Consumer Protection

Fire and Public Safety

Slipped from 12 January for further consultation with Trade Unions

Approval of Supporting People Strategy

Portfolio Holder

Inclusive Forum, Supporting People Providers, Registered Social Landlords

Meetings and Correspondence

ODPM Guidelines


Yvonne May 550477

Mr G S Kendall, Adult and Community Services

Adult and Community Services

Slipped from 17 November to allow for further consultation

To agree a CPO for land at Fishbourne Quay


Members, Public

Meetings and Correspondence

SPG Fish Bourne

Mr E Fox

Tony Flower 823263

Mr R Barry, Mrs T M Butchers

Economic Development, Planning, Tourism and Leisure Services

Slipped from 15 December due to on-going negotiation

Anticipated Date of Decision

Wednesday, 26 January 2005 (Continued)








Newport Pan Urban Extension Delivery Plan


Public, Members, Officers and Stakeholders

Meetings and Correspondence

Supplementary Planning Guidance

Mr A Coburn

Derek Rowell 823146

Mr R Barry


Slipped from 1 December for further consultation

Workplace Travel Plan - To agree the programme for implementing charges for member and staff parking




Report to Executive - 21 April 2004
Unison's objections dated 1 April 2004
Unison's response dated April 2004


Steve Matthews  823788

Mr E Fox

Environment and Transport

Slipped from 15 December for further consultation

Proposed Doctors Surgery, the Heights, Sandown


Parish Councils, Officers, PCT, Stakeholders

Meetings and Correspondence


Lake North
Mrs D Gardiner

Tony Flower 823263

Mr R Barry


Slipped from 15 December to allow for further consultation

Implementation of the Sandown Bay Regeneration Strategy


User Group, local community and Town and Parish Council

Meetings, dialogue and discussion groups

Sandown Bay Regeneration Plan

All Sandown, Lake and Shanklin

Derek Rowell 823146

Mr J F Fleming, Mr H Rees

Economic Development, Planning, Tourism and Leisure Services

Slipped from 15 December for further investigation and consultation with Members


Anticipated Date of Decision

Wednesday, 26 January 2005 (Continued)








Cowes Waterfront Newport Delivery Plan


Local Members, Officers and Members of the Public

Meetings and Correspondence through the SPG

Supplementary Planning Guidance

Newport North
Mr J A M D Whittaker

Derek Rowell 823146

Mrs T M Butchers, Mr H Rees

Economic Development, Planning, Tourism and Leisure Services

Slipped from 1 December for further consultation




Anticipated Date of Decision

Not before 1 February 2005








Tourism Brown Signs Review

Portfolio Holder

Chamber of Commerce Tourism and Industry, Visitor Attractions Association, AONB Officer general tourism industry representatives








Meeting and written feedback

Brown Sign Policy 2001 Revision, Brown Signs Audit Summary, Brown Signs Application Process


Nigel Smith 823871

Mr J Fleming and Mr E Fox

Environment &Transport and Economic Development, Planning, Tourism & Leisure Services

New Entry

Anticipated Date of Decision

Wednesday, 23 February 2005








Adult and Community Learning Plan

Executive and then Council

Learning and Skills Council, Adult & Com. Learning Provider Group, Learning Partnership, Basic Skills Network, Family Learning & Hub Support, Adult & Com. Learning Providers

Meetings and Workshops

Adult Learning Plan 2004/6, Circulars and Guidance


Jo Treagus 823823

Mr G Kendall
Adult and Community Services

Adult and Community Services


To consider a multi-storey car park at St Mary's Road Car Park, Cowes


Cowes Town Council, Cowes Business Association, Members, Public

Public Consultation and Exhibition, Meetings and Correspondence

Portfolio Holders previous delegated decision taken 10/4/03 (ref 13/03)


Tony Flower 823263

Mr R Barry and Mr E Fox

Environment and Transport

Slipped from 15 December for further discussions and viability

Quarterly Performance Management Update


Directors Group, Heads of Service,  Portfolio Holders

Meetings and Correspondence

Performance Indicators, Action Plans, Best Value Statistics


Heidi Marshall


Mr P Harris Deputy Leader


New Entry

Anticipated Date of Decision

Wednesday, 23 February 2005 (Continued)








Statement of Intent




PricewaterhouseCooper report, previous Statement of Intent


David Crawley


Mrs S Smart Leader of the Council

Mrs J Wareham, Children’s Services

Adult and Community Services

New Entry

To consider and agree the management and financial structure for the Isle of Wight Low Carbon Company


Internal / SEEDA / Carbon Trust

Meetings and Correspondence

Isle of Wight Low Carbon Company Business Strategy Proposal - whitbybird / elementenergy (2004.


Jim Fawcett 823204

Mrs T M Butchers Sustainable Development Environment and Planning Policy

Environment and Transport

Slipped from 9 February

Anticipated Date of Decision

Wednesday, 9 March 2005








To approved the revised Communications and PR Strategy


Internal, IDeA

Meetings and Correspondence

Current Strategy


John Bentley 823346

Mr R Barry


Slipped from 12 January for further consultation

Anticipated Date of Decision

Wednesday, 16 March 2005








To approve, reject or amend proposed changes - dog prohibited beach byelaw and to revoke existing byelaw


Parish/Town Council, Local Members, Hampshire Constabulary, General Public

Letter/email, Notices at locations

Results of consultationexisting and proposed new byelaws

Shanklin South, Sandown North and Freshwater Afton

Duncan MacDonald 823174

Mr D Knowles
Fire and Consumer Protection

Fire and Public Safety


Proposal for a designation order prohibiting the drinking of alcohol in and around Church Litten


Businesses, General Public, Taxi Trade

Public Meeting and Correspondence


Newport South
Mr M Cunningham

Rob Owen 823388

Mr D Knowles
Fire and Consumer Protection

Fire and Public Safety

New Entry

Anticipated Date of Decision

Wednesday, 23 March 2005








Planning Best Value Inspection Report - Priority Improvement Area Update


Internal, Stakeholders

Meetings and Correspondence

Best Value Inspection Report, Priority Improvement Area Framework


Heidi Marshall 823250

Mr P Harris
Deputy Leader

Economic Development, Planning, Tourism and Leisure Services

Slipped from 1 December 2004 following consultation with Inspectors

Anticipated Date of Decision

Wednesday, 23 March 2005 (Continued)








Education Provision and the 14 - 19 Review Process - To consider results of formal consultation



Meetings and Correspondence

To be advised


Kim Johnson 823410

Mrs J Wareham
Children’s Services

Children's Services

New Entry



Anticipated date of the decision

Nature and Short Description of Decision to be Taken

Electoral Division

Lead Officer

Portfolio Holder

Relevant Select Committee

Reason for Deletion from Forward Plan

Wednesday, 1 December 2004

To consider the Annual Report on Complaints


Tony Geeson 823291

Mr P Harris
Deputy Leader


To develop with the Portfolio Holder the reporting format.

Wednesday, 1 December 2004

To approve the recommendations of Community Leisure Services Project Board for Westridge Health and Fitness Facility


John Metcalfe


Mr J H Fleming Tourism and Leisure

Economic Development, Planning, Tourism and Leisure Services

Both these reports now form part of the report entitled “Improving the utilization of the Westridge Centre including the development of a health and fitness facility” this report is scheduled to be considered by the Executive on 12 January 2005.

Wednesday, 1 December 2004

Co-location of Community Development and Leisure Services Unit with Tourism Services at Westridge


John Metcalfe


Mr J H Fleming Tourism and Leisure

Economic Development, Planning, Tourism and Leisure Services

Items removed from the last published version of the Forward Plan and reasons for removal