High Priority Bids



The following bids were considered as high priority but unable to be met from assumed resources.



Cost  £

1. Housing – Station Avenue Brading



2. Housing – Riboleau Street Ryde



3. Housing – Leased Properties




4. Newport Harbour Walls



5. Path Surfacing – Ventnor Botanic Garden






1.      Grant assistance to South Wight Housing Association for a development of affordable homes at the Railway yard, Station Avenue, Brading.


2.   Grant assistance to Medina Housing Association for an affordable housing development at Riboleau Street, Ryde.


3.   Scheme to help owners bring empty property back into use, to provide temporary accommodation for homeless families.


4.   The walls are in a very poor condition, and investment is required to prevent serious deterioration.


5.   The path surfaces at Ventnor Botanic Garden, which could propose a health and safety risk to visitors. (250,000 annually).


6.   In addition to the above a substantial capital bid relates to the building of a new County Records Office.

      Preliminary forecasts indicate a likely cost in the region of 4 or 5 million pounds. Financial assistance of up to two thirds of expenditure may be grant aided by the Heritage and Lottery Fund.