Appendix 5

Recent Activities








16 October 2003

Structural Funds Seminar

(Dynamo Regions)


Opportunity to hear from The European Commission (EC) their early thoughts on SF post 2006 and comment on these.

Inaugural event for “Dynamo Regions” – particularly well received by Commission as this was the first time they had spoken to “prosperous regions” regarding their requirements for ongoing support

12 November 2003

IoW meeting With Graham Meadows (DG Regio)

IoW Council – set up by our Brussels Office

Opportunity to speak with senior officials regarding the IoW’ specific requirements and to ascertain potential +ve and –ve.  It was made clear that under the current NUTS regulations it would be illegal to change the IoW status and therefore the option of a Petition to the European Parliament regarding this was abandoned.

February 2004

Third Report on Economic and Social Cohesion (3CR) released

European Commission

Key document outlining regional policy and funding for the period 2007 – 2013

9 March 2004

Dynamo Regions – follow on event ref 3 Cohesion Report


Opportunity to obtain further information / discuss the implications of the 3CR with senior EC officials

19 March 204

Conference – Cohesion Policy for a new era


Attendance gave a key opportunity to hear from senior officials from the EC, representatives from the UK Government and regional organisations and to feed back comments

24 March 2004

Brussels Office Partners Event


Opportunity to gain reaction from key UK Government and regional officers to 3CR, consider the implications for the region and to develop a South East Position for lobbying

30 April 2004

Rural Development Conference


Opportunity to hear from DG Agri and DG Regio initial thoughts on how rural development funding may operate post 2006 in advance of the relevant proposals due out in July and to comment.  First time DG Agri has consulted with local and regional representation – in the past this has been done at Member State level.  Also first time the 2 directorates have shown a positive intent to work together.

6-8 May 2004

Annual General Assembly

Islands Commission of CPMR

Key annual conference for the IoW – Islands Commission is main lobbying body for “island issues”.  Current priorities are influencing the EU Constitutional Treaty, 3CR, Rural Development and State Aid regulations to the advantage (or at least not to the detriment) of islands.

10-11 May

Cohesion Forum

EU Commission

Portfolio Holder attended on behalf of SEERA

17 May 2004

UK Members meeting of CPMR


Annual meeting to establish a UK position on key topics ahead of the general assembly later in the year.

June 2004

Regional Aid 2007-2013

UK Government consultation on EC proposals on regional state aid.

EC / UK Government

Opportunity to input to the development of State Aid regulations to be applied post 2006

Future Activity





July 2004

Regulations relating to 3CR due out


Key document for post 2006 arrangements

July 2004

EC proposals for Rural Development funding due out


Key document for post 2006 arrangements

6 Sept 2004

Deadline for response to Sate Aid Consultation


Opportunity for IoW to feed into the consultation process.

22-25 Sept 2004

32nd CPMR General Assembly


Further networking and lobbying regarding the proposed reforms.

28-30 Sept 2004

Dynamo Region / CoR “Structural Funds open Days”


Rare opportunity to develop close working links with key EU institutions (CoR, EC)